2009 Most Deadliest Cities thus far

Originally Posted by NuJerzLoyalty

Not surprising that New Orleans is #1. And unlike the the other 24 cities on this list, they didn't have a paid police force after Katrina. (Actually I don't know if they had much of a police force before Katrina. In terms of bribes, under-the-table deals, police brutality, and overall being a notoriously corrupted police department which makes the NYPD, LAPD, HPD, etc: look like choir boys.)

After Katrina, there was no more NOPD. Hell, some of them were looting the stores themselves in the aftermath of the hurricane. Once things got setteled and residents came back to the city after being relocated around the country, the Army's Military Police took over until the city could get it's manpower up in terms of recruting more police officers. To make a long story short, its sad to see that even the Army couldn't stop the N.O. from obtaining the #1 position as the most deadlist city.

Yeah and the Military Police/National left a lil while ago. The Superintendent was like "I think we're ready to handle things" Yeahhhh right.
Originally Posted by VegasOner

Where Brooklyn At?...


*%%+ brooklyn, yall soft as suede
damn man...being born and raised in New Orleans, this doesnt surprise me....

it's like we're used to all the drama down here
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