2009 NFC North Trash Talk Thread...(Time to apologize for talkin crazy Bears fans/S4L3)

Originally Posted by mogzz04

Tough way to lose for the Pack...I gotta admit though, they've been playing waaay better in the last month and a half.

Yea, though loss but we are pretty much in the playoffs unless we lose out. I like the way they are playing going into the post season. Especially the line, iknew the offense would be firing once the line got it together.
Trent Dilfer goin in on Childress

[h1]Trent Dilfer: 'Give Favre the keys' because Childress hasn't mastered the game[/h1]
Pioneer Press

ESPN analyst and former NFL quarterback Trent Dilfer has a simple solution to the issues between Brad Childress and Brett Favre.

"Let the guy who is the best in the world at what he does do what he does," Dilfer told the Pioneer Press on Tuesday. "Brad Childress can't say that. Brett Favre can."

"Give him the keys and say, 'Hey, there's a reason we sent the private jet, a reason why I picked you up, and you've won three MVPs.' "

Dilfer played 14 NFL seasons, won a Super Bowl and made one Pro Bowl roster, and he said he clashed with one head coach over control of the offense.

Based on "conversations with people within" Winter Park, Dilfer said he's confident in his analysis of the Vikings' predicament.

Here is what he told the Pioneer Press:

Q: What do you think is at the heart of the problem?

A: There's two elements involved when it comes to this scenario with offensive coaches who are control freaks.

No. 1, I don't care what they say, (but) they are absolutely influenced by public perception. If the perception is that, "We need to run (Adrian Peterson) more, and if we do that, I'm going to get seen in a better light, then by golly, that's what I'm going to do."

The second element is, there is a mastery of the offensive game that some have and some don't, and (Childress) doesn't have it. And that's Brett's frustration. (Childress is) good. He's a great clinic coach. He can talk up what you want, and it looks great on the chalkboard. But when it comes to the artistic ability to coach offense - the creativity, handling the matchups, the in-game adjustments - it's just not there, and the result of that is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

What you have is a quarterback who has mastery of the West Coast offense more than any quarterback ever has. He has the best in-game feel of any quarterback to ever play - his intuitive feel for the game is second to none. So look at the polar opposites at work. This is a polarizing situation, with (Childress pushing) numbers and then you have the master of the West Coast offense with all of his intuition. Last night was the perfect example (of the problem). Look at the formations and play calls in the first half. Look at the numbers. No rhythm. You let Favre run the show (in the second half), and there are spread formations and, all of a sudden, a world of opportunities open up for you.

And, oh by the way, Adrian Peterson had 66 yards doing it that way and only 28 in the first half.

Q: So you think the Vikings are forcing the run?

A: The golden nugget here is this: Running the football is the product of total plays in a game. Total plays in a game are the product of how many first downs you can create. So doesn't it make sense to throw the football to get first downs and open things up? Go and look at their scoring drives earlier in the season. Were they pass heavy or run heavy? They were pass heavy. Adrian got touchdowns when they threw it and he ran it in.

Q: What was Mike Holmgren (Favre's longtime coach in Green Bay and Dilfer's coach in Seattle from 2001 to 2004) like?

A: Mike Holmgren had strict boundaries. "This is how we're going to do it. But you choose to do something else, it better work. And if it works, then we'll keep doing it."

What happens now is the system grows, and evolves and blossoms. Then there's synergy between the play caller and quarterback, and it's beautiful. What you see in New Orleans is the most awesome thing in football between Drew Brees and Sean Payton. They argue. They fight. But they have synergy.

Q: What is the solution at Winter Park?

A: People say Brett's going to lose it for them. But nobody wants to win the Super Bowl more than Brett Favre. He has so much invested in this in terms of pain. He wants it more than anybody. Let him go do it. If you let him do it, then Adrian Peterson will be the MVP of the Super Bowl. Brett doesn't care (about accolades).

Thomas Jones and Dorsey Levens and Edgar Bennett. These pedestrian backs rush for 1,200 yards (with Favre). Why? Because Brett knew that if you scare people with the passing game, then your runner goes off.

Adrian Peterson? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? The silver lining of last night's game: They were forced by the score to let Brett Favre run the show. If I were him, I would have been in the office today and said: "With all due respect, I told you so. This is how we have to do it.

"You can have all the credit, Coach. You're brilliant. But let's make something very clear: This is our only chance. Give me the keys, and now let me drive the car."
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Even if Jay Cutler plays his best football at all times....in the end, he's still throwing to Juaquin Iglesias, Earl Bennett, Rashied Davis, etc
and who are the vikings WR?

Get to know him
Adding to that pro bowl selection today



Spoiler [+]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]BUSINESS AS USUAL.[/color]
Almost forgot to dig this thread

Spoiler [-]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]BUSINESS AS USUAL.[/color]
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Some of the quotes in the first 20 or so pages of this thread are straight gold

[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)][/color]
Originally Posted by JPZx

Gold from you Packer and Bears fans you mean?
Mostly Bears... I almost forgot that half these dudes existed
Cutler chucked up about a dozen balls to the defenses and they moved on to bigger and better things

This thread is a joke. 25 pages about a division where not one team will have above 9 wins? LOL.

NFC North is pathetic....

S4L... LOL.
fraij da 5 11[/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 13205

09/03/09 5:08 PM
S4L made his way in here... This thread is now complete.

Cant wait for the Pack vs Boys this year... That dallas win streak is gonna end.

Whats stopping a Cowboys vs Patriots superbow??

The first round of the playoffs

Btw i thought you retired after that



Registered Member

Posts: 10683

09/04/0911:53 PM
at the Packers LBs being any good....AJ Hawk is a straight bum.

I just heard on the radio (670 the score) that the Bears are becoming punchlines around the league because of their handling of the hiring process the past few weeks...
I just heard on the radio (670 the score) that the Bears are becoming punchlines around the league because of their handling of the hiring process the past few weeks...
Nobody wants to Come to Chicago because they all know Lovie Is on the Hot Seat, and with his contract coming up to an end they feel ownership might be going in a new direction in a year or 2 so wheres the job security?

Smh at the way this organization is "trying" to run things
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