2010 NFL Draft Completed! T-MINUS 362 DAY Till 2011 NFL DRAFT (1st page update w/all pick)

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

St. Louis oughta just wait til next year and draft Jake Locker. Big-time.
Yes! I'd like to see Locker in Seattle, but that's too poetic. 
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Clausen is the most pro-ready. Bradford probably has a higher ceiling though, but that's hard to tell right now.

If I'm STL, I'm taking Suh. Build that defense. Get some O-lineman and complimentary offensive players with other picks and then explore QB options.

No need for QB with so many question marks on a team without much stability. It can work, but you have to play it close to perfect.

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to see the Rams go Suh/McCoy with the #1 pick, maybe even trade back with a team that really covets Bradford/Clausen (say Buffalo/Cleveland)...

Things should be interesting today, tomorrow it'll get nutty
i look at sam bradford and i see a quarterback who is too nice to succeed ... i can see him taking political office later in life ala heath ... the more i think about it, this might be the biggest failure of all time ... even bigger than jamarcus ...

clausen and golden are the safest picks in the draft ... i cant believe either will slip out of the 1st round, but if they do, i hope the cowboys go up and get golden somehow ... i dont care if we have other needs and miles is almost the same type of wr, golden is a FLAT OUT STUD! ...

my top 5 potential busts:

g. mccoy
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I dunno man...Shuler was 10x the athlete Bradford is (in college), but Bradford is the better QB....

that being said, to me, there are a TON of questions about Bradford. I don't think he's a homerun by any stretch of the imagination....can he take a hit? did he look better due to the offense he was playing in? Durability...etc etc...

Jimmy Clausen IMO is the safest-bet out of the QB's slated to go in round 1.
I've been asking myself for weeks how Bradford all of a sudden is the sure #1? All of a sudden, he has this great arm (never mentioned before) and is considered the best QB on the lot. Dude barely played football last year and it's like the league is forgetting that as well. I'm really, really not sold ...
Originally Posted by illfrozn

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I dunno man...Shuler was 10x the athlete Bradford is (in college), but Bradford is the better QB....

that being said, to me, there are a TON of questions about Bradford. I don't think he's a homerun by any stretch of the imagination....can he take a hit? did he look better due to the offense he was playing in? Durability...etc etc...

Jimmy Clausen IMO is the safest-bet out of the QB's slated to go in round 1.
I've been asking myself for weeks how Bradford all of a sudden is the sure #1? All of a sudden, he has this great arm (never mentioned before) and is considered the best QB on the lot. Dude barely played football last year and it's like the league is forgetting that as well. I'm really, really not sold ...
Because way too much emphasis is put on workouts. It should be all about how someone performs on the field....The GAME field. Throwing against air, a bench press, and a straight line sprint doesn't mean much of anything to me.
and im sick and tired of hearing this talk about all these "hits" at qb in recent drafts, get outta here ... matt ryan is a bum ... mark sanchez is a bum ... matthew stafford is still inaccurate ...
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

C'mon ******* fans...I'm shocked reading the last few pages and seeing you guys think that Shanahan will take a Offensive Lineman with the #4 pick. There is NO WAY he takes a lineman with a top pick like that, its against everything he does/believes in completely.

I would be shocked if they stay pat @ #4 and draft a lineman. I've talked to plenty of people that say the same thing, it just doesn't fit the Shanahan mold.

However, with it being a pressing need I guess it has a 5-10% chance of happening, I do not know too much about what the ******** need, I only really follow the Raiders closely, but I do know from a scouting/drafting perspective that Shanahan is pretty much completely against drafting a OL that early in the draft

the hell you talkin about?
Shanahan drafted Ryan Clady with the 12th pick in the first round in 2008.

If you followed the Raiders that closely, you would have seen Clady twice a year, for the past two years.
If Eric Berry falls to 5 at Kansas City, I'm going to need Parcells to call up his son in law in Scott Pioli, and strike a deal for a trape up for the Dolphins.

Eric Berry roamin Center Field, with Y.Bell doing his thang close to the box. Nasty.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by illfrozn

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I dunno man...Shuler was 10x the athlete Bradford is (in college), but Bradford is the better QB....

that being said, to me, there are a TON of questions about Bradford. I don't think he's a homerun by any stretch of the imagination....can he take a hit? did he look better due to the offense he was playing in? Durability...etc etc...

Jimmy Clausen IMO is the safest-bet out of the QB's slated to go in round 1.
I've been asking myself for weeks how Bradford all of a sudden is the sure #1? All of a sudden, he has this great arm (never mentioned before) and is considered the best QB on the lot. Dude barely played football last year and it's like the league is forgetting that as well. I'm really, really not sold ...
Because way too much emphasis is put on workouts. It should be all about how someone performs on the field....The GAME field. Throwing against air, a bench press, and a straight line sprint doesn't mean much of anything to me.
its hard to go with that also, thats why you need a range of things to judge on..... players couldve played in schemes that made them better, against worst talent, surrounded by talent, etc.....
you need the combine like you need scouts, and tapes, and tests.. 
Throwing against air, a bench press, and a straight line sprint doesn't mean much of anything to me.


but the basis for finding out what players can do is thru drills. its the basics of football. when a coach  wants to see who is capable of what, they do it thru drills, its not the be all end all, but it is the foundation for what you see on the field
About to head to the Giants draft party, if I can post from my phone Ill give yall some updates
[h3]Report: Eagles want Dolphins' 12th pick[/h3]
April, 22, 2010
Apr 22



By Tim Graham

We already have the first AFC East draft-day trade rumor.

ESPN's Sal Paolantonio, stationed in Philadelphia, reports the Eagles are talking to the Miami Dolphins about trading into their 12th slot.

Paolantonio adds the Eagles want to move up to grab a defensive player and speculates that prospect might be Texas safety Earl Thomas.

Meanwhile, I just arrived in the Buffalo Bills' media center, where I will be reporting throughout the draft. The Bills currently own the AFC East's top draft choice at No. 9.
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

About to head to the Giants draft party, if I can post from my phone Ill give yall some updates

   Get some pix for us FR3SH
the eagles are gonna draft earl thomas and the ******** are gonna take eric berry ... and the cowboys are gonna look like the fools they are with a need at safety and left tackle but content with trading down for bums because they think they are too smart for their own good ...

we had probably the worst draft in NFL history last year with 12 picks and only a kicker and roy e williams to show for it ...
Despite the very busy offseason, the Jets (still) have some positions they need to address, and can get it done with the draft tonight. However, this is the first draft where I know our 1st round pick will not 'make or break' the season. Hell, any of our picks tonight will be icing on the cake. As a Jets fan, not having to rely on the draft going into the season is an awesome feeling.
Hopefully Dez falls to #21

Also, don't know if this has been posted or not put Tebow's agent and father think that he will be going in the first 15. Jacksonville?
[h1]Tebow's agent says "we pretty much know" where he's going[/h1]
Posted by Michael David Smith on April 22, 2010 2:43 PM ET

No one knows where Florida quarterback Tim Tebow will be drafted. But the people around Tebow are dropping some strong hints that some team has already told them that Tebow is their man.

Tebow's father, Bob Tebow, claims
his son is going in the first 15 picks. And Tebow's agent, Jimmy Sexton, told ESPN.com that he has a very good idea where Tebow will be drafted, and hints that it's higher than most people think.

"I don't know if it's gonna shock the world because I always thought he was going to do well," Sexton said. "But
we pretty much know. We have a pretty good idea what's going to happen."

Of course, it's impossible for any player to know for sure where he's going to go until he hears his name called at Radio City Music Hall. Not even
Sam Bradford knows for sure where he's going to go.

But the Tebow camp says they have a good idea. And they sound like they're pleased with where they think they're going.
Originally Posted by maldonado

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

C'mon ******* fans...I'm shocked reading the last few pages and seeing you guys think that Shanahan will take a Offensive Lineman with the #4 pick. There is NO WAY he takes a lineman with a top pick like that, its against everything he does/believes in completely.

I would be shocked if they stay pat @ #4 and draft a lineman. I've talked to plenty of people that say the same thing, it just doesn't fit the Shanahan mold.

However, with it being a pressing need I guess it has a 5-10% chance of happening, I do not know too much about what the ******** need, I only really follow the Raiders closely, but I do know from a scouting/drafting perspective that Shanahan is pretty much completely against drafting a OL that early in the draft

the hell you talkin about?
Shanahan drafted Ryan Clady with the 12th pick in the first round in 2008.

If you followed the Raiders that closely, you would have seen Clady twice a year, for the past two years.
@ this logic and especially the "what the hell you talkin about"...ahhh the beauty of living in the present

I won't even bother arguing with you, nor do I care to, I just stated for some of the ******* fans on here that it would be shocking to see Shanahan take a lineman with the FOURTH pick. If he's going to take a lineman, I expect him to trade down to aquire more picks. There are a ton of teams interested in the 4th pick, and unless Shanahan is sure he can get another Ryan Clady (who has turned out to be the best lineman in football - Mike knows linemen) at 4, then I expect him to trade down or go another route.

Staying pat and selecting a guy like Trent Williams will NEVER happen on a Mike Shanahan coached team. Okung, maybe. Baluga, maybe but unlikely since he's a guard. Anthony Davis, no way in hell.
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

and im sick and tired of hearing this talk about all these "hits" at qb in recent drafts, get outta here ... matt ryan is a bum ... mark sanchez is a bum ... matthew stafford is still inaccurate ...

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