2010 Official Boxing Thread: Soto/Antillon, 2010 Fight of the Year.

The fight was boring to me because after round 2 it was completely 1 sided Shane was blowin taking huge gulps of air in through his mouth his conditioning was nowhere near where it should have been to go 12 with Mayweather maybe it was age maybe it was ring rust/time away I dont know.

His corner was telling him to let his hands go pepper him keep him thinking Shane just stood there rollin his hands tryin to faint him it was frustrating to watch I mean u cant win a fight without throwing punches.

If u give it everything u have boxing wise and Mayweather beats u no way u can feel bad but I felt we saw 2 rounds of Mosley fighting and 10 rounds of him throwing faints n trying to land the perfect knockout punch.

Mayweathers dirty tactics always bug me to how blind are referees he ducks below the waist all the time and I lost count of how many times his head and most noticeably his forearm n elbow were in Shanes throat thas not needed and he never even gets a warning of point deduction.

I dont think the Manny fight will happen Mayweather thinks hes above the boxing board with his own rules if the board of control have a set of rules thats all that needs to be followed if hes as great as he is fight Manny n quit with tha bs rules.

Fighting Shane prooved nuthin other than Mayweather can be dropped Shanes past his prime Manny is in the form of his life if Mayweather wanna go down as the greatest ever its time to PROOVE IT take the ultimate test quit tha bs n fight Manny.

Manny could definately beat him off the fact that hes relentless yes hed get hit take some damage from Mayweather but u know for 12 rounds hes gonna take it to him relentlessly hell stalk him and give 100% thats a fight we all as fans deserve to see n if Mayweather makes Manny look ordinary in his prime havein done wat hes done so far there will be no debate.

what y'all think of the undercards? Ponce De Leondid not win that fight. And Saul Alvarez impressed me as well.. thought He was gonna get KOed in the 2nd round after almost going in the 1st.. dude reminds me of Blake Griffin, lol
Word, Saul Alvarez looked impressive. Showed a lot of composure to withstand the early assault and he closed the fight like a veteran.

I had Lock winning the previous fight as well.
Originally Posted by BabyfacedAssassin31

The fight was boring to me because after round 2 it was completely 1 sided Shane was blowin taking huge gulps of air in through his mouth his conditioning was nowhere near where it should have been to go 12 with Mayweather maybe it was age maybe it was ring rust/time away I dont know.

His corner was telling him to let his hands go pepper him keep him thinking Shane just stood there rollin his hands tryin to faint him it was frustrating to watch I mean u cant win a fight without throwing punches.

If u give it everything u have boxing wise and Mayweather beats u no way u can feel bad but I felt we saw 2 rounds of Mosley fighting and 10 rounds of him throwing faints n trying to land the perfect knockout punch.

Mayweathers dirty tactics always bug me to how blind are referees he ducks below the waist all the time and I lost count of how many times his head and most noticeably his forearm n elbow were in Shanes throat thas not needed and he never even gets a warning of point deduction.

I dont think the Manny fight will happen Mayweather thinks hes above the boxing board with his own rules if the board of control have a set of rules thats all that needs to be followed if hes as great as he is fight Manny n quit with tha bs rules.

Fighting Shane prooved nuthin other than Mayweather can be dropped Shanes past his prime Manny is in the form of his life if Mayweather wanna go down as the greatest ever its time to PROOVE IT take the ultimate test quit tha bs n fight Manny.

Manny could definately beat him off the fact that hes relentless yes hed get hit take some damage from Mayweather but u know for 12 rounds hes gonna take it to him relentlessly hell stalk him and give 100% thats a fight we all as fans deserve to see n if Mayweather makes Manny look ordinary in his prime havein done wat hes done so far there will be no debate.


I agree w/ alot of what u had to say, Shane def. showed his age and I think that he ran out of gas around the 4th/5th rd. You could tell how bad he wanted it, but whether it was his age or just the fact he wasn't good enough, the fact of the matter is, he got his chance and Floyd was better. You got to give him some credit for that. I would say that had this fight happened 5 years ago, it could've been a completely different fight, and it's a shame we couldn't see that. 

Floyd AND Manny probably ended up making more money by taking these fights before fighting each other, bc there's the risk of less interest when one of them beat each other, and another fight while casual boxing fans are starting to hear their names definitely builds interest.
Originally Posted by Da Doc03

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose

Now it' some guy name Paul?

Mayweather should just fight pacman then retire...
QFMFT.... it never fails man


It's more like:

This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose

And that's only because of last night. This is the first challenge he's taken in like 5+ years. The last time there was any feeling like "This guy can beat Mayweather" was Castillo in 02. You could maybe say Hatton, but nobody in the US thought Hatton was gonna beat him moving up a class and w/ no defense.
There isnt any point in Shane's career where he beats Floyd.

For someone who hasnt been in much trouble in his career, Floyd handled getting Beaned so well.

and lemme ask, do yall realize how fast Floyd is... LOL Im watching the fight again right now, he got hit with that Overhand right so hard yet he was fast enough to catch Shane's Arm during the follow thru of the punch and hold it there not allowing him to get free and bomb away.

again, Shane landed 92 punches the entire fight. 92 ...
NINETY-TWO... I always said Ive never seen anything Defensively like Sweet Pea, well... Im seeing it  
Originally Posted by amishpimp27

Originally Posted by Da Doc03

Originally Posted by YEEUPP

This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose
This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose

Now it' some guy name Paul?

Mayweather should just fight pacman then retire...
QFMFT.... it never fails man


It's more like:

This guy can beat Mayweather.. Lose

And that's only because of last night. This is the first challenge he's taken in like 5+ years. The last time there was any feeling like "This guy can beat Mayweather" was Castillo in 02. You could maybe say Hatton, but nobody in the US thought Hatton was gonna beat him moving up a class and w/ no defense.
ohh please.....

they thought baldomir would beat him, they was definitely saying Hatton too. Some folks had Oscar winning
... they questioned if he could handle Gatti's power... the only time they had Floyd not being challenged was when he fought Juda and Sharmba. TRUE STORY!!!

now that I think about it, some folks was even swearing Diego would win!

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

There isnt any point in Shane's career where he beats Floyd.

For someone who hasnt been in much trouble in his career, Floyd handled getting Beaned so well.

and lemme ask, do yall realize how fast Floyd is... LOL Im watching the fight again right now, he got hit with that Overhand right so hard yet he was fast enough to catch Shane's Arm during the follow thru of the punch and hold it there not allowing him to get free and bomb away.

again, Shane landed 92 punches the entire fight. 92 ...
NINETY-TWO... I always said Ive never seen anything Defensively like Sweet Pea, well... Im seeing it  
PBF definitely has cat like reflexes. He held on to that arm for dear life as soon as it landed. 
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

again, Shane landed 92 punches the entire fight. 92 ...
NINETY-TWO... I always said Ive never seen anything Defensively like Sweet Pea, well... Im seeing it

I'll put that 50% to Floyd's quickness and defense but the other half is Shane not even jabbing, just loading up and trying to land that one big punch to wobble PBF again.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I said this on twitter so I'll repeat it in our lil thread...

Floyd Mayweather has robbed us (the boxing fans) he cheated us outta greatness
this guy is a historic talent, yet he decided to pick and choose his opponents
I am somewhat mad,

Pun vs PBF next please!
I feel the same way man.  You always knew the talent was there with him but watching him operate last night, you could see he would have made some good fights with anyone at 147.  Hopefully he keeps going in there with the best now.  I'm a firm believer that the fight with Pacquaio will ever come off.  That Sergio fight sounds interesting.  I could get into that at 154.

And Paul has been saying he could still make 147 and would go down for the right fight.  I could see it happening.
Its funny you bring up Sweet Pea Gunna, cause PBF is the only person I have seen that I could consider on par wit him..Pernell moved and had the reflexes...PBF has the reflexes, movement, and that shoulder roll
...that's all my pops kept sayin..."Do that roll #!@!*, do that shouler roll" I would like to see the Serg/PBF fight but honestly I can't see Serg takin that one...he may have the size on his side, but he's slower and not as technically sound offensively and defensively as MM...and unless they throw 70M, not incl endorsements, at him, he is not fighting Pun...I'd like to see PBF and Berto tho...only fight tho that I wanna see this yr is Pacman and PBF...
Not really a big fan of Alvarez. Starting to become a big fan of Marco Huck. Been watching a few of his fights and caught the replay of his fight with Minto last night, he would make some good fights at cruiserweight.
Finally Floyd has stepped up to the plate and fought the best in the division. He displayed his skills to the fullest and fought and even pressed the issue. As a boxing fan, I have to say Floyd is the best. ( by far.) It was a fight that I actually enjoyed. Floyd has nuthn to prove anymore. I am even gonna say that he is too skilled for Pacquiao. Hat off to Floyd. BTW, met is pops this weekend and dude was cool as hell.
LAS VEGAS -- It was the moment Naazim Richardson had warned Shane Mosley about. The burly trainer from Philadelphia who talks as aggressively as he trains had continually told Mosley that once he hit Floyd Mayweather with a right hand, Mayweather would, "grow wings with fangs out his mouth like a dragon."

"When he turns into a dragon I'm going to tell Shane to move laterally so that the fireballs don't hit you," Richardson said before the fight. "Step on his tail, and drive shots to the body. Even if he turns into a dragon we're not going to surrender the fight."

The most dramatic moment of Mayweather's career -- the one instance where it looked as if the elusive undefeated (41-0) fighter would fall -- came a minute into the second round when Mosley hit Mayweather with a right hand to the side of his head and buckled his knees. The shot forced Mayweather to grab Mosley to prevent him from falling before Mosley landed another right before the end of the round. In the time in between the second and third rounds Mayweather would grow those wings and fangs Richardson had predicted.

Soon after came the fireballs that would continue to fly at the 38-year-old fighter's head for the next 10 rounds, which were dominated by Mayweather. Two ringside judges scored it 119-109 for Mayweather, while the third had it 118-110 with all of them having Mayweather winning every round after the second. Ringside punch statistics had Mayweather landing 208 of 477 punches with Mosley hitting only 92 of 452.

"That fireball hit us and our [behind] got kind of hot in there," Richardson said. "It's a matter of adjustments. You have to make adjustments and you have to make them exceptionally quick. Opportunities open up on Floyd, but those opportunities will close as fast as they open."

After the fight, a dejected Mosley stood in front of his dressing room, taking full blame for the loss and saying Richardson told him exactly what to do, but he wasn't able to execute the plan. Richardson would have none of it, laying into Mosley verbally as hard as Mayweather had physically.

"I just got finished cussing out Shane, because he was making excuses -- 'My trainer told me what to do, and I didn't do it' -- and I told him, 'Nobody trashes my fighter, including the fighter,' " Richardson said. "There's only one person wants to hear excuses -- your mom. She's always going to ask, 'What happened baby?' Shane's an important dude to me."

Mosley was so injured after the fight, promoters said he wouldn't be available for the post-fight news conference, but he appeared from the back as Richardson and Oscar De La Hoya answered questions in his place. Still flashing his signature smile even in defeat, Mosley shook his head as he walked up to the podium, still thinking about how close he was to potentially putting Mayweather on the canvas in the second round.

"I tried, but it was a good fight. I was that close to getting him," the Pomona native Mosley said, holding his thumb and index finger less than an inch apart. "But he's a hell of a fighter. He did what he needed to do to win the fight. I take my hat off to him. I thank him for taking the challenge. He did, and he succeeded."

Watching Mosley take questions for a few moments before he was taken to the hospital to get his neck checked was tough for Richardson and De La Hoya, who basically knew what Mayweather would do in the fight but also knew how difficult it would be for Mosley to stop it. Richardson wasn't worried about the 16-month layoff Mosley had in between fights, recalling how he instructed Mosley to go on vacation only to get pictures back from Mosley of him sparring in Bolivia with some stranger in a concrete ring. This wasn't so much about Mosley's inability to adapt to Mayweather's adjustments but Mayweather's ability to adapt to whatever Mosley threw his way.

"He made adjustments and he didn't make that same mistake," Mosley said. "He was hurt. He was hurt real bad. That's the most he's ever been hurt in his entire career. But he's a warrior."

De La Hoya, who called Mayweather the best fighter in the world following the win, told Mosley to stick with his jab, but he never really utilized it. Even after the fight, as he put his arm around Mosley, he continued to shadow jab and tell him how much it would have helped him maintain the control he had built through the first two rounds.

"I went over it with Mosley, jab, you have to jab," De La Hoya said. "Don't get lazy, because he feints you. We didn't see that Mosley tonight. But a lot of that has to do with what Mayweather does to you. We can't keep making excuses. He lost, to a better man."

Roger Mayweather, Floyd's uncle and trainer, had a simpler reason why Mosley never utilized the one move De La Hoya told him to use against his nephew.

"Mosley has very fast hands, but he don't have a jab," he said. "It doesn't matter how fast you are if you can't hit the target. People say, 'Mosley fast.' And I say, 'Yeah, he's fast if you fight someone slow.' "

As he left the podium at the MGM Grand, Mosley was asked what the future held for him and he simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know," he said. "I'll go back to the drawing board and see. Take a vacation, relax, and enjoy myself."

Knowing Mosley, that probably means he will be sparring with somebody in an exotic location in preparation for his next fight, whenever that may be.

Arash Markazi is a reporter and columnist for ESPNLosAngeles.com.


It's crazy throughout the fight I kept on thinking about what Nazim said...
Real rap... Mayweather is unbeatable by anyone in boxing right now.

His defense is what people can't get past.

He blocks with his shoulder almost covering his face and he's tucked away like a turtle in a shell.

His right arm/hand is behind him with his stance so even if a fighter does get close to hit him he's ready to counter without even having to worry about any type of damage because they're going to hit his shoulder anyway.

Real talk he'd wipe the floor with Pacman... and it's not even close.

Manny has power and everything, but he's so short and he throws a lot of power shots and Mayweather is going to make him punish.

For a fighter to beat Floyd he's going to have to have tip top conditioning, be able to chase him around/down for 12 rounds, keep pressure on him, and try to be as technical as Floyd... it's not going to happen unless you clone Floyd... and he'd still probably win.

He's cocky as hell, but you know what... he's able to back him up.

One more thing... Shane is so stupid man he had his chance to close the fight out in the 2nd round and he kind of eased off or he got tired or something. After the 2nd big shot where he buckled Floyd's leg he should have straight went for the kill and went all out not giving a F if he gets countered and knocked out. Instead I see he put Mayweather up against the ropes and hitting Floyd with some barely hard baby punches to the ab and body... W T F was he thinking man.

Mayweather recouped from that perfectly though he held on and waited until he was good and just weathered that round... after that Floyd was straight to business for real. It was like that 2nd round opened his eyes and he just dominated from there on out.

Hats off to Floyd though.
Time for Shane to hang it up. He had that same look Oscar had after the pacman fight.

I'm still in shock for someone that has never been hurt before Floyd didn't panic and knew what to do that round
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Time for Shane to hang it up. He had that same look Oscar had after the pacman fight.

I'm still in shock for someone that has never been hurt before Floyd didn't panic and knew what to do that round


That was the most impressive part about what Floyd did IMO.  He acted like he was use to getting rocked like that.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Time for Shane to hang it up. He had that same look Oscar had after the pacman fight.

I'm still in shock for someone that has never been hurt before Floyd didn't panic and knew what to do that round

yup, shane time to retire.

he had the fight when he hit mayweather on the 2nd round, he should've kept going.
He didnt have $@@+, he tried to keep goin, he couldnt get loose and he couldnt land shots.

at some point some of yall are just gonna have to give Floyd credit for that overall performance
That was a damn brilliant performance by Pretty Boy Floyd.

Might be even more impressed than actually knocking Shane out. He made a 'supposedly' stronger, just as quick and more offensive fighter look silly. I'm mean after rd 2, Shane didn't even look like he belonged in the same ring.
Shane tired to throw more bombs but Floyd would duck or throw a punch and hit him before it came

old age or ring rust had nothing to do with what Shane did last night. In his prime Floyd would have still took him apart
I always thought his fight against marquez was a great indication of what he would do with pacman......even tho pacman has better head movement then marquez his footwork is second to none. with that bieng said i dont see floyd losing to someone with a smaller reach or high volume accurate jabbing for 12 rounds.I like how leonard stepped in after the second round to tell floyd to box ,with everyone saying floyd cant beat paul ....DUH, no ones beating him at 147 and no paul wont be drained at 147 he balloons to 160 and throws 1000-1200 punches in his welter weight fights.
I still think that Pac would drop Floyd unless he covers up the whole fight. I know people say that Floyd D is immaculate but Pac O is just as good as Floyds D.  The Pun fight will be about the same relentless pressure on Floyd as well. Shane looked like his mind wanted to do it but the body gave out on him. I like PBF in the ring though. I mean he is no Sweet Pea or nothing but dude is nice
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