:::2011-2012 Houston Texans Fans Thread:::

Sorry about the non-updates for awhile, just got off suspension, but wow, not sure what to say about this loss, but I will.

I had to catch the NFL Short Cuts of a lot of games anyway since I was outta town too, but I think this loss was more on the
offense than the defense. The Texans seemed to bungle it away at certain times, and people didn't step up enough like they
were supposed to. A missed field goal left points off the board, and a couple times the offense just stalled for no apparent reason.
Down the stretch, Vickers just dropped what was a forsure rushing TD, which can be attributed to him mostly just playing on special
teams and just sloppiness. What really pissed me off though is the last series, Schaub COULD HAVE RAN THE BALL IN FOR THE WIN,
but he backpeddled and threw a terrible interception. That would have been the game winner w/o even making the PAT.

Time to re-up and be ready for Baltimore. This game was the Texans offensive mistakes plus the Raiders emotional high, but this
was still one of those Texans hiccups where they are suppose to win but find a way not to, though I'm not taking anything away
from the Raiders. So with Baltimore coming up, and we're "supposed to lose", Texans need to still this one, no matter the injuries
or who is/are not on the field.
Man the special teams are just as much to blame as the offense.
The defense actually did their part.
And just to add the yesterday's loss:
Texans LB Mario Williams has a torn pectoral muscle that will sideline him indefinitely if not for the remainder of the season.

I agree though the Texans need to bounce back on Sunday and prove they're actually not frauds.
Damn that sucks to hear. I'm wondering if they will just stay with Jamison/Reed in his spot, or attempt
to sign a veteran. I know the Texans don't like to mess with their rotation a lot, especially since the D
is actually playing good.

You are right about special teams though, too many missed tackles and running into each other, and with
the massive amount of speed the Raiders have, you can't do that.

Another thing, I've always went to bat for Jason Allen, cause he's a lot better than Kareem, but sometimes
he just makes me lose my mind. Kareem will just get beat senseless by any WRs, Jason Allen will make some
nice plays, or grab a jersey and get shoved to the ground. There's no medium with him. I love the fact that
he actually looks to make plays and grab interception, but cot damb he makes me wanna punch the tv too.
We said coming into this game that we needed to go 3-0 or 2-1 against the raiders, titans, and ravens. Listening to 790 this morning it all sounds the same. "oh we can't win with schaub, defense sucks" injuries to mario and dre really hurt. Without dre we faced a lot of 8 man fronts and lots of pressure because they didn't have to assign 2 defenders to dre. Wish they would have used the width of the field more with some screens and passes into the flats. Felt the offensive play calling was somewhat predictable, more then I would have liked. Vickers has to get that TD.

We still play the ravens, titans twice, jaguars twice, falcons, panthers, buccaneers, browns, bengals, and the colts to finish. How many of those can you pick as wins? If you lose to the ravens falcons and the titans once or something along those lines, you still go 11-5 with your losses being against baltimore, new orleans, oakland, atlanta, and ???. I can live with that
^^Same here. You would think those radio stations were for the visiting teams the way they talk down like that.
Sucks that Mario is officially out for the season, but honestly, I think this change in position with him standing up all
the time be be a reason for that. He's a down linemen pass rusher, he shouldn't have to be dropping in coverage
and stuff, though on paper he looks good. He's just not built for doing that AND being the down lineman he's been.
He should be attacking the QB like Smith and Watt. Just gotta re-up from here.
Mario Williams OUT FOR THE SEASON according to Houston Chronicle...

I am so disappointed in this Texans team already...maybe its just been instilled in me since 2002.

I'm sorry, but am I the only Texans fan who thinks Jacoby is pure garbage? He may have run back a few TDs here and there, but he's always liable to fumble or muff a kick return and can't run WR routes for @#$@. Great example yesterday: He caught a fair catch punt on THE FIVE YARD LINE. Until he shows otherwise, dude is overhyped and overrated.

I think we still got a chance to make the playoffs, but it really depends on if Schaub can really get his S--- together. He has been making some really bad plays, including the last play yesterday. If you're 6'5" you shouldnt be having so many batted passes at the line of scrimmage.

Where's James Casey??? He wouldn't have dropped the pass like Vickers.

Thank the Lord Kareem Jackson doesn't start anymore.  Dude is TRASH.

UGH. Tired of Texans becoming a highlight reel for another team.
You're not the only one who thinks that about Jacoby. To me, he always makes JUST enough big plays just
to stay on the team. But he never steps up at the right time (like now with Andre out), and definitely has done
way more bad than good. Even though he's been "rewarded" with a 3yr extension, based on how he's been
playing, he may be trade bait since he's been riding his career based solely on potential.

And I'm tired of that too. We always seem to take part in some of the best games where we still lose. The Saints
this year, Eagles & Ravens last year, the Titans when Rosenfels threw for 4 TDs. This ^@%# is ridiculous. But
I ride with the Texans til the wheels fall off.
like i said

We still play the ravens, titans twice, jaguars twice, falcons, panthers, buccaneers, browns, bengals, and the colts to finish. How many of those can you pick as wins?

if you lose 4 of those games, you still go 10-6 and win the division.

james casey was hurt, thats why vickers was in. the raiders have a good d line, they dominated our O line. outside of the ravens, i don't look for many other teams to have that impact on our line. when andre gets back, it'll open up the box so schaub wont see as much pressure and foster will have more running room.

what i'm trying to tell you all is, relax.
The schedule really isn't that bad, like do work said, we have the opportunity to to still go 11-5, 10-6.
And I'm not afraid of the Titans. The division is ours to lose. 

I understand the frustration though, we're tired of losing. The city of Houston needs a winner.
The Texans have played on our emotions time and time again. It's time to make the playoffs and have people notice us.
^exactly. the most frustrating part of the process is the inconsistencies and the expectations vs reality. going into the game i had a good feeling that this would be a win. we dominated the first half outside of the touchdown drive, but offensively couldn't put anything together. until we can have that 1 game where the offense defense and special teams are all clicking, i dont think anyone will be satisfied. we did it against the colts but id like to see it against a more competitive team.
I just take it as a sign that the city is finally warming up to the Texans. Schaub getting killed and the peoples overreaction shows me that we do care.

Sucks what happened to Mario. And I've always been a supporter of Kareem over Allen but they were scared to death of DHB beating them over the top so they gave him easy completions. I just dont like Allen.

It was %#@ bad yesterday but I still think we'll be okay.
Statis I'm pulling for Kareem but I just don't see it with him. Hopefully he proves everyone wrong.
Lance Z was talking about how they purposely deactivated KJ and that he could've last week and this week. They trust Allen more than KJ at this point.

And if the Texans win on Sunday, all will be forgiven and suddenly the fan base will be hyped.
If Dre can some how actually play on Sunday that would be huge, although I doubt it.
Yea I picked the Texans to go 11-5, and that definitely is realistic, especially down the stretch. It's
just that sometimes you can exactly pinpoint when &@^# starts to go to hell during the losses.

I don't really see it in Kareem either, I know it's his second year, and all last year he went head up
against everybody's #1 WR, but I'm getting a Carr-like shellshocked feeling from him, something the
Texans don't need at this point. So I definitely trust Allen over Kareem. Allen either makes a play, or
gets beat. Kareem just flat out gets beat, always waiting for the WR to make the catch, and THEN
going to make the tackle.

And just to confirm that I wasn't the only person to see this during the final play of the game, where Schaub
honestly could have walked in for the TD:

From NFL.com:
The Houston Texans had a chance to score the winning touchdown on the last play of Sunday's game against the Oakland Raiders, but quarterback Matt Schaub served up an interception in the end zone to seal his team's 25-20 loss.

Raiders defensive tackle Tommy Kelly couldn't have been happier with the play's outcome. In fact, he said after the game that Schaub could have scored a touchdown had he made the right decision.

"Old boy choked," Kelly said with a laugh, according to the Houston Chronicle. "All he had to do was run it in. He choked, simple as that."

Schaub hadn't heard Kelly's comment when he talked to the media, but the quarterback offered his own assessment of the play.

"I had some guys on the front side working," Schaub said. "It was all tight. No one was getting any separation, so I stepped up in the pocket to the left, and their safety (Tyvon Branch) was coming down on me. I had to make a decision on Jacoby (Jones), to put it up where my guy could make a play. Unfortunately, it just didn't work out."

Schaub stood by his decision to throw the ball instead of trying to find the end zone by foot, though he said his mobility "wasn't an issue" after he took a hit to his knees earlier in the series.

"I'm not necessarily a guy that's going to make a whole lot of guys miss in the open field," Schaub said.
He was??? Damn, I didn't even notice if he was on the stat sheet. We can't have that with Mario being out,
cause Smith was been the most consistent guy since the 3-4 switch.

And I have no idea, not sure about you but it seems like the past 4-5 days yuku has been acting funny. I wasn't
sure if it was just my cpu or not, but sometimes when I make a post, it goes to "HTTP Server Error" right after, and
sometimes when I refresh, it'll end up posting the same thing 2-3 times.
nah, yuku has been acting up lately.

as far as jacoby goes, he is what he is, a 3rd receiver. It's frustrating because of his speed and big play potential but dude either hasn't been getting good coaching our he can't be coached. His route running looks awful. And that last play, he should of cut back to the corner when schaub broke the pocket to his direction. Instead he runs back to the middle, schaub has to throw across his body and...well you know the rest.

Any word on ben tate? All I want is for us to be healthy for the home stretch of the season. We still have a good offense and the defense has shown it can be good too


That's exactly how I felt about his performance. On the other hand Cush looked good out there.
Brooks and Barwin are going to need to step it up. The defense can manage without Mario, if this was last year though

NT just started acting funny for me today. I don't what's going on or if Method Man has even addressed the situation *goes to general*
Some of my post aren't even showing up.
McClain_on_NFL John McClain

Texans have traded a conditional draft choice to Jets for WR Derrick Mason.

Does he have anything left? I haven't really paid any attention to the jets.
Originally Posted by blackxme

McClain_on_NFL John McClain

Texans have traded a conditional draft choice to Jets for WR Derrick Mason.

Does he have anything left? I haven't really paid any attention to the jets.
He hasn't done much, little to nothing actually.

His comments after the Ravens game (or it might been the Raiders game, either case) were in question, so that may have been a reason/excuse to trade him.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by blackxme

McClain_on_NFL John McClain

Texans have traded a conditional draft choice to Jets for WR Derrick Mason.

Does he have anything left? I haven't really paid any attention to the jets.
He hasn't done much, little to nothing actually.

His comments after the Ravens game (or it might been the Raiders game, either case) were in question, so that may have been a reason/excuse to trade him.

from what i heard, he and plaxico called out the OC or something, rex got pissed and was just gonna cut him or something like that. good pick up for the texans, mason had better numbers than jacoby and walters last year. if this isnt a wake up call to jacoby, then he needs help.

Jacoby has vastly underperformed, and now that contract that they gave them in the off-season is starting to look like a bad move.
It's been 4 years and he hasn't developed like everyone expected he would.

Going back to maryland get to play in front of the fam Can't Wait( bart scott voice)

so we'll finally see Foster/Tate combo. I personally can't wait!
Mason is definitely a good pickup right now. I'll attribute his stats this year to the whole OC thing, and Rex
trying to make Sanchez something he's not. If he's remotivated and is anything like he was on the Ravens,
this will almost be a steal.

And yea, Jacoby rarely does anything noteworthy when you need him to, and I think it's pretty realistic that
he could get traded after this season even with that new contract. A return TD when we're up 21 points
already isn't worth that contract. He's riding so much on "potential" it's not even funny, and had he been
drafted to another team, he'd probably be out of the league already.
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