2011 NT Beard Challenge. Eleven days til fall...

oo206oo wrote:

Impressive beard, but since I can't grow one, I'll simply ask for info on your shirt. 
i look homeless when i don't shave. no disrespect to any homeless people.

i'd love to particpate but my stuff grows in patches, while my dad can grow a rick ross in a week
Keeping this alive for the second week. It's starting to come in thick now. (pause)
I would join, but I can't grow facial hair, I just got my puberty mustache. 
I guess, I gotta eat the box more. 
Im with it....this was how it looked mid July (maybe a month or two in), but I had to cut it off earlier this month for a wedding 
 . I'm 3 weeks in, so it looks just like that just less facial hair...will update next Sunday

it usually just grows in the areas you see it at there (which I hate) and never connects to anything. Looks like needemjs's, just 10 times worse when I do line it up 
.....but I usually let it grow out hobo style. 

Jelly @ damnitzdom's Mustache....It'll be a year+ til I receive that achievement 
Originally Posted by oo206oo
Does that girl behind you have half her head shaved?
I have a beard right now but I always look weird with a mustache, plus I wish my beard had a better natural line.
Op you're always so cocky, I imagined you looking much different
With that said I can't grow a full beard so I instantly lose
It's a struggle for me to grow a beard, it doesnt grow fully in some areas and my beard-mustache connection is terrible

I'm still trying, Im not giving up on my %%%@

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