2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

Real tears.

One of the best football games i have ever seen.
everything went perfect that game. From the offensive play calls to the Defensive plays.

Everything was perfect.
The greatest, most perfect, **** you sports win of the last decade for me, that everyone got their chance to shine...you couldn't script that better.

And the sheer lack of damns given by Braylon...Shonn...Bart Scott...perfect.
The greatest, most perfect, **** you sports win of the last decade for me, that everyone got their chance to shine...you couldn't script that better.
And the sheer lack of damns given by Braylon...Shonn...Bart Scott...perfect.
And its been downhill for y'all ever since
that video :pimp:
man watching that game.. when harris picked off brady it was like o **** bradys human and everyone realized we had a chance in that game.
in think the front office ****** around too much with the roster since then man. were a mess rightnow.

and wayne hunter.. dear god :x :x :x :x :x :x
i do not want to see mario williams up against him.
and the ONLY lineman in the entire NFL worse than him is his backup the one the only vladamir ducasse.
that video :pimp:
man watching that game.. when harris picked off brady it was like o **** bradys human and everyone realized we had a chance in that game.
in think the front office ****** around too much with the roster since then man. were a mess rightnow.
and wayne hunter.. dear god :x :x :x :x :x :x
i do not want to see mario williams up against him.
and the ONLY lineman in the entire NFL worse than him is his backup the one the only vladamir ducasse.

that game was a great evening. i drunkenly made a few bets on the game with people i knew telling them to put their money where the mouth was since new england was going to win.

i got beyond blasted that night, called the people i made bets with and said every single explict word in the dictionary to them and told them to pay me my money.

then i woke up hungover as hell and went to the mlk day knicks game the next morning :rofl:

on a random note, anyone going to the carolina game sunday night, ima be up there with a few heads and we'll be drinkin in the parking lot before the game if anyone wants to come thru.
i hope we get to see Mario Williams detroy wayne hunter. maybe then management will realize they need to make a move.
I don't wanna buy into any of this MJD nonsense...I don't....but some hope's better than Greene and Tebow?
:x @ our WR depth though. We really not trying to sign another WR for Sanchez?
The greatest, most perfect, **** you sports win of the last decade for me, that everyone got their chance to shine...you couldn't script that better.
And the sheer lack of damns given by Braylon...Shonn...Bart Scott...perfect.

my only thing looking back, don't get me wrong i loved every minute of that game but to me they treated that game like it was their super bowl. that game was huge of course but seeing how flat they came out in the first half of the pittsburgh game it seemed like there was a type of new england hangover or something of that nature. still that game was beautiful to watch.
Going to the game tomorrow
First football game ever :pimp:

Have fun at JetLife Stadium. Pics would be nice. .:smokin

I just wish the JETS played the Texans in Houston on MNF this season. Oh well maybe next season I can go see them live. :frown:
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