2012 NY Jets Off-Season Thread ( 6-10) Goodbye Tebow ....

It was great to see the pocket not collapse every single pass protection

That Defense is looking like the truth

With that defense scoring 14 might win majority of the games

Tebow seems like a nice person, but dudes football IQ is HORRIBLE!!!!.... is like he blacks out after the snap...
tebow's more interested in running around so he can do his stupid fist pump.

dude holds the ball wayyyyy too long and it's only cause he wants to run and hear everyone scream his name. he's not an nfl qb, thats obvious. i just hope we use him right and that wildcat works , if not rex might be packing his stuff with tebow :smh:
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tebow's more interested in running around so he can do his stupid fist pump.

dude holds the ball wayyyyy too long and it's only cause he wants to run and hear everyone scream his name. he's not an nfl qb, thats obvious. i just hope we use him right and that wildcat works , if not rex might be packing his stuff with tebow :smh:

Tannebaum will get the boot before Rex. If there's one thing Rex does, it's that he's great at making other players wanting to play for him.

Although the Panthars only scored 14 on us, it's preseason, but it's great to see how sharp we look.

:x on offense though.
If I was Rex, I'd put Tebow as a RB. Him and Shonn can be the 1-2 punch. Son would never throw if I was Rex. He might be a decent RB for a couple years.

I'm curious if Rex goes after TO or Chad Johnson because your receiving core is :x
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If I was Rex, I'd put Tebow as a RB. Him and Shonn can be the 1-2 punch. Son would never throw if I was Rex. He might be a decent RB for a couple years.
I'm curious if Rex goes after TO or Chad Johnson because your receiving core is :x
I have no idea why we havent already signed one of these dudes
Im definitely going to a game this season, last season i went to the first game when they played the cowboys and it was :smokin

What a comback!
Anybody down to go?
I'm at the game and the crowd is disgusting it's split with people chanting for tebow and people booing them saying tebow sucks
We are a fan base that is divided

i was at the game last night too, i noticed the same thing. part of the crowd was chanting tebow tebow, and the other part was chanting sanchez sanchez,

personally i don't get how anyone could want tebow to be the starter, he's not a nfl qb, if they use him to what he's capable of he'll be a great addition and option though.

aside from missing holmes on a deep pass, sanchez had a decent game imo and was moving the ball around. holmes dropped a catchable pass and that tipped pass by hill hurt.

the defense will do their thing, personally i rather have the offense go through the motions now and get it together during the season then be decent now and fizzle out as the season progresses.
Im definitely going to a game this season, last season i went to the first game when they played the cowboys and it was :smokin
What a comback!
Anybody down to go?

i was at that game last year too. im setting up something with a few NT heads for the thanksgiving game against the patriots.
if anything the same dudes i went with last year, j steez, national trucker dave, and sir charles203 or whatever his username is. we had a mini tailgate/smoke out session before the dallas game in the parking lot

as it gets closer to the game ima check ticket prices on stubhub, try and get an offical head count and then cop the tickets.
we gotta sign chad, at least .

i think he'd be so motivated to not only make up for the bread he's gonna lose to this bird, but to stick it to the dolphins .... what we got to lose ?
if anything the same dudes i went with last year, j steez, national trucker dave, and sir charles203 or whatever his username is. we had a mini tailgate/smoke out session before the dallas game in the parking lot
as it gets closer to the game ima check ticket prices on stubhub, try and get an offical head count and then cop the tickets.

Sounds good :smokin

we gotta sign chad, at least .
i think he'd be so motivated to not only make up for the bread he's gonna lose to this bird, but to stick it to the dolphins .... what we got to lose ?

We stay picking up these players who are always getting into trouble, its not too late.
T.O or Ochocinco?
smh@ espn now pushing for the jets to sign T.O.

at what point did media outlets think they became team owners?
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Didn't even realize this thread was here.  Gotta hit his section more often.

Defense looks nasty.  Would like to see us mix it up a little more come the regular season.  More 4-3 fronts.  We shouldn't have to blitz as much this year to generate pressure.  Kendrick Ellis is the truth.  Coples is good but he needs to improve his conditioning.  Wilkerson is what he is, wish he brought more pass rush to the table.  Maybe that will develop in time.  Maybin should get a decent amount of sacks this year.  Secondary is sick (minus Kyle Wilson).  LaRon Landy is gonna be ridiculous if he can somehow stay on the field all season.  Linebackers are a decent group.  Would be nice to see Davis become a factor in pass coverage this season.  Pace is washed though.  Complete waste of space.

Offense needs work but thank god Hunter's on the bench now.  Stephen Hill's gonna be a flat out beast once he gets more reps.  Those drops are inexcusable, but you can't deny the ability he brings to the table.  Gamble seemed shook and almost played not to get roasted deep.  Powell needs more reps.  Looks like the most complete back that we have.  Hope Keller's good to go come the regular season.  Gotta pick up a blocking tight end and another wideout.

As usual it's gonna come down to how the offense performs and if we can get consistent pressure on defense.  Stephen Hill is the X factor of the season.  If he contributes early and often we'll have a chance to do well.
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I rather have T.O. he was still burning people

You serious? TO should take more roids and bulk up and turn into a D.KELLER #2 and work his way into a T.GONZO #2 as well. lolz

I mean, this guy ain't fast no more, and he has some size.

When SANCHEZ failed on a 4th and 1 'again' because of his small body and legs, I LOLED. That's classic Sanchez for you.

They have no receivers though, and that's gonna be a problem.
"Filed to ESPN: #Jets close to finalizing deal for Rams RT Jason Smith, league sources. RT Wayne Hunter part of deal. Smith, No. 2 pick '09."

- Rich Cimini
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