2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

In case anyone hasn't seen this, I will gladly send questionnaires your way. Just understand that I will have to cross check with Cinco's list first before I send it.
Cinco, if you're not returning for this next year I'd like to take a shot a running this. I just might be PM'ing you left and right for advice :lol:
As for the two lists idea, its a love hate thing. I love the fact that I get the sense of security and pooled with established Santas but at the same time, I just made the cut cause this wasn't around last year and thats when I joined. Feel like I just snuck in under.
To the NT'ers who have been around for a while and not participated before, if it makes you guys feel better you can elect a leader (per say) and start up a pool for anyone who was left hanging. I'd gladly nominate myself but I don't think most people would trust me because of my join date and post count :\. Have someone collect the money and once all the gifts are received, you can start writing down who was screwed over. Proceed to send these people gifts with the money that was collected. Just a quick idea, I know there are a lot of variables and situations that need to be worked out so don't bash me if you think its a bad idea.
Love this time of the year, I participate in this SS and a work SS. Don't spend nearly as much time/effort on my coworkers :nthat:

I wouldn't mind running it at all next yr. Already coming up with ideas so no one feels slighted.
i sent a PM to cinco.



anyways, i want to do this by decmeber too. i have hella trips back to back and my money is going to be flowing everywhere that month.
Guess I better do my questionnaire
just sent in my questionaire after getting the update email

:wow: at 134 members ...hopefully ZERO flakers
Nooooo, I missed the deadline!

Still accepting? I was in it last year, if that matters lol.
everything sent. *awaits next step*

J2Legend, I'm sure Cinco as a waiting list incase there is flakers. Or at least that would be a smart idea. 8)
Sent my questionnaire.

As always, put me down as a backup Santa incase anyone doesn't receive a gift. Hopefully everyone does. :D
Random but please don't extend any deadlines or anything like that. Dudes have had more than enough time to send back questionnaires, and I'm pretty sure someone will come in here saying "Is it too late? Haven't done my questionnaire yet."

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just sent my questionnaire back to CINCO :D hopefully whoever gets me read's question #9 and really considers my wish list lol :lol:... i been a good boy this year SANTA!!!
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