2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

I guess I'll help out, give Cinco some breathing room.
If you haven't received a questionnaire, PM me an email address and I will forward the exact email Cinco sent to us.
Do not reply back to me, send it back to Cinco. Anything you reply back to me is being forwarded to Cinco and then deleted.
I will not hold onto your information at all.

Cinco - Don't back out, bro. This is tradition. You've been organizing this for the past years, don't let some eager beavers mess the experience up. I reached out to you in the original PM and offered assistance if needed. If you have a list of all the original NT'ers who PM'ed you, I would happily go through it to sort out who gets the questionnaire and who doesn't.

ksteezy - :lol: Who hurt you?
Dude has his own dressing better secret santa .Lets see how it works out first before he criticizes this one.

Fam I was part of this one before, I have all the rights to feel however I want to feel towards it.

It's not about a gift, the **** is a 25$ gift??...it's about the principle of commuting to gift a stranger...I'm happy because I hooked my elf up, can't say I'm happy to have gotten something from my Santa because I didn't receive anything.
I guess I'll help out, give Cinco some breathing room.
If you haven't received a questionnaire, PM me an email address and I will forward the exact email Cinco sent to us.
Do not reply back to me, send it back to Cinco. Anything you reply back to me is being forwarded to Cinco and then deleted.
I will not hold onto your information at all.
Cinco - Don't back out, bro. This is tradition. You've been organizing this for the past years, don't let some eager beavers mess the experience up. I reached out to you in the original PM and offered assistance if needed. If you have a list of all the original NT'ers who PM'ed you, I would happily go through it to sort out who gets the questionnaire and who doesn't.
ksteezy - :lol: Who hurt you?

Tbh I don't eem remember....for all I know he's probably participating in this one...
Don't even know how one thread compares with the other...anyways.
You have one user trying to do something fun for the community on his free time and others instead of helping want to jump at him, saying he's slacking as if this was his responsability....ya something.

The threads don't relate, the principle does.

You have done nothing in this thread but exude negativity. Was that your goal? Because if so, well done....mission accomplished.

You have not provided any suggestions on how to improve this process, but have just hovered around waiting for something like this to occur in order to say....."HAHA...told you so! DB SS > This one!"

Come one man.
Taken from the first page fam...

Cinco....I think this Santa should be limited to regular posters in the forum, no lurked no matter what their join date is, allow only users who obviously take pride in their username, I have a feeling that's the only way we will avoid deadbeats....I'm not talking a bunch of FutureMD type of posters but at least dudes who's names we can remember.

Some C&C

Besides that I'm just a disgruntled elf who got screwed last year...next time read through the thread bro.
Taken from the first page fam...
Some C&C
Besides that I'm just a disgruntled elf who got screwed last year...next time read through the thread bro.

I stand corrected, I do recall seeing that in the early stages of the thread.

But the last few pages weren't very useful and it appeared you were just waiting for something to go wrong to sneer and snicker.

If you don't want to participate that's cool (and understandable after you got burned), but don't throw salt on the whole process.

Serious, I'm not condoning what happened to you and it sucks that someone giving got stuck with a chump......but unfortuntely that is part of the risk of the process and human error when dealing with strangers on the internet.
I stand corrected, I do recall seeing that in the early stages of the thread.
But the last few pages weren't very useful and it appeared you were just waiting for something to go wrong to sneer and snicker.
If you don't want to participate that's cool (and understandable after you got burned), but don't throw salt on the whole process.
Serious, I'm not condoning what happened to you and it sucks that someone giving got stuck with a chump......but unfortuntely that is part of the risk of the process and human error when dealing with strangers on the internet.

Like I said im nothing more than a disgruntled NTer...everytime I think of some dude getting me and saying EFFF this dude I :frown: then :smh: then :x
Like I said im nothing more than a disgruntled NTer...everytime I think of some dude getting me and saying EFFF this dude I :frown: then :smh: then :x

Yeah, I would hope no one would maliciously join this program just to stick it to a certain/specific NTer and that the deadbeats were either extremely lazy or extremely broke. Those don't make up for it, but yeah that is unfortunate.

I'll be your SS this year Steezy.
Can I be down guise? How does this thing go? I see the thread every year. Is there a price limit or what?

OP will be PM'ed
Yeah, I would hope no one would maliciously join this program just to stick it to a certain/specific NTer and that the deadbeats were either extremely lazy or extremely broke. Those don't make up for it, but yeah that is unfortunate.
I'll be your SS this year Steezy.


I think Cinco threw in the towel already fam....I suggested last year that deadbeats should be banned...people actually got upset over that suggestion...lol

Honestly only reason I decided to post in this thread with negativity was because of the audacity of this deadbeat coming in here posting some clearance dvd's a year later saying his elf is honna be thrilled...I just imagined getting a gift now...id seriously burn that **** :lol: dude caught me off guard with that ****, so my emotions shined through.
I think Cinco threw in the towel already fam....I suggested last year that deadbeats should be banned...people actually got upset over that suggestion...lol
Honestly only reason I decided to post in this thread with negativity was because of the audacity of this deadbeat coming in here posting some clearance dvd's a year later saying his elf is honna be thrilled...I just imagined getting a gift now...id seriously burn that **** :lol: dude caught me off guard with that ****, so my emotions shined through.

I wasn't sure if the guy was serious or not (hard to tell these days), but damn......he ruined the surprise for whoever's gift it was by posting pictures of the gift before sending it. Yeah he was pretty pumped about it though......maybe he has had a weight on his heart about the matter, ha.

Hopefully Cinco was caught up in the moment and was frustrated.

But whatever happens, it is what is.

I have some shoes that would be money for you Steezy, too bad we aren't the same size.
Like I said in the early posts, I'm in for year 2. Definitely enjoyed the pleasant surprise I received last year.

Looking forward to it, hopefully I have the same great experience as last year... :x
PM sent... assuming it's still a go.

i was fortunate to have a great Secret Santa last year and enjoyed the experience.
Found my questionnaire from last year...funny how personal taste change in a year...will redo it and submit it...
Had work to think it over, im still going to do it. This year. This will be it for me though, too much for me to handle.
I do like the idea of picking people within the country they are in to save on shipping. Will this be added?
US and Canada only. I've had some overseas NTers ask about participating while some have voiced against allowing thoise to do so.
What's up guys?

I have a simple question, and a background story.

2 (or 3) years ago, I decided to join in on Secret Santa here. Things were going pretty well for me that November, when all of a sudden, BAM, life just hit me. Within a month, I lost my job, got kicked out of my moms house, and was forced to sleep in a car for 6 days. Long story short, because of that wakeup call, I am in a MUCH better position now.

With that being said, yes, I was a deadbeat the only time I tried (Jordan201) was my username. And I am sincerely asking for a second chance this time around.

May I please join?
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