Y ya'll think bush got a second term in the white house & how florida votes got f**ked up ( it's all planned out )His brother had tokno the bush was goonna lose the election, so det f**ked our votes up, the bush family dont wanna mess there plans up!!!! wat im sayin might sound STUPID, butthe world gotta understand how messed up & Crook-ed the govnerment is...

Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Not this again...
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Well, ( Theory ) says there about 6 billion ppl in the world, 2012 the govnment, gon try & bring that down to 500 million+....so there gonna, put fluoride in our foods ( it's the same thing that is in tooth paste, dats y the label read do not swallow..ect ) then there gonna plant chips in us & were gonna have a world war 3

i have the dvd, but I aint kno dey had it on youtube, till i checked today

9/11/01 was a set up by bush & the Government....
http://www.youtube.com/wa...ature=related &

I pray you aren't serious. Where does 9/11 even factor in to this? What proof is there that 9/11 was set up by Bush? Is there any proof of anything you said in the post anywhere?

Check the youtube link i gave @ the end of my post, it all explains how 9/11/ was a set up......we have our god & the govnerment has there own god, which is G ( GOLD )....O ( OIL )...D ( DRUGS )...the real reason were even fighting a war is becuz, bush had a plant growing in Afghanistan which is called ( Opium heroin plant ) it's a football field long,bush receives 300 billion dollars a year off dis plant, the ppl that grows these plants threaten bush & told him if he doesn't give them a fair amount of money dey would burn the plant.....and dats y were really fighting a war, not cuz of oil, we have oil that would last us the next 75+ years, but the govnerment dont want us to kno.... the video is 6 hours long & it explains everything!!!!

12/21/2012? ill tell you what's gonna happen.

imma drive my +%@ down to the local mall and finish up my damn christmas shopping!
Originally Posted by stuntastic020

well I been reading about this online and at this website http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/#/home for the past hours an now I'm paranoid again, after convincing myself this was just some foolish bs...

I wanna laugh but people like you really makes me frown inside.

Man go eduacate yourself. Dont believe everything you read or see on youtube.

Some people just run with things guy. Be the one who pauses and looks before jumping to conclusions.

This world could end tomorrow, F a 2012.

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

if y'all knew what type of stuff this dude be on in the sneak art forum you would be thinking the same thing.
The dude can't even do a good photoshop and always talks down on BP.
The dude is only 13 and be making some gay responses.
Why is this @$%&$ calling me beast? My sn is AF1 Beast say the whole thing
I ain't trying to hurt jw air or any other Nters feelings
Dudes want to have their 2 cents in when i'm not talkin to them
It was just a simple statement...damn!
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