2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

he kept running that same inside draw to barner which was clearly not working and it set them back in yards to go

That's been their bread and butter all year. Can't expect a coach to go away from what's been the hallmark of his offense all year with everything on the line.

it wasn't working at all, he could mixed it up a little he didn't throw one screen to dat or barner

and dat started get going in the run game but he went away from him and stuck with barner

making adjustments are part of the game to

chip is a great coach, but stanford out gameplanned them
If USC beats ND
n Oregon wins out we will be back in the picture

How though, Stanford has the Pac-12 North lead now and if they beat UCLA they go to the title game. So say Oregon does win out, they still won't go to the Pac-12 title game. And the outrage that ensued last year about a non-conference champ being in the title game (Bama) a lot of it coming from out west, will be in play again.
it wasn't working at all, he could mixed it up a little he didn't throw one screen to dat or barner
and dat started get going in the run game but he went away from him and stuck with barner
making adjustments are part of the game to
chip is a great coach, but stanford out gameplanned them

Dead on

My pops was like why does Oregon keep running that QB/RB Run option its nothing there :smh:
chip's playcalling was bad today

thats what happens when you cant block

they ran their bread and butter plays. **** aint work. when it works, Chip is a genius, when it gets punched in the mouth, they look like that.

they tried to throw it, Mariota didnt do too well...

He looks real good when that run game is going tho

btw Johnny Football is much better than Mariota but thats for another day
So does this mean that Stanford could play UCLA on back to back weeks?
How though, Stanford has the Pac-12 North lead now and if they beat UCLA they go to the title game. So say Oregon does win out, they still won't go to the Pac-12 title game. And the outrage that ensued last year about a non-conference champ being in the title game (Bama) a lot of it coming from out west, will be in play again.

this will most likely be the rankings tomorrow.....

1. ND
2. Bama
3. Georgia
4. Florida
5. Oregon

ND loses so that knocks them out

Bama plays Georgia so one of them will get crossed

that leaves you with Oregon, Florida, & LSU

SEC vs SEC aint happening again

Oregon with a close OT game to a solid #13 Standford team and if they win out that means they woulda had to beat a high ranked OSU so thats always a plus
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Y'all are overreacting a tad bit much dontcha think? :lol:

Have some perspective. Kicker makes that FG in OT, Oregon easily might have won. Or if Oregon had recovered that fumble on 2nd down during Stanford's OT drive when the ball went right through #54's hands...or if DAT had some awareness and makes that easy block on Mariota's run...Oregon probably wins.

The margin of victory of victory wasn't that great to be throwing Oregon or Chip under the bus. One play here or there and Oregon has the W.

I still don't think Ertz had full control of the ball when his shoulder came down on that TD.
who's the better loss?

Oregon's loss to Stanford or Bama's loss to A&M? Both at home, one in OT.

Obviously I'm in favor of anything Oregon, but I honestly don't know if there's a right answer.


New BCS projections from @JBradEdwards: 1. Notre Dame, 2. Alabama, 3. Georgia, 4. Florida, 5. Oregon
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Sorry all the "turnt up" was still flowing from FB & Twitter...
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who's the better loss?
Oregon's loss to Stanford or Bama's loss to A&M? Both at home, one in OT.
Obviously I'm in favor of anything Oregon, but I honestly don't know if there's a right answer.
New BCS projections from @JBradEdwards: 1. Notre Dame, 2. Alabama, 3. Georgia, 4. Florida, 5. Oregon

If USC can come through we will be in it no doubt in my mind

But just heard Barkely might be out :x
this will most likely be the rankings tomorrow.....
1. ND
2. Bama
3. Georgia
4. Florida
5. Oregon
ND loses so that knocks them out
Bama plays Georgia so one of them will get crossed
that leaves you with Oregon, Florida, & LSU
SEC vs SEC aint happening again
Oregon with a close OT game to a solid #13 Standford team and if they win out that means they woulda had to beat a high ranked OSU so thats always a plus

If and that's a big if we beat FSU if you go by the resume even though our offense is piss poor and I don't think we'd deserve, we would have had wins over LSU and A&M who are top 10 teams now and you guys best win would be over an Oregon St team that may be in the top 15 next week. That USC win keeps looking worse and worse even if they beat ND next week. SEC vs SEC has a strong possibility of happening if we upset FSU next week and ND loses.
If and that's a big if we beat FSU if you go by the resume even though our offense is piss poor and I don't think we'd deserve, we would have had wins over LSU and A&M who are top 10 teams now and you guys best win would be over an Oregon St team that may be in the top 15 next week. That USC win keeps looking worse and worse even if they beat ND next week. SEC vs SEC has a strong possibility of happening if we upset FSU next week and ND loses.

I can't see the voters putting two SEC teams in the national championship again. There was so much backlash last year...
If and that's a big if we beat FSU if you go by the resume even though our offense is piss poor and I don't think we'd deserve, we would have had wins over LSU and A&M who are top 10 teams now and you guys best win would be over an Oregon St team that may be in the top 15 next week. That USC win keeps looking worse and worse even if they beat ND next week. SEC vs SEC has a strong possibility of happening if we upset FSU next week and ND loses.

True but yall not playing in the SEC championship will hurt yall

and if we get into the Pac that will help and we only have one loss and yall have 2

then the whole fiasco that made voters and people mad last year with the SEC vs SEC title game will come up again and probably get ruled in Oregons favor

but these are all IFs at this point

I wanna see how this plays out

the polls tomorrow will have BIG play in this
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Voters likely won't have any control over it if that scenario plays out. CPUs already had us as the top 1 loss team in the rankings last week (3rd overall) even though we were 8th in the polls and if we beat FSU that's only going to go up. Oregon was already behind us in the CPUs being undefeated now with a loss it's going to be even worse. That's why FSU has no shot even if every voter put them at No. 2, they are too far down in the rankings in the CPUs.

Y'all better hope UCLA beats Stanford next week cause there won't be any complaints warranted from Duck fans cause they won't be conference champions either if we take care of business next week.
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