2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)



Marrone is my dude and is loved here in the Cuse, but he seems better fit as a Pro coach. Much respect if he leaves...i mean its the NFL man. You don't turn down a hc job because next year Cuse will be pretty awful and his hype will die down

Doug is very underpaid. Hopefully Doctor Gross will atleast double his salary bc the NFL will pay him that much more. The school also needs to show dedication to the football program if Doug wants to show his dedication.

Also need to update the facilities lol.

Agreed on the facilities. They will be the worst in the ACC. They are starting to do things for the football program but these things take time and money, something of which the school doesn't have or doesn't want to touch. If it wasnt for an outside donor we wouldn't have the Melo Center. SU does a terrible job at getting money from alumni for the athletic department.

Doubling his salary? No. He'd make more than Boeheim and Boeheim does more for the university than Doug ever will in terms of fundraising and getting the SU name out there. He's severely underpaid for what he does.

I disagree when you said he should go when his hype is still high. Its not like he was never in the NFL. He was thw Saints OC before coming to CNY. If he sought a coaching gig, he could have stayed there and got put on in time. I don't have a problem with him trying to better himself. I have a problem with the way hes gone about it. He came here under the guise that this was his dream job and that he wants to bring SU back to prominence. As soon as he gets a shot to bolt he's looking to take it?
Video game big hit :x Like when you're playing the computer and getting frustrated so you just bring all 11 players on the blitz and try to light up anyone in the backfield :lol:
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ace was curled up in the back of the end zone but they threw a flag on him>?

sldjasldjf;asjdf He was injured too but he got called for celebration

and not a single replay.

these REFs should Never work another game. clearly they have money on this game.
Everytime I watch Michigan All I see JG do is make plays, and all I ever see Michigan fans do is b**** and Moan about him.
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