2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

David shaw
The collision actually required a perfect storm of circumstances.
First, Spurrier had to yank Clowney near the end of the first half because Clowney looked and played tired. This angered Clowney, and he promised himself he'd play hard enough to stay on the field. Second, the officials had to make that curious call on the measurement after the fake punt. This not only fired up the entire South Carolina defense, but it also inspired Ward to be aggressive on the next play in an attempt to grab back the momentum.
Ward called a stunt named Cali. It requires Clowney to dip inside to allow the boundary corner (Victor Hampton) access to an outside rushing lane.
Meanwhile, Michigan offensive coordinator Al Borges had called a Power run to the left side. Wolverines offensive tackle Taylor Lewan -- whose play against Clowney on Tuesday further solidified his place near the top of the NFL draft if he chooses to turn pro -- noticed something amiss about Clowney's alignment. "The end lined up on me in such a gray area that I had to call a Deuce to the inside," Lewan said. Lewan explained that a Deuce call ties the tackle to the guard, and their responsibilities are the lineman nearest the guard and the backside linebacker. By making the Deuce call, Lewan had untied himself from tight end Mike Kwiatkowski, who had anticipated working in tandem with Lewan on the play. Lewan said Kwiatkowski didn't hear the Deuce call, and video replays make that quite obvious. Kwiatkowski fired off the line at an angle that would have been perfect had he and Lewan been working a combo block. But Lewan was working a combo block with guard Ricky Barnum. Clowney, the owner of one of college football's quickest first steps, shot the gap before Kwiatkowski could realize what happened. "He's got that little slip move," Spurrier said. "When they come at him, they get nothing but air." Smith never had a chance. "That miscommunication," Lewan said. "Those are the plays that can lose games."
Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/co...carolina-michigan-outback-bowl/#ixzz2GmGyBQMQ
Leaving Tampa now.

WHAT A DAY and bowl game.

I see Jadeveon Clowney absolutely destroy Vincent Smith and get to meet Darius Rucker with my wife.

Hard to top this the rest of the year in 2013. Go Gamecocks.
Everytime I watch Michigan All I see JG do is make plays, and all I ever see Michigan fans do is b**** and Moan about him.

Please show me where those "fans" are... Dude has been the most reliable offensive player the past 2 years.... He should have a pretty good year next year with Devin at QB... Shocked Michigan played them that closely... Refs were bad all game long and laughable more than that.... They were throwing flags every time someone got looked at funny.... No shame in Michigan losing to 12-0, 12-0, 11-1, 11-2 and the B1G runner ups when the coaches played it terribly when Denard got hurt... Next year should be the start of a bigtime turn around
NIU came to play, at least. Hope they can keep this up and make it a real game through 4.
So Manuel gets hit in the back of his knees and his legs rolled under... Matt Millen's dumb *** says "that's a safe hit." Srs Matt?
Yeah I don't know what he's talking about there :lol: ... That was unsafe as ****..

Agreed that NIU has came to play or at least not going to get blown out but they need to get points . Keep that punter off the field
You can really see the athelete talent level on both ends of the spectrum between these teams. But for FSU not to be blowing this team out says one of two things: How bad they are or how disinterested they are in playing this game.
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