2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)





Bear down!


Meh. Lots of work to do before ND
September 29th in East Lansing. Thriller Miller ready. Beast mode activated.

Best case scenario, Miller runs himself into a nub against sparty defense. Leveon Bell runs himself into a nub against ohio's defense. Yea, that would be great.
Very nice vid, PMAC1. I would definitely like to see more of that ilk from around the country. 


Also considering the relative strengths of the conferences and the fact that this might be worst B1O I've seen in my lifetime. How good top to bottom is the Pac-12 this year?

1. SEC
2. Big-12
3. Pac-12
4. ACC / B1O Tie - right? Can't get much worse for a major conference, especially a conference thats been known as a football power in recent decades.

Good - Michigan State, Ohio State
Average - Northwestern, Nebraska, Michigan, Purdue (I'm not even sure that these teams could make this category on a national scale, but within the conference this is where they belong.)
Below average - Wisconsin (haven't watched the games, but could be bad?), Minnesota
Bad - Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Penn State
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If Michigan cant cover the spread and hold UMass to below 100 yards on Saturday I don't think this team wins more than 7 games.
If Michigan cant cover the spread and hold UMass to below 100 yards on Saturday I don't think this team wins more than 7 games.
What if we go up big early and pull all the starters? Those stats would be meaningless. C'mon, have faith in the maize & blue!
I got 8. *4-2 going into Michigan State, bye week before Purdue helps a lot. Illini QB's are ******ed and will lose that game for them. Put on the Maize & Blue glasses and weirder things have happened versus ND... 5-1 isn't insane. Don't think they'll lose any of 3 games in November leading up to O$U.

On the flip side, losses to ND, MSU, Nebraska, and O$U look good right now.

Marve trying for a 7th year? - http://bleacherreport.com/tb/d8r92?...dium=newsletter&utm_campaign=college-football
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Even with Wisconsin and Michigan being down the BIG is still better than the ACC. This will be the ACC's worst year since 08, though I think FSU and Clemson will still be top 10-15 teams. Besides them I don't see another team in the conference worthy of a top 25 ranking right now, though its only 2 games in. VT and GT could be borderline by seasons end.
Even with Wisconsin and Michigan being down the BIG is still better than the ACC. This will be the ACC's worst year since 08, though I think FSU and Clemson will still be top 10-15 teams. Besides them I don't see another team in the conference worthy of a top 25 ranking right now, though its only 2 games in. VT and GT could be borderline by seasons end.
Keep your chin up, little buddy. There's still a lot of football to be played. You're right that the ACC is awful so any one of those teams could have the honor of being best of the worst.
Gunna, I never realized your boy Zach Line is third among active players in rushing touchdowns, behind only Denard Robinson and Montee Ball (according to Coach Sumlin at least - I haven't checked it out). I know you've been a big fan of his.
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What if we go up big early and pull all the starters? Those stats would be meaningless. C'mon, have faith in the maize & blue!

Even Clemon's pitiful defense could shutout UMass.
Why you so mad?

You're the one that made a statement about how if Michigan couldn't hold UMass to less than 100 yards rushing and cover the spread, you wouldn't win more than 7 games. As if, when it comes down to it, that's somehow an indicator. Instead of deflecting, answer...if you play all backups for the majority of the game and they give up over 100 yards and a 50 point lead ends up being a 40 pt win, then you'll only win 7 suddenly? But if they rush for 90 and Michigan wins by 70, that determines how the season will play out.
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Gunna, I never realized your boy Zach Line is third among active players in rushing touchdowns, behind only Denard Robinson and Montee Ball (according to Coach Sumlin at least - I haven't checked it out). I know you've been a big fan of his.

DIdnt know that

Loved his running style from day 1
I think Huff was just a scare. But yeah, still sucks. Hopefully that depth Chip talks about comes through. O-Line has bothered me the most this season in their play, at lest the backups.

huff just needs to sit it out this weekend. dont need to risk him against Tennessee Tech. save him for next week when it matters.
Why you so mad?
You're the one that made a statement about how if Michigan couldn't hold UMass to less than 100 yards rushing and cover the spread, you wouldn't win more than 7 games. As if, when it comes down to it, that's somehow an indicator. Instead of deflecting, answer...if you play all backups for the majority of the game and they give up over 100 yards and a 50 point lead ends up being a 40 pt win, then you'll only win 7 suddenly? But if they rush for 90 and Michigan wins by 70, that determines how the season will play out.

What happened to the "we" talk???
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