2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

You mean like the Heat games?

There are a billion things to do in Miami, and tons of sports to ignore. In this economy, you think people have the cash to go Dolphin games, Canes games, Heat games, Marlin games, whatever high school games that matter out there, college bball, etc etc? All that, ON TOP of all the other Miami things you can do? *shrugs*
yes just like the heat since they sell out now since they have a real team. just like the clippers pack staples center now that they have blake and Cp3

the same people dont go to all of them events so its stupid to throw all them out there

my main point is it doesnt matter how many students the U as, most stadiums fill up because of the fans in the city, if the u was winning the stadium would be pack just like the old stadium was.
You mean like the Heat games? :lol:

There are a billion things to do in Miami, and tons of sports to ignore. In this economy, you think people have the cash to go Dolphin games, Canes games, Heat games, Marlin games, whatever high school games that matter out there, college bball, etc etc? All that, ON TOP of all the other Miami things you can do? *shrugs*

yes just like the heat since they sell out now since they have a real team. just like the clippers pack staples center now that they have blake and Cp3

the same people dont go to all of them events so its stupid to throw all them out there

my main point is it doesnt matter how many students the U as, most stadiums fill up because of the fans in the city, if the u was winning the stadium would be pack just like the old stadium was.

All the Heat games were sold out last year? Packed to the gils? Cuz pretty sure even during the playoffs people were STILL going on and on about the attendance at the Heat games. Tickets might be sold, but there were a **** ton of empty seats in the lower levels.
- This WV-Baylor game, cringing at the Defense being played. Just awful.
- Think WVU QB's will eventually get the "system QB" tag, don't think it happens to Geno, however if WVU keeps churning out QB's with big numbers under Holgerson do they get Hawaii (Chang, Brennan), Houston (Keenum), Texas Tech (Harrell) treatment?

-Don't want to hear the Miami attendance excuse. Miami is fair weather city. **** fan base all around.
- Think WVU QB's will eventually get the "system QB" tag, don't think it happens to Geno, however if WVU keeps churning out QB's with big numbers under Holgerson do they get Hawaii (Chang, Brennan), Houston (Keenum), Texas Tech (Harrell) treatment?
it really depends on the QB tho, geno has an NFL arm. we all said that about oregon was just a "system" till dennis dixon came along

hawaii,houston and tech all run the same kind of spread where its 5 WR and just throw the ball short. never called for its QB to have a big arm.
Doesn't the NCAA have attendance requirements in order to remain 1-A or BCS eligible? No idea how low it is or if the NCAA would actually enforce it but I remember hearing Duke was dangerously close to that number a few years ago. Besides, I'd imagine Miami's actual ticket sales aren't as bad as the attendance.

Private school, "low" enrollment, other local attractions or whatever, those types of showings are awful.
- This WV-Baylor game, cringing at the Defense being played. Just awful.
- Think WVU QB's will eventually get the "system QB" tag, don't think it happens to Geno, however if WVU keeps churning out QB's with big numbers under Holgerson do they get Hawaii (Chang, Brennan), Houston (Keenum), Texas Tech (Harrell) treatment?
-Don't want to hear the Miami attendance excuse. Miami is fair weather city. **** fan base all around.

Difference is geno can make every throw and has an incredibly strong arm.


Is it Sorkoram that's the big Arkansas fan? I tried to look through the thread a little bit but saw he has an Ohio State avy.
I turned that game on for a little while...I hope he's okay. I want to let you know I'm praying for you in these tough times.

Also, apparently Cardo snuck into Clemson's cafeteria and poisoned the food. Gave half the team the runs, drippin.
Paul Johnson is wearing out his welcome at Ga tech
i said it the last 2 weeks and last year, dude needs to ditch that offense or he is going to be out of a job soon. you get enough good players at tech to run a spread or pro style offense.

when he got hired at Gtech he said im run the option but its not like i have to. that he knew other styles of offense. well its time to change
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