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Let that man be great. 

I don't want people to make a big deal out of this.

Blatt said what he wanted and Bron just simply said **** that I wanna take the shot.

I don't think it's Bron telling Blatt to F off or anything he just wanted the ball, and god damn he hit the shot

Cannot wait until Tuesday.
Oh no no man I agree. He did what any other leader of the team would. I don't fault him at all for that. 

Remember when people used to say LeBron isn't clutch? Well now he's tied Michael Jordan for most game winning shots in the Postseason.

Win that series ya'll! Us Heat fans are begging 
Whatt do you guys think about Blatt?
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Whatt do you guys think about Blatt?

I think that he's very fortunate to have a.) the refs miss what he did and b.) Tyron Lue to PHYSICALLY save him, the game, and the series.

Team sport. Top to bottom I'm glad that we're looking out for each other.

I also think that having Lebron inbound would have been a terrible job.

Personally, and I think Blatt knows this, he has to do a better job the rest of this post season.
Amazing energy at the Q last night, check my IG, this my 3rd team meeting Rachel Nicholas lol.....Got on the jumbotron too but couldn't really get a good capture of it, had my phone on video, instead of pic when i did snag something.
Thats awesome man.

So pumped for tomorrow night. Work until 7, the going home grilling out some burgers and drinking a cold one.

Close it out Cavs.

Lets go
Feels good knowing that the team can get some rest.

Don't care who wins between Atlanta and Washington.

I'm confident against either opponent
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