2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Man I love October man. It's the best month of the year by Far. 

You have the World Series, NBA starting and then the NFL is just getting into full swing with teams emerging as good or baad.

Can't wait for October.

Bonus: my girl and everyone else girl gets the "do me" costumes out for the Halloween parties
Coolest thing about being a fan is that it's ageless. Father Time can go **** himself. Our favorite players come and go, but no matter how old we get, we can remain fans of the game. I love it. Ohhh I can't wait until October 30th. I wish we had the Summer Olympics this year. I am NOT watching WNBA so don't try and make me.
Bruh there's summer league and FIBA. Between the best draft class in years + Kyrie / Durant dogging international competition, we should be excited lol.
Coolest thing about being a fan is that it's ageless. Father Time can go **** himself. Our favorite players come and go, but no matter how old we get, we can remain fans of the game. I love it. Ohhh I can't wait until October 30th. I wish we had the Summer Olympics this year. I am NOT watching WNBA so don't try and make me.
Bruh there's summer league and FIBA. Between the best draft class in years + Kyrie / Durant dogging international competition, we should be excited lol.

This! :pimp:
I want Pau to team up wtih Marc in Memphis. Sorry Zach.

Pau showed last season he can still be efficient and a 20/10 threat. And the only player that would have more chemistry next to Marc outside of Zbo is his brother. Grizz simply cannot go into next season force feeding Zbo and him forcing shots up in the paint. If Zbo decides to opt in, I would hope the Pau for Zbo trade comes true.

Pau and a better SF would put Memphis back in the game against the Spurs and would be more effective against the Thunder's long bigs. Zbo is a great guy, great for the city, more intense/physical and better at abusing mismatches but who cares about that? If Pau is better against the Thunder and Spurs (and he was last year for sure) and we are going for a title then he needs to be the choice over Zbo.

Find out what a package of Courtney Lee and Kosta Koufos or Tony Allen and Kosta Koufos gets us at SF, draft BPA at #22, waive Prince using the stretch provision, bring back a healthy Pondexter and we are ready. I'll be happy with that offseason.
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I want Pau to team up wtih Marc in Memphis. Sorry Zach.

Pau showed last season he can still be efficient and a 20/10 threat. And the only player that would have more chemistry next to Marc outside of Zbo is his brother. Grizz simply cannot go into next season force feeding Zbo and him forcing shots up in the paint. If Zbo decides to opt in, I would hope the Pau for Zbo trade comes true.

Pau and a better SF would put Memphis back in the game against the Spurs and would be more effective against the Thunder's long bigs. Zbo is a great guy, great for the city, more intense/physical and better at abusing mismatches but who cares about that? If Pau is better against the Thunder and Spurs (and he was last year for sure) and we are going for a title then he needs to be the choice over Zbo.

Pau can still get you 20/10 when healthy, but what about the 20/10 he's going to give up at the other end of the floor :x .. As a Bulls fan, Pau is on par with Boozer when it comes to defense, not sure if that's the missing piece you guys need to take the next step.
I'm not sure Pau would live up to your expectations.

Hard to say if he can be a reliable option every night on offense... and then there's the defensive problem.
Pau can still get you 20/10 when healthy, but what about the 20/10 he's going to give up at the other end of the floor :x .. As a Bulls fan, Pau is on par with Boozer when it comes to defense, not sure if that's the missing piece you guys need to take the next step.

He's replacing Zach Randolph, so I can't say he would be any worse :lol: . Either way, you let Marc guard the best offensive big on the team and let Pau guard the weakest. The one thing Pau has going for him is length and a little bit quicker laterally. That alone will allow him to adjust the shots of a lot of bigs in the paint and opposing guards attacking the rim.

Month of January (15 games):
20.8ppg / 11.9rpg / 3.9apg / 1.7bpg / 51% FG

He went on that tear before getting injured, then came back from injury to play 14 straight games between February/March and averaged:

19ppg / 8.5rpg / 3apg / 1.8bpg / 52% FG

The biggest thing about Pau is that he's unselfish. Memphis needs a player at PF that can produce at a similar level as Zach, while having a high bball IQ. A guy that can make the right plays when needed and allow the ball to move seamlessly. He does that. He's not going to be the guy we go to in crunch time or anything like that. :lol:
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So, everyone is telling me that taking Zach Randolph away from the Grizzlies means the Grizz are going to get worse defensively? :lol:

He's the weakest defender in the starting lineup guys...and if we were holding teams to 80 something points with him getting 35 minutes a night, you think its going to all of a sudden breakdown because Pau would replace him? Not even mentioning the upgrade we would end up getting at SF from Prince, who could damn near be anybody :lol: .

Now, if we were replacing Pau for Marc, then yes, defense is a definite concern. More than likely Memphis would keep Tony Allen on the roster, but I'm sure he and Koufos would bring back more value in a trade than Lee/Koufos. My dream offseason?

Trade Zbo for Pau
Use Lee, Koufos and #22 for Afflalo (may work, may not)
Use Ed Davis (S&T) in a deal to get Harrison Barnes from Golden State (possibly)
Sign Udoh using some of the MLE
Re-sign Mike Miller
Bring back a healthy Pondexter

Conley / Calathes
Afflalo / Allen
Barnes / Miller / Pondexter
Pau / Udoh / Leuer
Marc / Udoh or cheap FA center

the majority of that is very possible. It really just starts with moving Zbo for Pau. Grizz want to emulate the Spurs...well you can't emulate the Spurs with Zach Randolph as the focal point of your offense. You can do that with Pau and Marc as your PF/C.

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Ok man, don't say we didn't warn you. Maybe you should look up some stuff from last year on Pau's defensive "abilities". May be an eye opener.
Love to Boston. Bron to Lakers... with Melo. Bosh to Dallas or Houston. Miami is a tier 2 major city that gets old after a while. LA is where these young rich ****** wanna be. Bosh wants to be home. Love has that Boston swag. He'd be a hero status immediately. And him and Rondo would be lock for eastern conference finals every year.

Western conference finals = NBA Finals. East is an NIT tourney.
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One doesn't qualify, per you tho. Don't mean **** to me, or the rest of the planet.

Copycat league, and if my dumb *** can spot this stuff happening, so can the rest of the league.

And wait, aren't you the one spouting off that Kobe took 9 million less than he could have? :nerd:

And if Bron and Melo take less money this summer, you are officially out of arguments. Will be interesting to see what they do.

Question did Harden, Rose, Dwight, DMC, Russ, or Ibaka take max deals? They were all under the current CBA but according to you the trend is guys in their prime are taking less in order to put more around them.

Golden state lucked up and got Steph at a discounted price before he blew up. You seriously think the Cavs this summer are going to get Kyrie to stay or AD in new Orleans in a few seasons with anything less than the max?
One doesn't qualify, per you tho. Don't mean **** to me, or the rest of the planet.

Copycat league, and if my dumb *** can spot this stuff happening, so can the rest of the league.

And wait, aren't you the one spouting off that Kobe took 9 million less than he could have?

And if Bron and Melo take less money this summer, you are officially out of arguments. Will be interesting to see what they do.
Question did Harden, Rose, Dwight, DMC, Russ, or Ibaka take max deals? They were all under the current CBA but according to you the trend is guys in their prime are taking less in order to put more around them.

Golden state lucked up and got Steph at a discounted price before he blew up. You seriously think the Cavs this summer are going to get Kyrie to stay or AD in new Orleans in a few seasons with anything less than the max?
exactly. DMC took the max extension to stay in Sac.  He says he wants to be a part of taking a team from the bottom to the top, not team up to build a super team
One doesn't qualify, per you tho. Don't mean **** to me, or the rest of the planet.

Copycat league, and if my dumb *** can spot this stuff happening, so can the rest of the league.

And wait, aren't you the one spouting off that Kobe took 9 million less than he could have? :nerd:

And if Bron and Melo take less money this summer, you are officially out of arguments. Will be interesting to see what they do.

Question did Harden, Rose, Dwight, DMC, Russ, or Ibaka take max deals? They were all under the current CBA but according to you the trend is guys in their prime are taking less in order to put more around them.

Golden state lucked up and got Steph at a discounted price before he blew up. You seriously think the Cavs this summer are going to get Kyrie to stay or AD in new Orleans in a few seasons with anything less than the max?
exactly. DMC took the max extension to stay in Sac.  He says he wants to be a part of taking a team from the bottom to the top, not team up to build a super team

I hope he knows that if we ever wins a championship, it won't count any more or less than Miami's super team
I can't wait til Pau links with one of his supporters' teams and terribly disappoints them
[thread="597358"]I hope he knows that if we ever wins a championship, it won't count any more or less than Miami's super team[/thread]
obviously in the record book, no it won't.  But nobody is impressed by Miami's championship. When you team up a bunch of superstars in their prime you are SUPPOSED to win the chip. Anything else is a complete failure.

Whether you team a bunch of stars or not, the goal is always to win a championship. Anything less is always a failure. You're fooling yourself if you think no one is impressed with Miami's championships and 4 straight finals.
I can't wait til Pau links with one of his supporters' teams and terribly disappoints them

You sure Morey's hard on for him is gone? Think McHale would actually try and use him and Dwight unlike MDA.
Question did Harden, Rose, Dwight, DMC, Russ, or Ibaka take max deals?

You really havin a hard time with this, aren't you?

The last 2 years, the teams in the FInals had guys take paycuts. You get that, yes? Stop with your illiterate bull ****, and soak that in please.

So, Harden's deal came before that, when he was dealt.
Rose extension was when?

Dwight, took less money to join Houston, than stay in LA, did he not? 4 years vs 5 years, yes?

DMC, I mean, DMC.......what's next, you gonna throw Rodman, or Mike Tyson at me? Not exactly critical thinkers here man. Cousins took the max, because Sacramento ain't winning ****, ever. Get every dime. :lol:

Russ and Ibaka, pre the last two years, and I thought Ibaka did take a smaller deal, didn't he? Was his the max? Either way, pre 2013.

So focus, Heat, Spurs. Players took less money, to build their rosters, make runs. That trend, likely to continue this offseason, IF, Bron or Melo do something similar. If they max out, then yes, I am wrong and no more "less money" deals will take place.

Unless Dirk takes a drastic cut to bring in talent to Dallas. :nerd: :lol:
Whether you team a bunch of stars or not, the goal is always to win a championship. Anything less is always a failure. You're fooling yourself if you think no one is impressed with Miami's championships and 4 straight finals.
Of course every team is ultimately playing for a championship. But it is not a realistic goal for most teams each year. Only a handful of teams have a realistic shot at winning the ring each season. This year for example when the season started you would have probably said it was SAS, OKC, MIA, IND, and maybe LAC.  When Miami teamed up i think everyone knew right away that the team would be in the Finals and most likely winning. 
You really havin a hard time with this, aren't you?

The last 2 years, the teams in the FInals had guys take paycuts. You get that, yes? Stop with your illiterate bull ****, and soak that in please.

So, Harden's deal came before that, when he was dealt.
Rose extension was when?

Dwight, took less money to join Houston, than stay in LA, did he not? 4 years vs 5 years, yes?

DMC, I mean, DMC.......what's next, you gonna throw Rodman, or Mike Tyson at me? Not exactly critical thinkers here man. Cousins took the max, because Sacramento ain't winning ****, ever. Get every dime. :lol:

Russ and Ibaka, pre the last two years, and I thought Ibaka did take a smaller deal, didn't he? Was his the max? Either way, pre 2013.

So focus, Heat, Spurs. Players took less money, to build their rosters, make runs. That trend, likely to continue this offseason, IF, Bron or Melo do something similar. If they max out, then yes, I am wrong and no more "less money" deals will take place.

Unless Dirk takes a drastic cut to bring in talent to Dallas. :nerd: :lol:

I honestly don't even know why I bother. Dirk has indicated he's probably going to take less to try and bring in ppl. Again is Dirk in his prime? You keep bringing up the Heat when they signed deals in 2010, they were going to make what they made regardless so why is pre-2013 pre-condition? These guys aren't renegotiating contacts after each season to bring in guys. All those other guys signed deals 2011 and after under the new CBA structure. So you're saying if Melo opts out and Mitch signs him to a max deal he's taking a paycut? I mean his total first year salary would basically be the same about a 1 mil dollar difference.

You literally have one example of old guys taking less to keep the ppl they already had on their team in Diaw, Mills, and Splitter.
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Question did Harden, Rose, Dwight, DMC, Russ, or Ibaka take max deals?
Harden - max
Rose - max
Dwight - the max that was allowed that the Rockets could offer
Boogie - max
Russ - I think he left a little on the table
Ibaka - Left some on the table
best way to build a consistent contender is smart drafting and cap management. convince people to take less or use your money wisely and build around what you have and you could compete for years.
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Extensions should be a more realistic option. In a no-max world, perhaps Davis and the Pelicans should even be able to tear up Brow’s rookie contract midway and ink a long-term extension on the spot. That would end Davis’s forced early-career underpayment and reward the Pelicans for convincing Davis that they are the franchise for him. That kind of reward would be more important in a world where the other 29 teams could offer Davis anything.

This is interesting. The MLB new approach with the likes of Mike Trout, etc. Buying out their young/cheap years with security. If the NBA starts to look into this, they could help fix alot of this stuff.

You'd have to REALLY hate the team that drafted you, to not take a larger contract, sooner in your career over making 5-6 million. :lol:
You keep bringing up the Heat when they signed deals in 2010

Because they are in their prime guys that did in fact take less money to join together. And for 4 years, it worked out rather well for them.

Now, they may do it again. We'll see.
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