2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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I'm starting to think Lebron probably never wanted to leave. With him on the roster...they would have never been bad enough to improve the team through the draft. They also didn't have the assets to drastically improve the team through trades. So...Lebron and Satan basically came up with the grand plan to have him leave....play with two LGBT superstars and win a couple rings. Gift the Cavs with ridiculous draft luck (which they even still managed to **** up somehow)...arrange for Lebron's illuminati apprentice, Johny Football to land in the new Babylon right before the Prodigal son himself returns to reclaim his throne in hell.

When did you start disliking Raymone?

You've just never liked him or was it the whole decision thing?
Some time during the clashes his Cavs teams had with the Wizards and the Orlando playoff series.

Little **** kept adding up and I saw dude for what he really was.

The whole Decision nonsense solidified it for me. Not just the TV special but all the details and how he handled it only confirmed his BAN level.

I used to get at him strictly for basketball related matters but 1. he became a ******g cyborg in Miami 2. I realized how much I underestimated having Mike Brown as your coach 3. he's just not built "that way".

I've always respected his greatness though. Those that dismiss or try to minimize his talent are fools.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

But Melo, Kobe, Dirk, Duncan should take a pay cut
I'm sorry but I have to agree with this.

I don't give a **** what anybody thinks about Kobe being selfish and not "helping" out his team. **** like this is exactly why he and Lebron need to cash out.
100000000% agree. I've been screaming this from the mountaintops since Day 1.

Some of these ****** are OK w/ bending over and letting management/ownership have their way. **** all that, man. Take a look across the league + their counterparts and tell me why players shouldn't do it. I NEVER fault any player for taking the money. The super duper fans that only see **** through their team's colored lenses always miss the point.
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If he does go back, for those of us who are true and OG LeBron haters, his playoff losses will be so, so sweet.

"Will he ever win in Cleveland?" Media going to act like he's starting from nothing.
I remember when Dorell Wright was supposed to be the next T-Mac.

Son never even sniffed 15 PPG a game
The thing I find funniest is seeing people say "come home" lebron. The same people who burned his jerseys and cursed him for leaving. Now they say come home like a child who ran away. Cleveland really feels entitled to lebron forreal lol
Some time during the clashes his Cavs teams had with the Wizards and the Orlando playoff series.

Little **** kept adding up and I saw dude for what he really was.

The whole Decision nonsense solidified it for me. Not just the TV special but all the details and how he handled it only confirmed his BAN level.

I used to get at him strictly for basketball related matters but 1. he became a ******g cyborg in Miami 2. I realized how much I underestimated having Mike Brown as your coach 3. he's just not built "that way".

I've always respected his greatness though. Those that dismiss or try to minimize his talent are fools.

100000000% agree. I've been screaming this from the mountaintops since Day 1.

Some of these ****** are OK w/ bending over and letting management/ownership have their way. **** all that, man. Take a look across the league + their counterparts and tell me why players shouldn't do it. I NEVER fault any player for taking the money. The super duper fans that only see **** through their team's colored lenses always miss the point.

NT'ers are billionares tho. Money aint worth ****. :lol:
So the Cleveland thread is going to be whats poppin' next season eh?

:smh: @ what could have been the Chi vs CLE, Melo/Rose vs Bron/Kyrie showdown next year if things just panned out

Would have been great...
The thing I find funniest is seeing people say "come home" lebron. The same people who burned his jerseys and cursed him for leaving. Now they say come home like a child who ran away. Cleveland really feels entitled to lebron forreal lol

Don't know who deserves a bigger :stoneface: him or Cleveland.
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