2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Have you played basketball before? Moving at full speed and handling the ball is not easy to do. If it were you're saying everyone in the NFL that runs a 4.3 could come to the NBA and do what Rose does.
play ALOT and i have very very good handles. moving at full speed requires you push the ball which is actually easier than being face guarded and having to create space off the dribble. so when you talk about elite handles...you dont talk about who can run with a ball the fastest (which is rose in this case) you talk about... who can make their defender get lost or fall over. in which, rose depends on his feet to do...
Yea Parsons contract is all ****** up 

I think he has a player option the 3rd year so it might be a little tough to trade him and if im not mistaken there is a trade kicker in his contract 

Kinda glad Morey didnt match or this would be the roster for the next 3 years.. They didnt feel it would be good enough 
Dirk took a cut to bring in a good player, if he's OK with Parsons contract ... everything is gravy

$25M for Dirk and Parsons is money well spent
Nikola Mirotic ‏@nikolamirotic12 · 7m
I am very happy and excited to announce that next season I will be playing with the @chicagobulls . Today I fulfill a dream. #BullsNation

#1 seed.
contract isnt even that bad. dirk took a paycut, so that freed up some cash.
3yrs isnt too bad. look at asik and even lin, you can always trade that last year

chris bosh and his agent really messed things up.
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contract isnt even that bad. dirk took a paycut, so that freed up some cash.
3yrs isnt too bad. look at asik and even lin, you can always trade that last year

But Lin & Asik were traded away for nothing :lol:

still were able to trade it. i dont think there is one contract in the league where you wont be able to trade. not even amare, it's just getting something in return
Lance's foolin in the playoffs definitely got these teams questioning a long term deal
Lance best bet is to stay & grow with pg & let bird build around them for the next 5+ yrs, already have a very high chance to come out the east next season
I recognized there's no such thing as an untradeable contract when I saw Joe Johnson land in Brooklyn. :lol:

It's just a matter of making the money work for both sides more than anything else.
pacers should just give him a big two yr deal. go for it once again now that the heat3 are broken up. lance gets paid and still has opportunity to prove himself to other clubs that he has matured and can be consistent. also, allows for a big contract in a couple yrs
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Overpaid? Sure. But lets not act like Parsons isnt a good/great player on most nights. Perfect 3rd option for that team.

Depending on their PG situation, I expect a WCF appearance from these Mavs.
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