2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Kobe shouldn't have to go out like this. Don't put him on national TV, the Lakers are gonna suck. Old-Kobe, Nick Young and Jeremy Lin, that's pitiful.
Kd only leaves okc if russ leaves or gets traded, they came to the city together, i think they go out like stock & malone, bros till the end

lol i dont even think russ really likes that *****

kd i know for a fact liked harden more.
I'm sayin' :lol:

Russ strikes me as the type to get KD to opt out his contract just to ditch him or tell him he wants the max and that KD should take less.

Did they not win 48 games last year? You dont think any of their additions w/o losing any key pieces (except DJ) only makes them better?

Pau is a huge upgrade over Boozer. Plus they have the best back up PF in the league in Taj. No need to push the limits.

when playoffs come whos that legit 3rd option? Their offense will forever be terrible, pau is a good piece but they need another consistent scorer, maybe doug can step up & be that player because you cant count on joakim & butler on offense, theyre energy players
I mean that 3rd option stuff only goes so far especially in the playoffs. Your 3rd option could be a post player or a spot up 3pt shooter.
i dont mean to change the tone in here. but i just argued with some dudes about who has the nicest handles in the nba. EVERYBODY seems to default to jamal crawford but i think  hes second to cp3. some even say kyrie. CP3 just has a perfect handle imo. jamal is nice but the vast majority of his moves is a behind the back into a shot. his dribble is also much wilder. cp3 will cross up (not even split) a double team and pass underhanded off a between the legs.... that is CONTROL.

what do yall think? who do you guys think has the best handles?

I can see why ppl say JC hands down though. Son stay making dudes touch Earth.
Morey screwed the pooch so badly on this one.

He had Chandler Parsons 1 more year at $964,000, but he declined the option making him a restricted free agent. The aim was to set it up to sign a max free agent, then go over cap with Parsons.

RFA drives up the price because if you want the guy, it has to be over market value so his team won't match. It's why Hayward, and Parsons are making $15mil.

They didn't get their max player, and decided not to match Parsons. Traded away a good Center for a decent pick, then got swindled for his PG. :lol:

The best part of all of this is. He would have had Bird Rights on Parsons next year, when Parsons would have been an Unrestricted Free Agent, so he probably could have signed all the guys he wanted this year, then go next year, and re-signed Parsons for less than he would have gotten this year.

He really out thought himself.
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congrats to Parsons tho…supposed to be making under 1 million this season to generating 15 mil/year…Happy for the dude, but Ariza will lock his *** up 
So Dallas gets one of the best players outside of the superstars (Melo, Bron, Bosh, Wade) because Dirk took less money, and I understand that Chandler Parsons will be overpaid, but people think it's a bad deal?

Chandler will have the most upside of anyone we've had at SF. He's young, he's athletic, he's tall, he's versatile on the offensive end.

Yes, his contract is extensive, but it's also only three years. Three year contracts in the NBA are nothing.

We could've overspent on Luol Deng. We would have if he was available and missed out on Parsons. Parsons is the best case scenario for the Mavericks. We struck out on LeBron and Melo. Parsons is the next best thing, and we didn't have to gut our roster to get him.


We can fill that roster out with good role players. And we will. We've maximized the talents of guys who were considered veteran's minimum only before We'll be okay.
So..if you give a RFA a contract offer, and his team matches..you cant submit another offer thats better than what his team matched?
Rick Carlisle going to have them boys in Dallas cooking. I think they can be a top 5 West team this year depending on the rest of their roster moves. Chandler will flourish in that system with Dirk, Monta, and Chandler
Finally a get to watch the Bulls in my area.
All I want is to watch McDermott. Thanks you basketball Gods
Bulls added a big dude.  Don't they have boozer, noah, pau and that euro dude?  
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