2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Have to agree.

But Miami replaced Lebron with Mcroberts and Allen with granger. Can't wait to see this mediocre squad.
we didnt replace lebron with anybody. you cant replace lebron. and allen wasnt on s*** this year so we couldve replaced him a waterboy. honestly james jones wouldve shot better than ray all year. but...spoelstra. mosdef youll be disappointed again this year. honestly without lebron, we'll be forced to use our other weapons which we never do. we'll be right back to at least 3rd round.
As a reminder, the salary cap floor doesn't really have a penalty.

If you're 10 million dollars under the floor, the "penalty" is you have to distribute that money to your roster.. so you're still "paying" that extra 10 million dollars in the end. So if you're under the floor by a few million and don't feel like overpaying some random guy to meet it, you just pay that few million to your current roster. It's not as if you get penalized draft picks or have to pay an absurd tax.. you're still going to hit the floor one way or another.
Pau still has some gas left in the tank.

Dude put up 17/10 last year and D'antoni didn't know, or was just unwilling to utilize him properly.
word, him and swaggy p were the only dudes who actually cared about winning. swaggy f'n p. i would have left too.
we didnt replace lebron with anybody. you cant replace lebron. and allen wasnt on s*** this year so we couldve replaced him a waterboy. honestly james jones wouldve shot better than ray all year. but...spoelstra. mosdef youll be disappointed again this year. honestly without lebron, we'll be forced to use our other weapons which we never do. we'll be right back to at least 3rd round.

ECF??? Wow I definitely don't think they have a shot at that.

Will be interesting to see.
:lol:  at the Morey hate

You DON'T sign glue guys to 15 mil per. Thats outta line 

He aint worth all that 
yall will see this up coming season 

He would have had him for under a mill for this upcoming season, but they decided to make a rfa this year.. And everyone assumed they were doing so because they had an under the table deal already worked out, which wasn't the case

From zach lowe's most recent column:

Bosh’s choice is a disaster for Houston, which gave away Jeremy Lin and a first-round pick to the Lakers to lustily open up the final chunk of cap space for Bosh. He would have fit perfectly alongside Dwight Howard and James Harden, but Bosh likes life in Miami, and he has surely seen the YouTube videos of Harden’s defense. At least Houston nabbed an extra pick, one that could fall in the lottery, in their other cap-clearing move — the trade of Omer Asik to New Orleans.

The Rockets will be sitting on max-level cap space for about 36 more hours, when the deadline arrives by which they must match Dallas’s monster three-year, $45 million offer sheet on Chandler Parsons. Houston allowed Parsons to become a free agent one year earlier than necessary, a move that had the whole league assuming the Rockets and Parsons had an unofficial agreement in how Parsons would navigate free agency. That doesn’t appear to have been the case, and it’s possible that Houston has badly misplayed its hand here, even if letting Parsons into the market a year early was a wink-wink reward for helping Houston land Dwight Howard; Parsons and Howard have the same agent.

You can bet Daryl Morey will work his *** off to sign someone into that space while it lasts, even if he has to overpay a bit. He’s in desperation mode now, having tossed away time, players, and draft picks in the Bosh chase. Nabbing Bosh would have put Houston right alongside San Antonio and Oklahoma City in the Western Conference hierarchy. They’ll still be a very good team without him, and they could still have a chunk of cap space even if they don’t manage to sign a free agent before matching Parsons’s $15 million deal.
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