2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Celtics v the Porzingis' on a Friday

Count me in
Porzingis jumper is so smooth
Everything the Celtics have done in the last 2-3 years has been in an effort to get a player like Porzingis. Love this dude
The Knicks should cut Melo. All he does is take shots from Porzingi
Why couldnt Kristaps have been drafted to a real team
Carmelo Anthony sucks

Porzingis >
I can't tell, do you like Porzingis or no
Wonder will Beal get his max deal. Another injury prone season...but his best season at the same time,
I never saw Warriors fans posting in the NBA thread until Steph started splaishing 3's. Somehow these same Warriors fans also root for the Broncos? If you're a Warriors/Peyton Manning fan, please never tell someone else they on the bandwagon

Celtics/Knicks classic battle :pimp:
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