2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Slow down on that dynasty talk until they win a few more rings.

like i said the celtics have more chips than GSW heck even the most in the league but they are irrelevant in this generation...obviously GSW have to win in the playoffs and not in the regular season to prove they are a winner but they won last year so they have the experience... and this year they might even break bulls 72-10 record and win the chip which gets a lot of people heated including myself... i watched jordan play and was a big fan of his so i hope GSW lose and dont break the record but i dont care if they win the chip because they are just that good... even though they are not my favorite team you cant lie its entertaining watching them play... they are the modern day showtime lakers era obviously they need to win more chips but just based off style of play
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50k+ posts in less than a decade on this trash message board. How many posts do you have on boards that actually matter ?
celtics are not trash and i havent checked the standings but that nets pick and a chance at ben simmons + a free agent makes that team deadly if ben simmons pans out and can come in and contribute 15/5/5 immediately...
Congrats for being on NT before me :lol: and I've been an active member of ST since 2008 and we didn't win until 2012 fool :lol:

2008 :lol:

I should have known

He joined in 2008 to hate on the Celtics run :lol:

And now almost a decade later y'all are back to being trash and Warriors are on going for Back to Back while chasing 73 wins :pimp: what a time to be alive

And it only took a 40 year drought for the Warriors to win its 2nd chip. Congrats
Congrats for being on NT before me :lol: and I've been an active member of ST since 2008 and we didn't win until 2012 fool :lol:

2008 :lol:

I should have known

He joined in 2008 to hate on the Celtics run :lol:

And now almost a decade later y'all are back to being trash and Warriors are on going for Back to Back while chasing 73 wins :pimp: what a time to be alive

And it only took a 40 year drought for the Warriors to win its 2nd chip. Congrats

Who cares how long it took :lol:

It took the Red Sox almost 100 years to win a World Series and they've ran off 3 WS within 9 years.
i expect russell and kd to go prime career mode these playoffs.....warriors breaking that regular season record....the thunder can spoil , have a chance to atleast just for having 2 of the top 3 players in the league currenty vs the #1 player and a squad that CAN get cold / choke.
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