2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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You live in Florida though

that 4 year championship run was fun for us , how has boston been since they robbed the nets pick ? 
miami :pimp:

that 4 year championship run was fun for us , how has boston been since they robbed the nets pick ? 

Pretty good. Last I checked, people go to Florida to die . Miami smells like straivght garbage :lol:
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the celtics are a good team and a playoff team too and they own brooklyns draft pick for the next few years which will be a lottery pick including this year :lol:
So now dudes are denying that Florida needs to get cut off the map just because NooEra says its trash

Florida is warm garbage . Stop it.
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