2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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kobe raining buckets on shane screaming he cant guard me :pimp:

balled so hard that artest switched teams to be with the champ :pimp:

I remember reading a story about artest going all out versus d Wade one game, really hounding him and playing with intensity. During a break Wade talks to him and asks what's up, why is he going so hard. Artest tells him he has to get ready, got Kobe coming up tomorrow nite :lol: :pimp:

kobe aint even the toughest guy artest played against

well that's fine, artest aint the toughest Kobe faced either.

thats my dude tho :pimp:



Ron will ALWAYS be family. Once a laker, you're always family..less you were a f boy. then, gfy
#Bucks Announce that MCW will need hip surgery for a torn labrum and will miss the rest of the season.
Tmac n Kobe games was always glued to... i honestly think those battles were much better than Prime Vince


Lets not firget they guarded each other too.

It was epic.

Have we had a match up like that since?

I don't think so with the SG maybe more so the PGs lately :nerd:

We had LeBron/ Paul Pierce for a year or two, Duncan/ KG was fun as well.

PGs never really prided themselves on defence though...and they more distributors rather than ISO players. Kidd/ Nash had a few decent outings (Can't forget that Triple overtime game between the Suns and Nets).

I can't think of any matchups today just on the top of my head...mainly because today's game is way more team oriented that the iso heavy ball of the 2000's.
Memphis needs to move back to Vancouver. Sacromento needs to sell their Franchise to Seattle and rebrand to the Sonics, New Orleans needs to re-brand to the Jazz and all will be right with the Basketball world.
Draymond still hung over. Listed as questionable for tonight's game due to "illness."
:x @ the Grizzlies moving back to Vancouver.

It'll completely ruin the entire brand of their team and what it stands for. You not about to grit n grind in Vancouver :lol:
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