2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Laker fans can now go back in closet for rest of the season

They beat us last year the same way
back to #teamtank

byron leading us to the promised land

like someone posted,y'all lucky you aint facing us in the playoffs b
dubs win tonight? the dream over? curry byke? klay byke? dray drunk? find out next time of Fuller House.
Gotta put curry face on Daz

with so many 'bloods' in the L, curry the only crip. homie flagging in the 510
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Russ have more turnovers then Wall although Wall has the ball in his hand more then any player in the NBA this season. Russ also is one of the worst 3 point shooters by percentage. What does this mean?

BTW Harden isn't a top 10 player. Dude is a joke on defense and leads the league in turnovers. He should be relegated to 6 man status.
From all the results above, it seems rather clear that dating a celebrity is correlated with an athletic performance decline. This made us wonder if the effect was dependent on the level of famousness for the significant other. Understandably, we were inspired to look into the possibility of a Kardashian-specific effect and found quantitative support for what we all know to be true. We found a 12.8% performance decline from pre-dating to dating and then a 16.5% increase after breaking up. This seems to be holding true with James Harden who has recently ended his relationship with Khloe Kardashian and has been playing class basketball since then.
Kevin Durant will reportedly leave OKC if the Thunder don't reach the NBA Finals. thesco.re/1puEy7i

It's been a good run in OKC

With 0 Larry O'Brien trophies to show for it :wink: :rofl:
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