2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Why are you so worried about where KD will go 
Well he is a going to be a top FA. Wasted his whole career in that dump
man i used to have serious heated debates with dudes who tried to tell me klove, when he was on the wolves, was better than chris brosh, when he was on the heat.

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remember awwesome used  to tell us that harden was a good defender according to analytics 
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remember awwesome used  to tell us that harden was a good defender according to analytics :lol:

If it was during the '14/'15, he'd be correct, as he was a good defender based on analytics and simply watching games that year. This year? not at all, and I don't blame him one bit based on how the rest of the team usually plays

Difference in celebrating Lakers win when you’re in your 1st/20th season: pic.twitter.com/qaX8ZNzP9u
— Lakers Nation (@LakersNation) March 7, 2016
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Say what you will about Harden, but the Rockets would absolutely be dead in the water if he was playing worse on offense.

Dwight/Capela has been solid, Ariza/Beverly/Brewer have been so-so and absolute zeros from Lawson/Montiejunas/Jones/Smith.
Has anybody started with the, "Memphis is better without Gasol" talk or are you guys waiting for a couple more games?
Has anybody started with the, "Memphis is better without Gasol" talk or are you guys waiting for a couple more games?

If BHZ wasn't my dude, I would say nobody cares enough about the Grizzlies to know how they're doing without Gasol. But I won't say that.
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