2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Nah Melo is nice. He just needs a better team and organization. I don't blame him for taking the money, though. $118 million is once in a lifetime money, man. If a team can pay him nearly as much as he makes now, I'd suggest Melo pack his bags and leave.

Funny thing about that, both teams are trash



How are the Celtics trash? They are third in the East and have no superstar player on their roster. Celtics key is their coaching staff. Boston only missed one post season and was thought to be in [emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️"Rebuild mode"[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️ . Boston may be the only team equipped in the east to take Cleveland to 7 games this post season.
cavs announcers crying 

lebron losing a jump ball 
Welp it's been real okc but I don't see okc winning **** unless they have some serious team intervention. Kd and Russ part ways. Okc had arguably 3 of the top 5-7 players in the NBA on one team and ****** it up. I'm a kd fan so whatever team he goes I'll root.
Grizz not better without Marc. But, not having Marc doesn't hurt us as much this season as it has in the past because of our defense. We use to rely a lot of Marc's interior presence to defend, but our defense struggled out the gate and we changed some things in our system. We still struggle at times defensively, but we are getting better.

I'm hype about my boy Lance thoooo :pimp:
Grizz not better without Marc. But, not having Marc doesn't hurt us as much this season as it has in the past because of our defense. We use to rely a lot of Marc's interior presence to defend, but our defense struggled out the gate and we changed some things in our system. We still struggle at times defensively, but we are getting better.

I'm hype about my boy Lance thoooo
Not bad for Jeff and a 1st
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