2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Grizz not better without Marc. But, not having Marc doesn't hurt us as much this season as it has in the past because of our defense. We use to rely a lot of Marc's interior presence to defend, but our defense struggled out the gate and we changed some things in our system. We still struggle at times defensively, but we are getting better.

I'm hype about my boy Lance thoooo :pimp:

I'm not mad about the trade; Jeff has been decent with the Clips. But what Lance has been doing with the Grizz is what he was doing with the Clips when he got minutes. He really didn't do anything wrong here. But Doc is gonna Doc.
Jordan destroyed the Mavs breh. Even though he airballed a FT, he's at 11-19 from the line. Dallas fans must be in their feels

life as a Kings fan
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