2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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I think the Kevin Martin pickup was a great one for San Antonio.  Envision his game fitting right into their system. 
All Rio did was back away after shooting a jumper..dog it's so easy to tear your achilles man wtf

WINGSPAN: Basketball is a game of angles; a defender isn't so much guarding his man as he is reducing the size of his angle to drive to the basket or pass to teammates. That's where wingspan factors in for Antetokounmpo, whose outstretched arms measure 7-foot-3, 4 inches more than his height. "If you have long arms, it allows you to get places faster, without having to move your feet or your center of mass," Elliott says. Antetokounmpo ranks in the top 10 in rebound rate among small forwards. The leader? Quincy Acy, whose wingspan is 9 inches longer than his height.

LATERAL MOVEMENT: "To be a great lateral mover in the NBA, you've got to have great hips," Elliott says. "That means high force, very stable and flexible." That can be challenging for an NBA big man, who can rarely get his hips low enough to create the lateral force to move like a wing player. But Antetokounmpo isn't a typical big man. He displays great hip extension and high abduction and adduction velocities, which means he's able to handle lateral motion (say, sliding side to side while defending a ball handler) faster than other athletes his size.

HEIGHT: "When we first drafted Giannis, we measured him at 6-foot-8½," Bucks GM John Hammond says. But at midseason, the Bucks' strength and conditioning coach walked into Hammond's office. "He told me, 'The kid is still growing and I don't think he's done.'" By season's end, he was 6-11. Even more remarkable is that the basketball gods gifted Antetokounmpo those extra 2½ inches of height without exacting any payment. The 6-11 Giannis is every bit as stable and agile as the shorter version. If he remains at the small forward position, he'll do so as the tallest wing in the league.

LEAN MUSCLE: Over the past 18 months, Antetokounmpo has put on an impressive amount of muscle-his weight went from 196 pounds on draft day to 222 this season. But, crucially, he's managed to do it without bulking up. "To be big is one thing, but to have muscles that are tuned to their optimal characteristics is another," says Troy Flanagan, Ph.D., the Bucks' director of performance. All that lean muscle mass allows him to generate force quickly, which gives him the agility and explosiveness that the NBA game demands.

CORE: Typically, in players of Antetokounmpo's length and power, sports scientists see core instability, but this is yet another area in which the big Greek resembles more compact players. Other long players will have stability in the sagittal plane (which divides the trunk down the middle) but not in their frontal or horizontal planes. Antetokounmpo checks all boxes. The result? The aerobatic ability to dribble the length of the floor, elevate for a rebound, fly laterally through the air for an alley-oop-all complex movements that originate from the core.

HANDS: The length of the average adult male hand, measured from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinkie, is 7.4 inches. For Antetokounmpo, it's 12 inches. (For reference, Kawhi Leonard's hand is 11.25 inches, and LeBron James' is 9.25.) The breadth of Antetokounmpo's hands enables him to get a strong "pinch grip" on a 29.5-inch basketball (what's commonly known as palming). Not only does palming the ball allow Antetokounmpo to gain maximum control, but by virtue of making the ball an extension of his arm, he effectively gains 2 more inches in height.

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