2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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you're tripping. Boston is on a coming up. I'm not sure why it's so funny to you.

I don't think its funny, but it does seem a little far fetched to me. Seems like something Celtics Super Fan Bill Simmons would throw out there just based on wishful thinking.
Take all this for what it's worth, but follow the bouncing ball:

-- The Boston Celtics may have missed out on Al Horford at the trade deadline, but Yahoo Sports’ Adrian Wojnarowski says they think they have a real chance at landing him in free agency.

-- Gary Tanguay believes that's true, and that there's a good shot Horford will be a Celtic next year.

-- And if that happens, well, Trenni Kusnierek heard a podcast by ESPN's Zach Lowe in which Lowe said Horford is one of the players that Kevin Durant would like to play with.

As we said, take it for what it's worth.

But Al Horford and Kevin Durant in Boston?
:rofl: :rofl:  

Neither will be Lakers, not even hoping.

but Boston? :rofl:  

you're tripping. Boston is on a coming up. I'm not sure why it's so funny to you.

For real. Though I don't see it happening, and i don't know the current contract statuses of other Boston players, but would you rather go to a team already doing well and just needs two pieces like that, or would you rather go to a 60 million dollar wasteland with basically no coach, over-hyped rookies, and Jeanie & Jim still running the show? Other than the LA weather, seems like it would be an easy decision to choose Boston.
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Take all this for what it's worth, but follow the bouncing ball:

-- The Boston Celtics may have missed out on Al Horford at the trade deadline, but Yahoo Sports’ Adrian Wojnarowski says they think they have a real chance at landing him in free agency.

-- Gary Tanguay believes that's true, and that there's a good shot Horford will be a Celtic next year.

-- And if that happens, well, Trenni Kusnierek heard a podcast by ESPN's Zach Lowe in which Lowe said Horford is one of the players that Kevin Durant would like to play with.

As we said, take it for what it's worth.

But Al Horford and Kevin Durant in Boston?

Neither will be Lakers, not even hoping.

but Boston? 
you're tripping. Boston is on a coming up. I'm not sure why it's so funny to you.
For real. Though I don't seeit happening, and i don't know the current contract statuses of other Boston players, but would you rather go to a team already doing well and just needs two pieces like that, or would you rather go to a 60 million dollar wasteland with basically no coach, over-hyped rookies, and Jeanie & Jim still running the show? Other than the LA weather, seems like it would be an easy decision to choose Boston.


The rest of what you said I agree with LA is a wasteland right now. No doubt about it. No direction, no coach, no culture, with Jeanie blabbering every few months about how great it is to be a laker, its embarrassing.

The rooks though? Respectfully disagree.
weren't they openly trying to whiten up the squad

That was Indiana after the brawl, and Minnesota a few years ago.

Only time a big time NBA player would go to Boston is if they were on the brink of a chip. And they aren't close. Fun, smart team...that runs cute lil sets with a good young coach.....

But ***** ain't trying to go to Boston for that :lol:.
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Allen Iverson calls Steph Curry ‘a whole different monster’

Steph Curry has been taking criticism from some former NBA players, but Allen Iverson is not your average former NBA player. For one thing, of course, his career ended fairly recently, and even in his turn-of-the-millennium prime, he was ahead of his time in some ways.

In superficial terms, Iverson’s abundance of tattoos, which caused no little consternation while he played, are standard fare in today’s NBA, but his legacy of toughness and offensive explosion also make him a revered figure among current players. So Curry will be delighted to know that Iverson thinks the world of the Warriors guard.

In comments made Thursday at a Philadelphia 76ers event held at the famed Palestra arena, Iverson had this to say (via Sixers.com reporter Brian Seltzer) about Curry:

“He’s incredible. He’s different. He’s different. He’s something we’ve never seen. We’ve never seen this. It’s crazy to me, like just me being the biggest Michael Jordan fan, to see somebody come around like this. I have my idea of being incredible, you know what I mean? But this dude right here, like it’s different.

“It’s a whole different monster, as far as his handle and the way he shoots? Come on. You know you ain’t never seen nothing like this.”

Snaps coming atchya live from the #SYFGala! ([emoji]128123[/emoji]: Sixers) pic.twitter.com/MrWEqOWw22

— Philadelphia 76ers (@Sixers) March 11, 2016

Hmmm, Steph “A Whole Different Monster” Curry — that kind of has a ring to it. And Iverson is right, in that Curry’s combination of long-range marksmanship and ball-handling ability is unprecedented, and it makes the reigning MVP a nearly unstoppable force.

For his part, Iverson could beat anyone off the dribble — who could forget the time he dusted Jordan with a crossover? — but he was known as a volume shooter, and not at all an efficient one. Curry has a notably better career field-goal percentage than Iverson (.477 to .425) and a vastly better one from three-point range (.444 to .313).

Iverson’s career player efficiency rating (as measured by Basketball Reference) was a more-than-respectable 20.9, and he peaked at 25.9 in 2005-06. Meanwhile, Curry is at 23.0 for his career, and if he keeps up his mark this season of 32.2, he will notch the highest PER ever recorded (Wilt Chamberlain currently holds that record with a 31.82 in 1962-63).

Of course, Iverson was never surrounded by the kind of supporting cast that Curry enjoys in Golden State, but teammates can’t really help anyone make 30-footers, which the Warriors guard does with outrageous regularity. At Thursday’s event, another 76ers great, Julius Erving, spoke to Curry’s place in the modern NBA.

“I think that’s a great team, and I think that’s a reflection of the evolution of the game,” Erving said (via NBA.com). “It’s so interesting when they talk about creating a simulator to duplicate what Steph Curry has done on the court, and the simulator can’t measure up, because it just doesn’t look real. But that’s what he’s been doing on the court, things that really don’t look real to the normal eye. You have to give him kudos for that.”

Good to know that, for all the Oscar Robertsons and Walt Fraziers shaking their fists at how today’s NBA lets Curry excel in ways he would supposedly never be allowed to in their time, there’s a Dr. J around to simply give a great player his due. It’s not like every NBA player these days is doing what Curry is doing; in fact, it’s just him.

Or, as Iverson put it, the Golden State star is “a whole different monster.” Leave it to “The Answer” to cross up those who would question Curry’s unique skill set.
Cavs GM talked to LeBron James about his social media use

View media item 1947053
It sounds like LeBron James got a talking-to from the Cavs’ GM about his recent social media use.

James has been causing a stir in the sports world with the cryptic tweets he’s been sending lately. Many have speculated that the tweets were passive-aggressive messages towards teammates. James denies that is the case.

Even if the tweets are not subtle messages about his teammates, James' Twitter activity receives a lot of attention and creates a distraction among his team. For that reason, Cavs GM David Griffin spoke with LeBron about his social media activity.

During Thursday night’s Lakers-Cavs game, TNT reporter Ric Bucher shared the tidbit about Griffin talking with James.

“I’ve been told [James] immediately told his teammates what [his tweets were] about and that it wasn’t about them. GM David Griffin told me he has talked to LeBron about his social media use, but not in a way to suggest that he shouldn’t be doing it," Bucher reported.

“The sense with Griffin is that [the Cavs] are just a little bit bored at this point in the season and are waiting right now until it gets to when it really matters and they have something to prove … LeBron is basically entertaining himself with those tweets."

You get the sense that James enjoys toying with fans and the media, knowing that with every tweet he sends, he can create headlines and force the sports world to stop. The best explanation we got from LeBron about his Twitter activity was what he said earlier this week (his full comments here).

Perhaps James’ Twitter activity is over-analyzed and overblown. But one good sign for Cavs fans is that at least their GM wasn’t too afraid to talk with James about this matter, which is important for accountability purposes.
weren't they openly trying to whiten up the squad

That was Indiana after the brawl, and Minnesota a few years ago.

Only time a big time NBA player would go to Boston is if they were on the brink of a chip. And they aren't close. Fun, smart team...that runs cute lil sets with a good young coach.....

But ***** ain't trying to go to Boston for that :lol:.

basically, but horford seems like the against the grain kinda guy so he could do just that & go n flourish

wouldn't mind horford next to noah in the chi but im not even sure if they like each other :lol: coulda been enemies in florida
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