2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Yea I don't really see for what reasons KD would wanna re-up with OKC at all besides maybe signing short term to be able to cash in again next year or the year after

Im gonna sound like one of those "get off my lawn" dudes but I really hate how fans went from:

"X player should leave because he won't win a ring there"


"x player will re-sign for two years because the salary will increase by 40% by then and he will be able to sign for $100 million more when you factor in his Bird Rights."

Takes the fun out of it :lol:

I mean I can't even blame players like that,the increased cap should definitely change their calculus :lol:
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Cavs are bored with the season? It's not like they're cruising. They have a ton of problems :lol:

the amount of caping for any lebron team is hilarious. One minute they don't like each other and have no concept of the roles on the team and the next they're so good they're bored and are ready to start the finals again. foh
He was, P. :lol:

Other Tanguay gems off the top of my head

- Insisted that Pierce would be traded at the deadline in 2012

- Called for Rondo to be traded pretty much the entire time he was here

- Thought Jeff Green could step in and replace Pierce as the #1 option

- Said KG wasn't a dominant defensive player because he didn't take charges

- Said LeBron wasn't a top 5 player in the league and was borderline top 10 (this was a few years ago when he was unquestionably the best player in the league)

- Said Ben Gordon was a premiere SG in the league (this was like 2 years ago)

- Said shooting threes is a sign of laziness and arrogance

- Said this past summer that Danny Ainge should be on the hot seat

When was this?

According to my scientific method, I believe Rasheed Lewroids was also caught. This ties in with the notion that Florida peeps all dope for aesthetics and performance.

D.Wade, Lebron, Bosh, T.Bow, A.Hernandez, Turkolough and my main man A.Gordon. Evan Fourniers hairline also a side effect of dopping. Coconut Deltoid Shoulder Dwight as well. And lets not forget Whitesidr, dude was a 60 in NBA2K way back but now all Hulked out.

The correlations are so evident.
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He was, P.

Other Tanguay gems off the top of my head

- Insisted that Pierce would be traded at the deadline in 2012

- Called for Rondo to be traded pretty much the entire time he was here

- Thought Jeff Green could step in and replace Pierce as the #1 option

- Said KG wasn't a dominant defensive player because he didn't take charges

- Said LeBron wasn't a top 5 player in the league and was borderline top 10 (this was a few years ago when he was unquestionably the best player in the league)

- Said Ben Gordon was a premiere SG in the league (this was like 2 years ago)

- Said shooting threes is a sign of laziness and arrogance

- Said this past summer that Danny Ainge should be on the hot seat
have you followed @OldTakesExposed?? you'd love them I think

Assuming the seedings stay where they are now, I'd call it basically a toss-up.
He was, P. :lol:

Other Tanguay gems off the top of my head

- Insisted that Pierce would be traded at the deadline in 2012

- Called for Rondo to be traded pretty much the entire time he was here

- Thought Jeff Green could step in and replace Pierce as the #1 option

- Said KG wasn't a dominant defensive player because he didn't take charges

- Said LeBron wasn't a top 5 player in the league and was borderline top 10 (this was a few years ago when he was unquestionably the best player in the league)

- Said Ben Gordon was a premiere SG in the league (this was like 2 years ago)

- Said shooting threes is a sign of laziness and arrogance

- Said this past summer that Danny Ainge should be on the hot seat

Still kind of boggles my mind that there are people all over this country getting paid to spew out stupid sports takes on a daily basis. I hope the local trolls like this guy don't make that much.
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