2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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This is one of those games where the spurs look like they will lose then win....

Or it looks like one of those thunder games where it looks like they will win then lose
was tim dying his hair? within like the last couple weeks he's aged like 48 yrs. son looks like morgan freeman.
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This is one of those games where the spurs look like they will lose then win....

Or it looks like one of those thunder games where it looks like they will win then lose
so either the spurs or thunder are going to win. thats a good way to look at it. 
No, the spurs win in both situations.
oh okay. yeah . 

i think okc going to take this game.. break the spurs streak. 
how come russ doesnt have sweet handle? he has the speed to cook people, but he dribble game is like baby spit
Credit to OKC, but Spuds looking singularly unimpressive in another marquee game. Do not see them on GSW's level at all, record be damned.
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