2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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After watching that vid :smh: . I don't ordinarily advocate violence but Swaggy is well within his rights to slap the feces outta DLo. Not punch or kick, but smack him in his mouth with an open backhand. :rofl: (the day after the season ends so he don't eff his paper up 8) )
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If you believe KAT will be a top 5-10 player of all time. Sure, go head :lol:.

his skillset is absolutely there to be. the only undetermined factor is all intangible which we have equivalent insight

so, in summary: if you don't think his skillset is there, you need to watch more ball
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Nick young needs to stand up for himself and get him self out of this rotten locker room situation

The best way to get back at dlo would be to sign with a conference rival like the rockets
After watching that vid :smh: . I don't ordinarily advocate violence but Swaggy is well within his rights to slap the feces outta DLo. Not punch or kick, but smack him in his mouth with an open backhand. :rofl: (the day after the season ends so he don't eff his paper up 8) )
Dude needs to hire notorious LA hit man Blake griffin to rough him up
We know Kobe hated Shaquille, what was dlos motive? Dude was at nick young jrs birthday party last weekend

Look at Fisher. This Donald Sterling type thing always abouy trynna get something outta someone.

Thays why Kobe never trusted no body.
I don't think towns will ever catch Duncan as a defender and that will be the key. Especially from a sustain standpoint. Tim Duncan was an elite defender at 39
Nick young needs to stand up for himself and get him self out of this rotten locker room situation

The best way to get back at dlo would be to sign with a conference rival like the rockets

Isny NY contract up?

Hows NU tweet and iggys social media looking?
Social media gonna be the downfall for these dudes.

What type of nonsense is that? 
I don't think towns will ever catch Duncan as a defender and that will be the key. Especially from a sustain standpoint. Tim Duncan was an elite defender at 39

i think coaching/system are the only reason this won't happen. Towns ability/IQ is there. He just needs the right teaching/situation.

Duncan's situation from College to Retirement has been probably the best setup any player could have historically. Not to take away from his ability, but the Spurs really know how to maximize guys.
I could see the Clippers signing Lebron and Wade, then trading Blake Griffin for Carmelo in the offseason.

CP3, Wade, Lebron, Melo and D.Jordan as the starting 5 :x

I think the billionaire owner would allow it :lol:
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i think coaching/system are the only reason this won't happen. Towns ability/IQ is there. He just needs the right teaching/situation.

Duncan's situation from College to Retirement has been probably the best setup any player could have historically. Not to take away from his ability, but the Spurs really know how to maximize guys.

Tim duncan was a 4 year college player and entered the nba after playing center every season at wake forest and a year older than kat during his rookie year. I'll cut towns some slack
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