2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Klay should of been on there man, but he does foul alot.
shiddddddd over who? 
Former NBA player Kermit Washington—who had a 10-year career primarily with the Lakers and Trail Blazers but is best known for brutally punching Rudy Tomjanovich in the face—was arrested Tuesday night, after being indicted for allegedly running a charity fraud scheme. According to the Department of Justice, Washington worked with lawyer and NFL Hall of Famer Ron Mix (who plead guilty to felony tax fraud charges on Monday) to siphon money supposedly destined for Africa into his own pocket:

The indictment alleges that Kermit Alan Washington, 64, used a charity he founded and operated, Project Contact Africa (PCA), to defraud donors, eBay and PayPal and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In order to induce individuals, including former professional athletes, to make donations to PCA, Washington falsely represented that 100 percent of the donations would go to Africa. However, Washington diverted charitable donations from PCA to buy gifts and pay personal expenses, including rent, vacations, jewelry and entertainment.


It is alleged that Washington referred professional athletes to Ron Mix, a former professional football player and an attorney licensed in the state of California, whose practice focused on the filing of workers’ compensation claims on behalf of former professional athletes. In exchange for the referrals, Mix made payments to PCA and claimed those amounts as charitable deductions on his personal tax returns. Upon receipt of these payments, Washington diverted the funds for his own personal benefit. Washington filed false individual income tax returns for 2010 through 2013, failing to report the funds he diverted from PCA and false Forms 990-EZ on behalf of PCA. Washington also falsified PCA’s corporate minutes to obstruct the investigation and used the identity of another individual to perpetrate this scheme.

Washington is charged with “corruptly interfering with the internal revenue laws, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, obstruction of justice and aggravated identity theft,” and if convicted, faces over 40 years in prison and a million dollar fine.

Jimmy Buckets getting that All Defensive 2nd team nod :nthat:

On a side note, I too can't wait till Rose reunites with Thibs and starts eating up all the TWolves cap :nthat:
Shouts to whoever said Noah to the Pelicans, love that one a 1 year deal with a player option for the 2nd.

They need all the defense/playmaking they can get and anything is better than playing Asik/Ajinca/Perkins meaningful minutes.

That Asik contract is one of the worst I've see recently, I gotta go search for my posts when it happened.
As a lifelong Nuggets fan one of my favorite players ever is Mutombo. Does anyone know if Biyambo has a long name like Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo?
I don't agree that CP3 got the legacy treatment for All Defense like people were saying in the playoff thread. He still led all PGs in DRPM this season. He's still elite on that end and probably top 2 at guarding PGs along with Rubio. Lillard knows, he was shooting 36% in that series before CP3 broke his hand. I get it, many people just don't like him personally, but dude earned his spot.
Shouts to whoever said Noah to the Pelicans, love that one a 1 year deal with a player option for the 2nd.

They need all the defense/playmaking they can get and anything is better than playing Asik/Ajinca/Perkins meaningful minutes.

That Asik contract is one of the worst I've see recently, I gotta go search for my posts when it happened.
I don't agree that CP3 got the legacy treatment for All Defense like people were saying in the playoff thread. He still led all PGs in DRPM this season. He's still elite on that end and probably top 2 at guarding PGs along with Rubio. Lillard knows, he was shooting 36% in that series before CP3 broke his hand. I get it, many people just don't like him personally, but dude earned his spot.
To be fair, isn't it all guards not just PGs?
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Yup. He was still 3rd among all guards behind Danny Green and Tony Allen. And TA missed almost a quarter of the season.
Then yea he definitely deserves his spot.

Sucks though because Milsap really deserves that 1st team look for his work this season.

He was the more valuable defensive player but that's not totally on CP3 since a good defensive big will always be better than a good defensive guard.
Yeah Millsap was great, he's gotta be one of the most underrated players in the league. Unfortunately for him, the two best defenders this season were both forwards.

Charles Barkley: “I’ve never seen the NBA as bad as it is”

Charles Barkley is walking entertainment and the brilliant Inside the NBA would not be the same without him and his off-the-cuff opinions (which is a great thing in sports talk, not so much with national policy).

But he remains the leader of the annoying #getoffmylawn crew of older players who don’t like today’s game.

Barkley was on the Bickley and Marotta on Arizona Sports 98.7 FM last week and went off again on the state of the game, (hat tip For The Win).

“People think us old guys hate when we talk about it. It has nothing to do with the Warriors’ greatness, LeBron’s greatness. But I’ve never seen the NBA as bad as it is, and I’ve been saying it the last three or four years. We’ve got too many young players coming out of college that don’t know how to play. It’s frustrating for me because I want to see competitive basketball.

“We took a survey on our crew … How many actual NBA teams would you buy season tickets for?” he added. “Four in the west and Cleveland obviously in the east. That’s not good for our league.”

To be fair, Barkley speaks for a lot of people here.

I think they are all wrong, but he speaks for them. And I think they are a plurality. Based on television ratings going up even as streaming of live games spikes (as someone who works for Comcast/NBC, I can say the in-market streaming of CSN teams such as the Warriors, Celtics, Wizards, etc. did well this year and grew faster than projections), as I look at the crossover appeal of Stephen Curry, the sendoff Kobe Bryant got, the popularity of LeBron James and Kevin Durant etc, the league is doing well by any measure.

But more than that, the game now is more entertaining than it’s been in years. Tell me how grabbing some guy on the perimeter, the clutching and clawing to slow the game down in the 1990s leading to 86-82 slogs, was more fun than the skill being shown today. Jordan was must watch, frankly Barkley was fun, but Mike Fratello’s Cavaliers teams? The Mavericks and Clippers of that era? I think Barkley and others look at the past through some Mr. Magoo glasses, but that is their prerogative. I loved 80s basketball. I liked 90s basketball. But to constantly dismiss the game today just sounds like someone clinging to the past.

Barkley is entertaining but from a basketball analysis standpoint and frankly any subject of substance, he's an idiot.

I don't care what he has to say about anything remotely important regarding the NBA.

The NBA is by far the best it's ever been from a talent standpoint, hence why there are billions + outside interest flowing into the league that never happened during his time. The fact that it is this mans job to watch the NBA year in and year out and that is his honest assessment just proves how thoroughly lost he and all the old guys like him are.

There is no objective way to say the league is not better than it has ever been, it's not even an opinion, it's a fact backed up by #'s but you know how those old guys feel about math.

Just this year

We just watched the best individual offensive season by a player and team in history.

League record for wins broken.

Spurs tie a record that stood for over 25+ years

They have the DPOY who almost shoots 50/50/90.

A PG comes within striking distance of the triple double record even though the pace the game is played at now is down from when the record was set.

Shooting records getting shattered all over the place.

7 of the top 50 highest 3pt FG seasons happened this year with the previous record being beat by over 100.

One of the best rookie seasons in modern history by KAT.

3 guys posting top 40 all time rebound %.

5th best season of all time from a block% standpoint for Whiteside.

The average player more efficient than any other time.

There's so much more but the point is made.

Yea I know, not enough mid range shots, post ups and hand checking.

Go watch a Hardwood Classics game instead of disrespecting these young guys who are giving us the best basketball we've seen.
awwsome awwsome oh I agree that Barkley can be an idiot at times and that the NBA keeps getting better in terms of play

But the only thing I think the current NBA lacks is the ferocity and emotion that the 90s had
Too many buddy buddy people

I can understand that but that's just an effect of the AAU/Elite HS programs. A lot of the guys that have been coming into league have known and played with each other since they were 13-14.

Back in the 90's most guys played each other for the first time maybe in college but really mostly in the NBA.
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