2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Same coaches constantly get rehashed
First year coaches are the way to go
Lue :pimp:
Future rookie coach and finals champion
Cavs 2016
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Son said Pringles is the coach version of Zach Snyder.

Up until his stint with the Kings, karl was a coach that was pretty much guaranteed to take your team to the playoffs. They're both regular season coaches at the end of the day, with karl being more accomplished.
I just remembered this dude DeAndre Jordan wasn't even an All-Star and made All-NBA First Team.....what a joke.

And I'm not calling DJ a scrub. He plays his role well, but for him to be on an All-NBA first team over KD, Draymond, Klay, Aldridge, Paul George and Cousins just makes it look terrible. This has to be the last year that there's an official center position on that.
Salary cap for the 2017-18 NBA season is projected to be $107 million with $127 million luxury tax threshold and $96.3 million salary floor

holy hell :x :x

we're about to see some wild contracts being signed in a few months
Imagine 2017. :x

Still with the rate that the NBA is rising it still isn't enough.

You got certain players like Curry/Russ/KD/Bron/Kawhi who are worth way more than even the max when you look at the bigger picture.

The amount of money all those guys generate for their franchises is insane especially Curry.

Karl never had half a decade worth of draft picks sold and a commissioner rob him of a chance at a title.

MDA had both.

Refusing to grasp those facts is pretty simple minded, but here we are.
His offense is what the modern day NBA game has become. You give that man a decent point guard and a bunch of slashers, and he'll go get you some wins.

Now, asking him to play defense is another story :lol:

So who is this point guard the Rockets have and where are all the shooters and slashers? I can't think of a worse fit for MDA with the most iso playing star player in the league. Their entire roster needs to be revamped but even after that you still have Harden who will never want to be on a team with that much ball movement where he can't come down and dribble for 20 seconds off the shot clock. I think this was dumb on both sides....MDA's side especially. This is a terrible fit and it's obvious he took the first job that he could get. He could have stayed with the Sixers next year and had Simmons, Embiid, Saric, Noel and a zillion dollars to spend in free agency that Colangelo is going to be more than willing to spend and be apart of a team that'll probably increase their win record by like 30 games, be on the come up and look like one of the reasons the team turned it around. Instead, he's going somewhere that will surely be a failure and make him look like an incompetent coach once again because he's running a team that is an awful fit for him just like his last two stops.

Karl never had half a decade worth of draft picks sold and a commissioner rob him of a chance at a title.

MDA had both.

Refusing to grasp those facts is pretty simple minded, but here we are.
So besides that, what's the difference? :nerd:

He's going on his third team since then..

Karl never had half a decade worth of draft picks sold and a commissioner rob him of a chance at a title.

MDA had both.

Refusing to grasp those facts is pretty simple minded, but here we are.
So besides that, what's the difference? :nerd:

He's going on his third team since then..

He joined a dumpster fire Knicks.

And an ancient Laker squad. Earl Clark was showing out for us we were so old. (Also note, they had a great second half of the year before injuries ravaged the entire old squad)
They replaced those old guys with Nick Young and Jordan Hill. I mean..... :lol:

Karl's messes are his own doing. Waiting THREE games to put GP on MJ. :lol:
Never getting along with any of his stars.
Losing in the first round over and over and over and over even with homecourt several times.
Not being able to adjust in series. Christ, he had failed inbound plays twice in the same series. :lol:

MDA got out of round one more in a couple years in Phoenix than Karl did in 20 years. :lol:
He also beat Phil back to back years. (No one else ever did)
He overcame a 3-1.
But he had HORRIBLE luck.

Nash nose break.
Amare knee
Multiple picks sold
Horry hip check somehow getting two Suns players suspended.
Prime Joe Johnson not being paid.
Then Kerr blowing it up for 2008 Shaq.

That is ALOT of bull **** to happen to one team that wasn't on MDA. Better luck or keep 5 years worth of draft picks, he easily gets a title or two. Hell, 07 was a straight up Stern robbery.

Narratives about MDA are completely different without all that crap. He'd be Doc, Carlisle, Spolestra, Kerr level coach with just one title.

Instead people try to bury him with career losers that caused their own issues.

And Houston isn't really set up proper for him yet either. But if they're patient and get him the right players, he'll coach them up. If they get impatient, like we did, they'll cut him loose too soon.
I was expecting a laundry list of excuses and you did not disappoint :pimp:. And if history is any indication, it won't be that Houston cuts him loose too soon. It'll be him quitting ahead of time like he did on every other team he's coached.
I'm a D'Antoni fan, but he has issues to work on; Since the league adopted his style he's been just "another guy". He has clear communication problems, defense is always going to be middle of the pack, short rotations (could be considered a good thing).

But he gets lesser talent to overachieve and plays a fun brand of basketball.
the D'Antoni teams not playing defense is such a farce. It's solely based on the fact that they gave up the most points per game, because they had the fastest pace in the league. Their defensive rating was always middle of the pack in Phoenix, and his offenses were always top 3.

Don't even start with NY and LA. Those rosters were PUTRID.

Yes, our roster isn't in great shape right now, but we're heading into the offseason with roughly 45 million in cap to reshape the roster to fit his needs.

As for "D'antoni and Harden won't get along. Harden isn't a D'Antoni" guy, completely disagree. Harden is a superb pick and roll player, and thrives in transition. It'll come down to shaping the roster in free agency.

i see batman lend you his cape already lol
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