2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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I've said before that b jennings or dj augustin could be fun in mda's offense. From what I saw they basically ran the same system in detroit for the most part. Or if he could mold Harden into that role that could be interesting, but I doubt it. And his teams always had that reputation for letting you back in the game so that no defense thing is more true than farce. Pace be damned, no lead is safe with a dantoni team. And it's not even because of their defense really, it's because if/when their offense goes cold it leads to easy buckets the other way. But yea in case my last post didn't go thru, Beas gonna flourish.
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I don't think Pringles is a top 5 coach but he's above average & you could do a lot worse. I thought his LA stint was pretty good in retrospect *shrug*. I think his communication with Pau was a problem but that team was a disfunctional mess so I don't blame Pringles too much.
I like Harden but he couldn't crack 45% from the field or 36% from 3, came into the year out of shape, defense was awful, his teammates hated playing with him, AND his team played way below expectations. Guards are extra stacked so I have no problem with being left off the team.
Maybe we do, maybe we don't. I'm for signing a bunch of wing players like Bazemore, Allen Crabbe, Courtney Lee etc. Just get a bunch of versatile swingmen to run a more motion offense and kill teams in transition.

Y'all should definitely try to get Whiteside for the max, Bazemore and Ryan Anderson, worried about the money Anderson might get offered though.

Crabbe would also be a great addition but I think Portland keeps him.

Don't sleep on Cole Aldrich either, he's lowkey one of the great backup C's out there.

Otherwise I'd mostly just stand pat and wait for 2017 FA.
Whiteside and Bazemore have CLEVELAND written all over them
D'angelo/Baze/Ingram/Randle/Whiteside with Luke Skywalker coaching?

I'm here for it.

Whiteside by far the most interesting FA to me, if he leaves MIA he could definitely change the landscape of the team he goes to, he's still just scratching the surface.
Two things -

1. How in theeeeeeee **** did DeAndre Jordan make the All NBA First Team over Cousins? That has to be the worst snub I've ever seen.

2. In what world is MDA a good fit for a Harden led team? (Besides the not playing defense part)...that team has no point guard right now and I have no clue who they could even get to be able to fill that role in MDA's offense.
Harden is the nominal PG on the team. He runs the pick and roll as good as any player in the league.
MDA is a great offensive coach. His Suns teams have influenced how the game is played today. The fast pace, small lineups. Putting as many athletic dudes and 3 point shooters on the floor as possible. But..

MDA don't care about defense man. :lol: When he got the Lakers job he said "If we're not scoring 112 points it's a problem." When he was asked before about it he said "We worked on defense for 30 mins". Then I heard Stephen A say he told Jimmy Jackson don't foul somebody, let them score cuz it keeps the pace up. Him and Steve Kerr got into it cuz Steve wanted him to bring in a defensive coach for his staff, he didn't wanna do it.

So hearing all that and looking at how his teams play it's safe to say it don't care. Harden is already trash on defense now he got a coach that's gonna give a pass for it. :lol:
Can't be serious about Cousins deserving 1st team.

1. He missed 17 games.

2. He still pouts and stops playing with effort whenever something doesn't go his way. And I like Cousins and he's obviously extremely talented. But at some point he needs to look himself in the mirror and grow up. He's 25 now and still hasn't matured at all.
Can't be serious about Cousins deserving 1st team.

1. He missed 17 games.

2. He still pouts and stops playing with effort whenever something doesn't go his way. And I like Cousins and he's obviously extremely talented. But at some point he needs to look himself in the mirror and grow up. He's 25 now and still hasn't matured at all.

Agreed. He played 59 games last year and made ALL NBA..and Played 65 games this year and made ALL NBA.

ALL NBA needs to go:


Forcing centers in there that don't deserve it is terrible.
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If we're talking about a C HAVING to make 1st Team then it has to be Cousins. DJ didn't even deserve to be 3rd Team. That's a damn joke. It should honestly at this point just not even include an official center spot and just be a F/C spot like WavyCrocket said.
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If we're talking about a C HAVING to make 1st Team then it has to be Cousins. DJ didn't even deserve to be 3rd Team. That's a damn joke. It should honestly at this point just not even include an official center spot and just be a F/C spot like WavyCrocket said.
You not making sense b.

He didn't even deserve a 3rd team nod? 

You can't be serious.
I honestly thought D'antoni was done after his Lakers stint. I guess people have short memories.

He would make an excellent assistant coach (I thought him and Brown were good together), but I just can't trust an incomplete coach.

He's like the Zack Snyder of coaches. Phenomenal in one thing (Visuals/ Offence) but incomplete at best. Both are living off a one hit wonder (300/ PHX). None can adjust to different circumstances and casting/ players.
I honestly thought D'antoni was done after his Lakers stint. I guess people have short memories.

He would make an excellent assistant coach (I thought him and Brown were good together), but I just can't trust an incomplete coach.

He's like the Zack Snyder of coaches. Phenomenal in one thing (Visuals/ Offence) but incomplete at best. Both are living off a one hit wonder (300/ PHX). None can adjust to different circumstances and casting/ players.

That Zach Snyder analogy fits
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