2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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They gon' watch they mouth, before they headline Winslow in their conspiracies 
96- 2003 Kobe would disagree

Same with Jesus haired Dirk
well they needed tweaks even when harden was there.. don't forget perk was the starting C (and Thabo was playing way too much).. plus harden/collision being the whole bench (maynor was done after his injury).. which lead to Scotty's veteran retirement package (fisher/butler)

but the biggest issue since the harden trade was injuries, they were the no.1 seed in the west the year after the trade.. then Beverley took westbrook out game 2 of round 1

hopefully payne develops in his 2nd year and Roberson because more decisive on offense.. and if waiters is back, dude gets more consistent

Forgot about Perk and Thabo (and I guess Nate Robinson too). Good points about the tweaks. Not sure how Payne could really develop when he never played anyway. I thought Randy Foye would have been a good addition, but other than hitting 1 3 a game, he just looked like an aimless extra body out there. More development from Waiters/Roberson would be great for them. Maybe they could use a Lin or Rivers off the bench. Idk, but it's possible they could make big money themselves
Do the Warriors try to make a run at Dwight or Bismax during the offseason?  They have about 15-20M in cap room.
Why would they want to bring in a cancer like Dwight Howard?

He's started problems in every locker room he's been in since his days in Orlando.
well they needed tweaks even when harden was there.. don't forget perk was the starting C (and Thabo was playing way too much).. plus harden/collision being the whole bench (maynor was done after his injury).. which lead to Scotty's veteran retirement package (fisher/butler)

but the biggest issue since the harden trade was injuries, they were the no.1 seed in the west the year after the trade.. then Beverley took westbrook out game 2 of round 1

hopefully payne develops in his 2nd year and Roberson because more decisive on offense.. and if waiters is back, dude gets more consistent
Forgot about Perk and Thabo (and I guess Nate Robinson too). Good points about the tweaks. Not sure how Payne could really develop when he never played anyway. I thought Randy Foye would have been a good addition, but other than hitting 1 3 a game, he just looked like an aimless extra body out there. More development from Waiters/Roberson would be great for them. Maybe they could use a Lin or Rivers off the bench. Idk, but it's possible they could make big money themselves
from payne.. obviously need him for bench purposes.. but we desperately need a solid ball handler and a guy who could possibly be in that closing lineup (especially if waiters isn't back or on the nights he doesn't have it)

then we can take westbrook off the ball.. also gives us a ton of options lineup wise (with westbrook being able to go to SG, Roberson's height/length)

but we need 1 of them to get to 35+% from 3.. and for westbrook to cut down on shooting them, but definitely get at least to 33%
Donovan just has to finally take the reigns off of Payne.

He can fill the Reggie Jackson role but dude insisted on playing Foye, who is dead trash and a shell of himself.

Sure he makes stupid to's now and generally just plays as overexcited as any kid would in his first year but the potential is there. Russ has talked about how he's taken him under his wing and how he can see how good he can be.

You gotta build young players confidence, he'll get better over the summer I'm sure of it.
Donovan just has to finally take the reigns off of Payne.

He can fill the Reggie Jackson role but dude insisted on playing Foye, who is dead trash and a shell of himself.

Sure he makes stupid to's now and generally just plays as overexcited as any kid would in his first year but the potential is there. Russ has talked about how he's taken him under his wing and how he can see how good he can be.

You gotta build young players confidence, he'll get better over the summer I'm sure of it.
I don't want dude to be like reggie Jackson.. reggie was essentially westbrook real lite

I see him more as a natural playmaker.. would love for him to be the first guy off the bench for us next year, since we know how hard westbrook goes (so him with the starting unit).. then you have some lineups with him/russ in the backcourt

but yea, cant kill the kid for his first year.. like I said, he showed some flashes
I'm with you, I was just saying he could play the role of 6th man not that he would play like Reggie.

Terrible, just because they made the ECF. :smh:

They were gonna fire him if they lost in round 1........he's still the same exact coach.
Who they replacing him with at this point tho ? ...you don't fire a coach that took you the furthest you've ever been for a nobody
Who they replacing him with at this point tho ? ...you don't fire a coach that took you the furthest you've ever been for a nobody

They succeeded in spite of him.

OKC did the same thing with Scott Brooks, who they fired after taking them to the Finals and WCF whenever they were healthy.

Bringing him back isn't going to help his horrible rotations, lack of an offensive system or ability to make in game adjustments.
I actually think making it to the ECF could be an opposite blessingin disguise for the Raptors. Now they're going to lock into Casey and Derozan when they probably shouldn't do either. This was the furthest this team is going to go as currently constructed. How are they going to improve anymore?
Atlanta and Philadelphia are discussing a deal centered on a Jeff Teague and Nerlens Noel package, league sources tell The Vertical.

RIP The Process. You will be missed.
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LOVE moving Teague for Nerlens.

Was worried about the front office after Ferry was fired, but this is a great move. Got a very talented young big with upside.
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