2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Unless we can bring Stoudemire back for the cheap for bench production, then I say we keep him, but if Phil doesn't see him in the future of the rebuild then move him for picks and not another contract that they'd have to unload over the summer.
Nah eff all that. We didn't come all this way to just trade Amare's expiring contract :lol:

Better hold onto to that and get all the cap space back.
Trading Amare would be pointless at this point. Unless it's to OKC for Reggie and other expiring contracts or Wesley Mathews and expiring contratcs.

That'd be the only trade scenario I could see happening, but other than that I don't see what teams out west have to offer. I thought Phoenix would try because they have 42 point guards, but nothing happened from that so I am all in for letting him expire, and re-signing him for dirt cheap.
Would like to see Bargs go though. That was a wasted trade that has never came close to being worth it. We could've dumped Novak somehow to another team, we didn't have to have Bargs.
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Nah eff all that. We didn't come all this way to just trade Amare's expiring contract :lol:

Better hold onto to that and get all the cap space back.

I dig it, it's like getting to the last couple of payments for a car and trading it in, all that work and dedication in making payments gone. But I think we'll hold on to him.
First time in a looooong time I feel the Knicks as a franchise is being straight up with the fans. Phil basically said today "We messed up. The players didtn adjust the way we hoped, and theyre gone. We are going to fix it."
First time in a looooong time I feel the Knicks as a franchise is being straight up with the fans. Phil basically said today "We messed up. The players didtn adjust the way we hoped, and theyre gone. We are going to fix it."

Maybe they'll adopt other offenses to run besides the triangle and ISO. Or at least include those thousands of variations of the triangle that they talk about existing. That'd be a start to the solution, and if they're insistent on the triangle then hopefully they bring in triangle personnel.
I really don't think the triangle is our problem. I was watching golden state last night and they run a lot of triangle. Except their players are a million times better and they have 4 guys on the floor that can get a rebound and go coast to coast
Honestly, I think they should stick with the Triangle. Reason being is because it' the foundation of the philosophy revolving around being a team. I dig it. I think they tried it and it they over reached with the players starting this season, and that's why they are no longer here. If they were "getting it" they would still be here.

At least now with the recent moves they are a lot more flexible than we thought we were going to be going into Summer '15. We have a guaranteed Top 5 pick, $30+ million, and trade exceptions. We got assets and a lot of them. The deals Phil pulled off were huge, and if we can somehow get rid of Jose, we will be sitting pretty.
I really don't think the triangle is our problem. I was watching golden state last night and they run a lot of triangle. Except their players are a million times better and they have 4 guys on the floor that can get a rebound and go coast to coast

They're loaded, and there's a few athletic players on their squad, so the triangle is a good luck for them. I wish it was for us.
Forgot there was even a game today, would like to forget about the games already played.
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Same channel as the Maple Leafs?
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