2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Maybe Melo has a revival next year if the team is in better shape. He really looked out of character.

But I haven't seen more than 5 games this season so it might not be out of character at all.
What exactly does a team gain from buying out a player's contract?

Would've loved to keep him at the right price.
we stay on break for a couple more days team :smokin


Stat you are the man, those first three months had us in a daze and so optimistic about the future. That was our championship.

Damn Melo & Stat sounded and felt so good 4 years ago :lol: :smh: :\
Still remember when he first got to the Knicks and was balling out of control. MVP level stuff. Sad what happened to dudes trajectory man
Let's give it up to Amare once more, that MVP 1st quarter, the block on LeBron in Miami, punching the fire extinguisher... Seems like yesterday.

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Amare always put in work to come back in as good shape as he could be in each time. And people gave him a lot of **** bc of his contract, especially in the past 2 yrs, but he can be proud of how he played and carried himself here, fire extinguisher incident aside. Tbh tho he was probably the only person we've had in the past 5 years who cared enough about winning to hit something on the way to the locker room. 2010 was a pretty exciting year until we got Melo, and its a shame he hurt himself in the Boston series that year bc he was incredible in gm1. He never really got healthy after those back issues and subsequent knee issues.

I'll always have a lot of respect for him and hope he wins a title somewhere.
STAT gone. It was good until the trade deadline bruh but you continued to entertain with your wild tweets and IG photos.

Melo is my dude, but I wish he wouldn't have been as politically correct and told Craig " mannnnn, I'm nervous, for next season, and this surgery"
Surgery aint gonna be that big of a deal.

It won't change that Melo has like 4 really good years left.
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