2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I like the weather and don't care for the hills in The Bay so yeah. I don't like winning as you can tell. Just nice weather and big breasts.
What exactly does a team gain from buying out a player's contract?

Would've loved to keep him at the right price.
save off the luxury tax i think. it's really just a nice gesture saying hey go win some place else before your knees fall off
yes and 
Melo was an embarrassment playing in this game. 40 plus games we have lost and this man is playing in this game what a joke. And the dude can't even score with no d being played on him smh 19 shots to score 13 points lol
Not gunna lie as much as I was pissed about the contract and the injuries stat had, he truly was the first guy big name signing in a while to bring that fire and competitivness back to the knicks. It was fun while it lasted rip stat and melo
Happy trails Amare. Didn't work out like we hoped but I have no ill will towards you.

Look on the bright side fellas....we are halfway thru the throwaway season with hopefully greener grass on the other side. We got two big expiring contracts coming, a high draft pick, saved Dolan some pocket change, Melo bout to get a new leg and we got some guidance in the front office.
@KennyDucey: "A bodega is like...a winery" - Pau Gasol, asked what a bodega was


@KennyDucey: Melo on Amar'e: "One of the main reasons I'm a New York Knick today was because of him." Said STAT brought "excitement" to NYC

@KennyDucey: More Melo: "Amar'e brought something back to New York that New York had been missing for a long time."

@KennyDucey: Melo called Amar'e "a close friend, a teammate, a guy who I wanted to come to the city and play with."

I'm a root for Stat wherever he winds up most likely. "Fare thee well oh fragile warrior" :tongue: :rofl: But on the real, he brought NY ball back from about the same point he's leaving it. If you weren't riding with the Knicks a year or two before Stat signed, that over priced contract but what you gonna do, you won't really get that comment...(I'm not mad at Stat either, to quote the old saying "If a chick wanna open her legs for me that is HER problem!"
I read that Larry Sanders might be bought out soon. Assuming he wants to play ball again and can get his life together it could be good for whoever picks him up. He's a headcase, but he's also a young, athletic rim protector, and could be signed for very little $ if he's getting 30mil from a buyout. We're going to need 2 bigs anyway, why not try to get someone with a ton of upside.

No idea if he'd want to come here or actually play meaningful games for a contender tho
I'm more upset about JRS.
I know, I never wanted to leave either, but it's life. I can't go against the higher ups. Don't worry Proph, I ain't mad at cha. Got nuttin but love for ya, do your thing boy.

Sanders would be a nice cheap pick up if he was serious about fulfilling his potential. Always liked the dude's ability but mentally, he just doesn't care.
I just came in to post about Larry sanders getting bought out but he's teuly a head case but I hate cole Aldrich lets just blame him for now on
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