2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

@johnnyredstorm they don't sign anyone significant, there's a similar year to this next year and melo is crucified even harder. and with his personality and what ppl close to the organization know about him all i can say is this doesn't seem like a dude that will respond well to the harsh ny media and fans if it goes that direction. again thats just my opinion but being a knicks fan i guess I'm programmed to prepare for the worst :lol:

let's just find marcus hatten, he would solve everything and he's a BMORE kid so maybe he could bring the best outta melo :smokin
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@johnnyredstorm and my biggest concern after all the rants isn't even melo :lol:

what if phil isn't a good exec? i mean there's been plenty of coaches who haven't made the same transition into the front office. Doc is the latest to prove that not all good coaches make good GMs. THAT, imo, is the worst case scenario. i pray and hope that he knows that he's doing, but i can't rule out that he doesn't unfortunately.
i feel you man, all legit concerns. i'm just from the school of thought that man, it can't really get worse can it :lol: if it does god help us all
Good points, but honestly, last season was worse to me. At least we KNOW we aren't going anywhere this year. Instead of fighting for a 8th seed just to not get it. One thing i've learned about the NBA is "if you're gonna be terrible, be the best at it". Middle of the pack just won't cut it(ask Portland). Now about Melo, that article that you posted.. You don't believe that he was simply just answering a question? I understand how you feel Melo is lazy sometimes(I have to agree), but you had to see the man play his shoulder off his body last season to carry the team. If you wanna speak about what superstars do, give LeBron this roster & watch "The Decision pt.2" unfold right before your eyes a season later. The guy is human, he gets a lot of flack for not being paired w/ a bunch of stars on his team. But on the flipside, Amare gets praised & everyone overlooks times he let us down. (Hurts his back dunking in warmups, put the paws on a fire extinguisher). I'm just saying, if you put up a vid of you taking a paycut at work to help out payroll & be a team player, then i'll sport an "I Hate Melo" shirt at the garden & get carried out w/ pride.
Melo will be ok...you guys in new york with the sky is falling mentality. Next year when we have melo,okafor and gasol on the team you guys will be riding melo's jock again. This year has been a blessing....you need years like this for long term success. Does anyone remember the Spurs the year before they got Duncan? the answer is no but they were historically bad as well and then gained 20 years of glory after. Just calm down guys we will be okay.
& about Phil, it's his FIRST full year. I remember seeing someone say "the biggest problem w/ the Knicks are their fans" & sometimes I believe it. No patience. Ppl yell fire the minute they see a box of matches. We haven't given anyone a chance to grow within the organization & establish a SYSTEM. A big reason why the Larry Brown firing back then really irked me.
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At the end of the day, we all share common ground.. We love the Knicks. & trust me, I can't wait to see us be susccessful. I have so much **** to pop. I've been just saving it in my mind for years. But we really just have to weather the storm this time. Not the way we've been trying to put a bandaid on a broken leg & say "here, it's fixed". We really have to recover & establish an identity of our own..
Way too early to decide on Phil and Fish.

No problem with Carmelo wanting to play in the ASG. Season been over since week two. If he shut it down a month ago or today, as long as he gets the surgery soon. I like the excitement the players have over the ASG. It's a big deal and they should enjoy it.
Melo will be ok...you guys in new york with the sky is falling mentality. Next year when we have melo,okafor and gasol on the team you guys will be riding melo's jock again. This year has been a blessing....you need years like this for long term success. Does anyone remember the Spurs the year before they got Duncan? the answer is no but they were historically bad as well and then gained 20 years of glory after. Just calm down guys we will be okay.

So we're getting 20 years of glory after this season? Is it true dad? Daddy, The Knicks will turn into the Spurs? - well I'm not worried anymore, this guy pretty much answered everything.
forget giving the max to dragic... just pick up reggie for cheap and get some role players in the summer...get monroe or milsap if we miss out on the big 3 aldridge, gasol and rondo... there has to be a way to trade jose so we can clear up more cap space
reggie turned down 4/$48 mil from OKC so idk how cheap he'd actually be

here's some good news: we're not the Nets :smokin
^ he prally just doesnt want to play for okc similar to lance last year with the pacers by taking less money to sign with the hornets... reggie will be cheaper than dragic and wont get the max... hes also younger too... but like i said no point guard should even be considered until we trade jose first
How do y'all get mad at Melo and adore STAT?

Dude played out 30% of his contract, tried to touch the top of the backboard and punched a fire extinguisher during the playoffs, when we needed him the most, then asked for a buyout instead of re-signing for the vet minimum, knowing that much of our troubles have been due to his injury and uninsured contract.

I don't get it.
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How do y'all get mad at Melo and adore STAT?

Dude played out 30% of his contract, tried to touch the top of the backboard and punched a fire extinguisher during the playoffs, when we needed him the most, then asked for a buyout instead of re-signing for the vet minimum, knowing that much of our troubles have been due to his injury and uninsured contract.

I don't get it.

If there was never a Stat in NY there'd be never a Melo in NY for people like you to defend all the damn time :lol:
this dude melo legit put off surgery just to play in the ASG. not sure how you guys feel but this is not ok under any circumstance IMO. dude needed surgery for months and all he wanted to do was play in London and the ASG for "brand exposure." **** this dude ain't about the basketball at all. i thought he'd at least play in a game or 2 after the break just so it didn't look so obvious that he only wanted the ASG, and not to mention he played nearly 35 minutes. i know there are melo haters out there but this isn't hating, these are facts. dude is a selfish me first guy. i wanted to hold off on that judgement and i've given him 3 years, every knock on him in denver was true. these last months have done it with me. during the ASG media day son complaining "if anyone thinks i sat out regular season games to play in the ASG thats absurd and not true"... but....you did that

down in miami he was being asked about what the heat had and he says to some extent "we're still trying to put a big 3 together up in NY and hopefully it happens.." does son know all 3 of those guys took 14 mil to make that happen? not 25. he coulda had the big 3 in chicago, and a legit chance to win, but he passed it up. and from accounts close to the team he's a sensitive ***** too. unfortunately he brings this all on himself. to the casual fan he says the right things in the press, he smiles, never is a bad interview, but read between the lines with this guy, it's always about him and being "melo." not to knock his skills, he's one of the top 20 players in the league but melo is NO WHERE near the superstar level, not just on the court but priorities off it.

what a effin disaster this year has been, and to think we're in year 1 of his contract. we've suffered through the last 15 years so as knick fans we will persevere but it's just sad and pathetic to see the self proclaimed "hometown kid" came home and he's going down the marbury road. wait until he gets crucified in the media, it will get so much uglier than it is right now. hopefully phil can offload him this summer (doubt it) but one can hope, just like i can hope for a #1 pick and LMA.

rant done.
Agreed, but he showed who he was from jump with the Denver trade. I called it then, but was called crazy for it here *shrugs*
dude's post was longer than my articles


That disrespect 

gasol's not coming here
add LMA and any other important FA for the forseeable future.
How do y'all get mad at Melo and adore STAT?

Dude played out 30% of his contract, tried to touch the top of the backboard and punched a fire extinguisher during the playoffs, when we needed him the most, then asked for a buyout instead of re-signing for the vet minimum, knowing that much of our troubles have been due to his injury and uninsured contract.

I don't get it.
If there was never a Stat in NY there'd be never a Melo in NY for people like you to defend all the damn time
I give STAT credit for getting the ball rolling for interest. It played out how I thought it would.

Next shoe to drop is Phil. I think he's gone after year 3. *drops mic*
anyone else watching UNC-Duke for Okafor?

edit: Jahlil is a grown *** man. gimme him
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I'm a Duke fan so I'm watching regardless

Too bad having the worse record doesn't guarantee you the #1 pick :smh:
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