2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I could live with giving him 50-60. 80 is too much. He's not old though. 29 year old PG isn't bad at all.
NIIIIIIICCCEEEE. Get that surgery and get 100% time to figure out which players we keep and get that #1 seed.
Air Pope Air Pope

You do know that REALISTICALLY we're not getting rid of Melo anytime soon right? So what do you have planned for us after we strike out on every big FA and not land the #1 pick?

Double edged sword here.

Well, realistically, he's not even the best guard ON HIS TEAM. & we can't just overpay anyone, if we're gonna overpay, I'd rather for a player much younger w/ some upside. The guy's best highlight was gettin banged on by Rose. Gotta rebuild w/ patience.
well i mean, if we have no pieces for the triangle and theres someone available that fits the triangle...gotta start somewhere
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I like Dragic but 80 mill is way too much.

Bout time Melo shut it down, at least he's shown that he's still got it. Rest up, let the tank keep rolling and come back next year with a fresh roster.

I'm excited about this offseason, man.
Please tell me again with what team was he suppose to make the playoffs with? He was a back up his first 4 season. 48 wins in the west last year with literally no 2nd option.

I dont think he's worth 80 mill either, but I say we get him now and work the #s later. 65-70 is more reasonable.

Yo Isiah, that you bro? :nerd:
Coupé It Coupé It you already know we never agree on anything. I still dont know if you're a fan of our team or not :lol:

I dont know what you guys want. You dont want to overpay, you want our only piece gone, you dont want to rebuild (no pick in 2017 so there goes that). Can never please you guys unless we get KD, Gasol, and Lebron :smh:

I'm just curious to know what exactly you want Phil to do.
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only way i can see us trying to get dragic is if we trade jose also... no need to have 2 expensive point guards on our roster when having jose was already bad move to begin with
this dude melo legit put off surgery just to play in the ASG. not sure how you guys feel but this is not ok under any circumstance IMO. dude needed surgery for months and all he wanted to do was play in London and the ASG for "brand exposure." **** this dude ain't about the basketball at all. i thought he'd at least play in a game or 2 after the break just so it didn't look so obvious that he only wanted the ASG, and not to mention he played nearly 35 minutes. i know there are melo haters out there but this isn't hating, these are facts. dude is a selfish me first guy. i wanted to hold off on that judgement and i've given him 3 years, every knock on him in denver was true. these last months have done it with me. during the ASG media day son complaining "if anyone thinks i sat out regular season games to play in the ASG thats absurd and not true"... but....you did that :rolleyes

down in miami he was being asked about what the heat had and he says to some extent "we're still trying to put a big 3 together up in NY and hopefully it happens.." does son know all 3 of those guys took 14 mil to make that happen? not 25. he coulda had the big 3 in chicago, and a legit chance to win, but he passed it up. and from accounts close to the team he's a sensitive ***** too. unfortunately he brings this all on himself. to the casual fan he says the right things in the press, he smiles, never is a bad interview, but read between the lines with this guy, it's always about him and being "melo." not to knock his skills, he's one of the top 20 players in the league but melo is NO WHERE near the superstar level, not just on the court but priorities off it.

what a effin disaster this year has been, and to think we're in year 1 of his contract. we've suffered through the last 15 years so as knick fans we will persevere but it's just sad and pathetic to see the self proclaimed "hometown kid" came home and he's going down the marbury road. wait until he gets crucified in the media, it will get so much uglier than it is right now. hopefully phil can offload him this summer (doubt it) but one can hope, just like i can hope for a #1 pick and LMA.

rant done.
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this dude melo legit put off surgery just to play in the ASG. not sure how you guys feel but this is not ok under any circumstance IMO. dude needed surgery for months and all he wanted to do was play in London and the ASG for "brand exposure." **** this dude ain't about the basketball at all. i thought he'd at least play in a game or 2 after the break just so it didn't look so obvious that he only wanted the ASG, and not to mention he played nearly 35 minutes. i know there are melo haters out there but this isn't hating, these are facts. dude is a selfish me first guy. i wanted to hold off on that judgement and i've given him 3 years, every knock on him in denver was true. these last months have done it with me. during the ASG media day son complaining "if anyone thinks i sat out regular season games to play in the ASG thats absurd and not true"... but....you did that :rolleyes

down in miami he was being asked about what the heat had and he says to some extent "we're still trying to put a big 3 together up in NY and hopefully it happens.." does son know all 3 of those guys took 14 mil to make that happen? not 25. he coulda had the big 3 in chicago, and a legit chance to win, but he passed it up. and from accounts close to the team he's a sensitive ***** too. unfortunately he brings this all on himself. to the casual fan he says the right things in the press, he smiles, never is a bad interview, but read between the lines with this guy, it's always about him and being "melo." not to knock his skills, he's one of the top 20 players in the league but melo is NO WHERE near the superstar level, not just on the court but priorities off it.

what a effin disaster this year has been, and to think we're in year 1 of his contract. we've suffered through the last 15 years so as knick fans we will persevere but it's just sad and pathetic to see the self proclaimed "hometown kid" came home and he's going down the marbury road. wait until he gets crucified in the media, it will get so much uglier than it is right now. hopefully phil can offload him this summer (doubt it) but one can hope, just like i can hope for a #1 pick and LMA.

rant done.

You def have a valid arguement man. I doubt The Knicks will trade him this year. And if he really was about winning a 'chip, he wouldve signed for less.
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