2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

dude's post was longer than my articles



i'm not against signing tragic since we have a 5 year window, my only issue is, if we sign dragic to a big contract, how much does that affect us bringing in other assets?
So we rant about shipping Melo off, & then plead for LMA?

A lot of things can be agreed w/ in that rant, but the plead for LMA threw me completely off. LMA is NOT a superstar & CANT lead a team anywhere. & we don't know if he's selfidh b/c he hasn't really been put in that position. & the mention of the Big 3 is kinda irrelevant since it was completely planned beforehand to take the pay cut. Ppl are basically asking Melo to take a pay cut for hopes of signing a big 3 out of thin air. That won't happen.
I'm not mad at Melo. We have 10 wins and a rec league roster. Playing the rest of this season wasn't gonna make any sort of difference. I like Dragic, but not for 80m's. I don't wanna overpay anybody anymore. Maybe it's from being a Knick fan for so long but I have such a bad feeling about signing LMA. He's already kinda injury prone. I feel like he'll slip at the press conference and sever his achilles.
People want to prevent the cycle from starting all over again which is a bad team with big contracts going nowhere. The issues with preventing that is that we've been so bad the past 10+ years that others are convinced we might have to carry out those practices once again. Now if its for the right talent it wouldn't be as damaging but you never know how things work out until they happen.

Personally I don't want to overpay but...might be the only option.
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this dude melo legit put off surgery just to play in the ASG. not sure how you guys feel but this is not ok under any circumstance IMO. dude needed surgery for months and all he wanted to do was play in London and the ASG for "brand exposure." **** this dude ain't about the basketball at all. i thought he'd at least play in a game or 2 after the break just so it didn't look so obvious that he only wanted the ASG, and not to mention he played nearly 35 minutes. i know there are melo haters out there but this isn't hating, these are facts. dude is a selfish me first guy. i wanted to hold off on that judgement and i've given him 3 years, every knock on him in denver was true. these last months have done it with me. during the ASG media day son complaining "if anyone thinks i sat out regular season games to play in the ASG thats absurd and not true"... but....you did that :rolleyes

down in miami he was being asked about what the heat had and he says to some extent "we're still trying to put a big 3 together up in NY and hopefully it happens.." does son know all 3 of those guys took 14 mil to make that happen? not 25. he coulda had the big 3 in chicago, and a legit chance to win, but he passed it up. and from accounts close to the team he's a sensitive ***** too. unfortunately he brings this all on himself. to the casual fan he says the right things in the press, he smiles, never is a bad interview, but read between the lines with this guy, it's always about him and being "melo." not to knock his skills, he's one of the top 20 players in the league but melo is NO WHERE near the superstar level, not just on the court but priorities off it.

what a effin disaster this year has been, and to think we're in year 1 of his contract. we've suffered through the last 15 years so as knick fans we will persevere but it's just sad and pathetic to see the self proclaimed "hometown kid" came home and he's going down the marbury road. wait until he gets crucified in the media, it will get so much uglier than it is right now. hopefully phil can offload him this summer (doubt it) but one can hope, just like i can hope for a #1 pick and LMA.

rant done.

You guys have to understand that Pro athletes don't look at sports the same way as you. Winning isnt first with any of them. That's why I didnt care one way or another if Melo played or not, he just made himself look like a clown for playing.

we've suffered through the last 15 years

Don't know about ya'll, but I've been suffering since June 22, 1994. My 10 year old heart still hasnt healed.
this dude melo legit put off surgery just to play in the ASG. not sure how you guys feel but this is not ok under any circumstance IMO. dude needed surgery for months and all he wanted to do was play in London and the ASG for "brand exposure." **** this dude ain't about the basketball at all. i thought he'd at least play in a game or 2 after the break just so it didn't look so obvious that he only wanted the ASG, and not to mention he played nearly 35 minutes. i know there are melo haters out there but this isn't hating, these are facts. dude is a selfish me first guy. i wanted to hold off on that judgement and i've given him 3 years, every knock on him in denver was true. these last months have done it with me. during the ASG media day son complaining "if anyone thinks i sat out regular season games to play in the ASG thats absurd and not true"... but....you did that :rolleyes

down in miami he was being asked about what the heat had and he says to some extent "we're still trying to put a big 3 together up in NY and hopefully it happens.." does son know all 3 of those guys took 14 mil to make that happen? not 25. he coulda had the big 3 in chicago, and a legit chance to win, but he passed it up. and from accounts close to the team he's a sensitive ***** too. unfortunately he brings this all on himself. to the casual fan he says the right things in the press, he smiles, never is a bad interview, but read between the lines with this guy, it's always about him and being "melo." not to knock his skills, he's one of the top 20 players in the league but melo is NO WHERE near the superstar level, not just on the court but priorities off it.

what a effin disaster this year has been, and to think we're in year 1 of his contract. we've suffered through the last 15 years so as knick fans we will persevere but it's just sad and pathetic to see the self proclaimed "hometown kid" came home and he's going down the marbury road. wait until he gets crucified in the media, it will get so much uglier than it is right now. hopefully phil can offload him this summer (doubt it) but one can hope, just like i can hope for a #1 pick and LMA.

rant done.

Agreed! (And I've been saying this for the better part of almost three years in here)

Rock clap gif.
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He's not getting the max. Idk where that keeps coming from. He just wants to leave PHX. No team is giving him the max.
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People want to prevent the cycle from starting all over again which is a bad team with big contracts going nowhere. The issues with preventing that is that we've been so bad the past 10+ years that others are convinced we might have to carry out those practices once again. Now if its for the right talent it wouldn't be as damaging but you never know how things work out until they happen.

Personally I don't want to overpay but...might be the only option.

Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly overpay Bledsoe that price if he was available. But not Dragic
man my heart been broken since 94 too, i didn't go to school after game 7 the next day, at least the school year was ending and i wasn't learning anything important in the 1st grade then lmao. at least we had good teams to cheer for after that though.

LMA is a pipe dream, he ain't leaving, i know. he teased us this past weekend tho :lol:

i was hoping they would let melo walk too, but sadly phil has no say in that, that's dolan wanting someone to put fans in the seats.

my beef with melo isn't coming from a diehard fanboy pov (ok maybe it is partially) :lol:

lets just say this, i know from over the years that theres a lot of high iq bball fans in here, and guys who've played pretty seriously (college, high level aau) like myself. this guy basketball wise is at a point where he's not changing, he is what he is, but sadly, the parts of his game that hold him back are things he controls. it's his choice to dog it back on D, call switches and screw up infinite numbers of defensive possessions. it's his choice to half *** it when he's running off a pick trying to get the ball. all he wants to do is run his fat *** down the left side of the court to the post and demand the ball. it's his choice to let his man get inside position on him when a shot goes up and not box out. the point isn't that i want him to be a defensive monster, it's that this is a guy who WANTS to be called and regarded as a superstar. remember that whole "IMO i'm the most underrated superstar in the league but that's not important to me" talk before the year? (http://espn.go.com/new-york/nba/sto...-york-knicks-says-most-underrated-star-player) why even say that? and if it doesn't matter, why are you saying it? its just like him saying i didn't miss games to play in the ASG. just shut up man. being a leader is so much more than having the highest salary on the team. this is a dude that just doesn't get IT. not everyone gets IT either, but if you don't get IT, you're not a superstar and if you're getting paid $25 mil you're stealing that check. of course he doesn't decide what his salary should be but that's another can of worms called James Dolan that I'm not touching right now :lol:

and if you're really about that superstar life, on the court, you set the tone for the team. telling THJ you'll fight him bc he told you to grab a rebound in a meaningless game isn't being a superstar. thats being a petty selfish *****. is he allowed to be frustrated being stuck on a garbage team with not even d-league talent? hell yea, but when you get paid $25 mil, you have an obligation to the franchise, its not just about collecting that check. the LEAST you can do IMO is play hard and try to help out the younger guys in a year like this. he's a pro. if you were in his shoes wouldn't the least you'd be doing is trying to help out the guys that you think could help you to win potentially? i totally get that not everyone feels this way, but i don't feel as if my opinions are that of a obsessed fan, its coming from someone who just loves the game and my team. i always felt that being in NY would be good for a guy like him. i always felt it would make him rather than break him, unfortunately i think we're watching the latter play out. just look at STAT, the dude had the worst luck with injuries but this is a guy that always played hard when called upon. he played with the suns in that open court pick n roll system, woody says 11 years into his career learn to play on the post and he does it. he learned pretty damn well. it might have taken some time but the guy was at least willing to listen and change and he became a beast on the block with the left and right hand. melo is just this rigid selfish guy who wants to play his way or no way. just being a new yorker, knowing the media and how things are, i really think things are turning sour on melo and this is only the beginning. when it gets bad this is a guy that's gonna be sensitive and it's just gonna get really ugly imo.
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