2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Funny thing is I'm a Knick fan, but I'm still a fan of STAT, and I watched the Cavs put a beating on the Mavs as if the beating was powered by electricity, Tyson still trying to play hurt and got owned, Dirk in a slump, Parsons just working his way back, Rondo may not fit, and STAT let the team have it for the post game interview. Cool, because he came to play last night sans his "defensive effort" but if yall were his teammate, how in the world can you take the words he spoke seriously when all you can see is his "costume". STAT, my brother, you've got to dress better. It's not that serious down here (Texas)
was thinking abaout this when i heard about his rant. veteran or not, honestly, dude ain't even been on the team long enough to be getting on this new teammates like that. even when he was here in ny, he would make these rants and throw subs at his teammates after being a long time out of commission for whatever injury at any given moment. i thought it was a little contrived on his part to speak up like that then and think the same now
this Rangers game has been awesome.

when Henrik comes back does he start over Talbot? idk if you can pull the hot goalie in the playoffs.
End of the day hank is still one of the best in the league. They might split some time as henrik gets back in rhythm but I think he's the guy that gets the chance when the games matter most. Definitely a good problem to have. Been a fun year for hockey.
this Rangers game has been awesome.

when Henrik comes back does he start over Talbot? idk if you can pull the hot goalie in the playoffs.

He was insane last night. I like Lunq but I think you gotta stick with Talbot. He's been hot. Might **** up the flow if you throw Lunq back in the game. Might take some time for him to get right and now is not the time for that.

**** the Knicks

That Captain Crunch pic is great

with no smoothing the cap will probably be around 67 million next year and then sky rocket to close to 90 million in 2016-17.

So that means people are going to overspend in this offseason why makes deal are still reasonable. Remember max deals start at a percentage of the cap.

25%, 30%, and 35% for certain years off nba experience. So guys like LeBron a will be looking at starting salaries above 30 million per year.

This will make Melo's deal look like a bargain.
but melo's got such a terrible contract!

the cap increase is great, gives more room to add more players, but it'll boost players salaries. it's basically like mininum wage increases to keep up with the rate of inflation. having said that, if we can convince players to take less and use that cap on more athletes that would be freaking sweet.

talbot's been really good after that rough stretch. kid has looked brilliant. either way, whatever happens i hope we win the cup. its a good problem to have right now.
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trading the pick is so stupid. unless you get boogie which you won't theres 0 reason to trade it. you draft towns or okafor and they literally have the torch passed to them by melo in 2 or 3 years.

i don't mind Phil keeping his options open but reports & writers are running with the idea that the pick is gonna be traded
It's funny, she sees herself as some "Fairy Godmother" to young players. :rofl:

You were with Justin Brent recently....
I love my little 19 year old.

How'd that start?
I met him at a restaurant. We exchanged numbers. He was going to be on break from school and I was like, "Hey, why don't you come to the city and we'll go to a Knicks game."

I like these new friendships in a weird mentor kinda way. I don't have children. Because I did porn, guys are just so honest with me, asking me sexual questions they might not want to ask their friends.

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