2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

@benchwarmerdan: Shved and Bargnani help Knicks get the sixth pick. Get signed next year and help us get the 9th seed. This is our destiny.

:stoneface: :stoneface:
These idiots are playing the Wolves and Sixers next on the schedule. The two teams right behind them in the tank sweepstakes.

They're gonna win those and **** up getting a 4 pick. I can feel it.
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worst record guarantees us Okafor, Towns, Russell, or Mudiay

we really can't afford to win these next 2 games.

tonight was horrible :smh:
@ESPNStatsInfo: Knicks: 1st team in NBA history to enter a game with a sub-.200 win pct at least 60 games into season & beat the defending champs (ELIAS)

we made history tonight

when/if the Spurs win, theyll look back at last nights game as the point where they turned it around. that reality check game :nerd:
STOP acting like we dont have the worst record in the league... yes i get it you want us to be trash but its not guaranteed a top pick...
You guys think we sign bargs in the off season ?
I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm going to guess that he'll get a lower salary to prove his consistency (though this could all change since he's playing pretty good and other teams may sign him). 

As of now, I would say the 3 most promising players are Bargnani, Shved, and Amundson. Melo and Galloway are likely staying due to their contracts (they're "stable good players."). I think the rest of the Knicks roster should be available for trade.. if we can let go to Calderon, that would be sweet as that would increase cap space further and we already have decent PG's as well as looking into a superstar PG this summer (hopefully Rondo or Dragic).
not saying much when your most promising players are those three. i like amundson and shved, but not long term

as for bargnani, he's a complete waste of time & space. rondo can go be a cancer elsewhere too. never cared for him
i'll take a trade exception or a 2nd rounder for caldo. there was promise, but dude is under performing or wearing a suit.
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