2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

still dont why y'all give a **** about two guys that were net negatives for the knicks.

Mind blowing. They didn't do **** for us and it's not like they're over there leading the team. They're just riding the wave.

typical knicks fan syndrome. people think just bc players produce well on a different team makes them automatically think that they couldve done the exact same thing for our team. CLEARLY they werent and thats why they were traded. here are their stats for this season while they wore the orange and blue.

JR 10.9PPG 1.9TOs 3.4ASTs 2.4REBs 40%FG 37%3FG
Shump 9.3PPG 1.8TOs 3.3ASTs 3.4REBs 41%FG 35%3FG

and they both averaged 26mpg

now tell me how valuable those guys really were :smh:
the best part is if they went to a random team like the Hornets no one would care. But because they're with the best player in the world and producing as a result of him it's the end of the world.
So why are we eager to build around Carmelo again if 2 of the 5 best guys on a Finals team were dead weight here? Going to take a whole lot of work to get the right mix of players if this is the case.
because he actually shows up on a consistent basis. Shump and JR haven't shown up for us since that one year we had J Kidd.
I love how we're going to toss aside the fact that LeBron is notorious for making bums better and taking teams of nobodies on runs. Cough his entire previous Cavs run. Cough the bench he had in Miami (although Wade and Bosh helped make up for that lack of depth as well).
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Oh, I know LeBron is the (2nd) greatest player ever.

I'm just asking if those guys weren't good enough complementary players, it's going to take a lot of work in this 2-3 year window to find the right roster.
This is gonna be my last post on these two assclowns because I'm tired of discussing them. They didn't entertain me here, and I sure as hell am not entertained by them in Cleveland. They don't pay my rent or have any affect on my life. I'm tired of discussing them. You guys can't grasp the fact that they showed up for one season out of 4 in NY and are now doing well because of who they're with. Great. Stop complaining about them and move on, they have 0 effect on your life or the Knicks at this point. Tired of seeing JR and Shump's names in this thread followed by the pity parties. They are who they are. Shump barely makes open shots consistently and JR is a volume shooter and mental liability. He's due for a 3-17 game or to punch another player in the head and get suspended. Shump's an overrated defender that isn't consistent on offense. But hey, it's the end of the world that they're doing well in Cleveland with the best player since Jordan.
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lebron also has kyrie. not to mention that thompson and mozgof are playing really well too.

melo has....galloway?

you're comparing apples and oranges here.

shump and jr played well in 12-13 bc of who they had around them. kidd, sheed, kurt thomas, etc. with melo out it was even worse bc their veteran presence was who?
What am I comparing? I know Melo isn't in the same stratosphere as LeBron.

again..if the goal is to put together a good team in the next 2-3 years, which some of you are intent on doing..you now have to go back and get a 2-way playing wing and a wing with scoring punch. You can't miss in the draft. You can't miss in free agency. That's all.
the key to that Kidd team was the ball movement. he knew how to get guys spaced and move the ball well. when he left Sn was lost and everything snowballed from there.

maybe it's because I'm a moneyball guy when it comes to baseball, but i feel like you can piece together a good cast of role players by finding people that do their job consistently.your gritty players that are focused at all times and dont do too much. we've got a couple of those guys already with Lou ManBun, Galloway, Aldrich, we really just need to add a couple of shooters and someone that can defend well.

Figure we draft Muddy so that helps our point guard woes. Really should move on from Caldo but maybe as a backup he can be serviceable. Timmy as an 8th man can be a decent rotation player but I don't think he's worth having a role larger than being a gunner off the bench. Thanasis is a scrappy athlete that hopefully can do well in transition and defensively.

I need to look at the free agency list to see which role players I want but I honestly dont want anyone that's going to command big money (i.e. Demare Carroll) and rather save that dough for the 2016 class.
I can see both sides of the argument. JR and Iman were pretty much in a downward spiral here so offloading them seems to be the logical answer. Problem is, you get nil in return which makes the move a bit questionable. The goal was also to tank so as much as we say they suck they were still two of the better players so its best to stick with bums (who ironically end up winning some games).

Now on the other side of the fence....you can claim you can't let go of talent so easily no matter how bad they struggle. If we use the argument that those two are playing better because of who is surrounding them, then what's to say that we couldn't make the proper additions that would help revitalize them in reduced roles? If we strike out in free agency though, then your still stuck with two guys who don't wanna be here.

The problem is we have waaaaaaaaaaay too many questions that won't get answered in the short term. Everything we do here is literally wait and see. I think that's what bothers some of us....nothing we are doing is a sure thing and that typically leads to doubt.
i think phil made the trade bc he knew that the 2 of them were not going to improve this season or the next. also, shump is a FA and JR has 7mil on his contract for next season. keeping them or even 1 would have cut into our spending money this offseason.

could we have gotten more? maybe. why didnt we? probably bc no one else wanted them. im sure they were shopped around pretty much all season. both of them hurt their trade value which hurt us as a team, bc they didnt end up being worth much. tbh, if i was a GM of another team, i would not give up a first rounder for either of the two knuckle heads.
Their trade value was literally only a lil bit better than Felton's at one point. Let's just move on from those 2.
we should've gotten a late first rounder from them, that is a legitimate gripe, but i dont care about them anymore. I'm just tired of reading and hearing about them.
we should've gotten a late first rounder from them, that is a legitimate gripe, but i dont care about them anymore. I'm just tired of reading and hearing about them.

I feel you. It's really time to let it go. I'm just happy they were off the roster to start fresh around Melo
The Cavs making it to the Finals with Shump & JR playing such a big role has me kind of perplexed...

Is LeBron James just that good or is Carmelo Anthony just that bad for a team? :lol: :frown:
Is LeBron James just that good or is Carmelo Anthony just that bad for a team?
LeBron is just that good of a player honestly. 
The Cavs making it to the Finals with Shump & JR playing such a big role has me kind of perplexed...

Is LeBron James just that good or is Carmelo Anthony just that bad for a team? :lol: :frown:
I think its LBJ being more of a facilitator than Melo. Melo wants no part of running an offense whereas LBJ is like a low key wanna be big *** pg...[emoji]128518[/emoji]
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