2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Wade can stay in mia for all the money he feels he deserves. Only upside from such a disastrous season after we were heading in the right direction is what hurts the most. Any chance we can attract carrol and monroe possibly plus another quality big man?
I rather have Aminu than Carroll. Would cost a few million less, couple of years younger.

Aminu was balling, cant see Mavs letting him go unless the knicks throw some decent money at him. We all know Cuban is ready to pay people to give Dirk another chance to bring them to the promise land
Damn, I'm really thinking about aminu, monroe, and a experienced pg to tutor emmanuels if we get him. Thinking someone like ramone sessions if we can get him for a decent price. Jimmy buckets want max dollars and marc gasol isn't going anywhere.
caldo doesnt even have to play really. we just need him an fish to mentor muddy. i dont want carrol unless its around 8mil per. hes also nearing 30, so a long term deal isnt ideal.
i mean if we cant trade him and phil wont cut him, at least he can contribute to something. dont get me wrong, id rather have caldo's contract off the books, but we gotta use him for something.
You're stuck with him for this year. Too hard of a deal to trade without taking back a **** contract In return.
he's a good clubhouse guy if we're stuck with him. rather pay him and keep him on the team as a role model than cut him and still pay him.
Question for yall I was thinking about today: would you trade THJR/Calderon's contract for Rubio?

Word is that Rubio could be on the block. They are into Russell and even if they do go with a center with the 1st pick, I still think Minnesota does that deal if they are committed to going big/young/athletic with Lavine at point guard and Wiggins at the 2, as opposed to the older/smaller/less athletic Rubio. Hardaway fits that team much better than Rubio, either as the starting 2 in between Lavine/Wiggins, or as their 6th man (if they start Wiggins at the 2 and Shabazz at the 3). Although Calderon's contract is far from ideal, it is still a shorter term deal than Rubio, and Caldo would provide a stable veteran presence on a young team that needs it. Plus he would gladly accept a reduced bench role, unlike Rubio. He would fit what they are trying to build better than Rubio.

As for us. Obviously Rubio cant shoot for **** so he isnt the ideal fit at the point for us, but he is still only 24 and he has always wanted to play in NY. It could potentially bring the best out of him. Definitely could be a buy low opportunity IMO.

It also offers an interesting alternative to drafting Mudiay, another playmaking PG who cant shoot for ****. Rubio at least fits the mold of what Phil is looking for in terms of being a "young veteran," as opposed to handing the ball over to a rookie PG who has a similar style of play. It also allows the Knicks to use their pick to fill a different need or potentially trade the pick, without giving up too many key pieces in return. If we build the rest of the roster with talent + Melo, Rubio could be the playmaker we need to piece it all together and make the ship run smoothly. Obviously Fisher would have to adjust his coaching beyond the triangle a little bit and get the Knicks out on the run more, but he will have to do so with Emmanuel as well. Rubio is also a better half court playmaker than Mudiay as far as I know.

Not a rumor, just an interestng scenario that I thought about when I saw the Rubio rumors today. Would yall do that deal?
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Question for yall I was thinking about today: would you trade THJR/Calderon's contract for Rubio?

Word is that Rubio could be on the block. They are into Russell and even if they do go with a center with the 1st pick, I still think Minnesota does that deal if they are committed to going big/young/athletic with Lavine at point guard and Wiggins at the 2, as opposed to the older/smaller/less athletic Rubio. Hardaway fits that team much better than Rubio, either as the starting 2 in between Lavine/Wiggins, or as their 6th man (if they start Wiggins at the 2 and Shabazz at the 3). Although Calderon's contract is far from ideal, it is still a shorter term deal than Rubio, and Caldo would provide a stable veteran presence on a young team that needs it. Plus he would gladly accept a reduced bench role, unlike Rubio. He would fit what they are trying to build better than Rubio.

As for us. Obviously Rubio cant shoot for **** so he isnt the ideal fit at the point for us, but he is still only 24 and he has always wanted to play in NY. It could potentially bring the best out of him. Definitely could be a buy low opportunity IMO.

It also offers an interesting alternative to drafting Mudiay, another playmaking PG who cant shoot for ****. Rubio at least fits the mold of what Phil is looking for in terms of being a "young veteran," as opposed to handing the ball over to a rookie PG who has a similar style of play. It also allows the Knicks to use their pick to fill a different need or potentially trade the pick, without giving up too many key pieces in return. If we build the rest of the roster with talent + Melo, Rubio could be the playmaker we need to piece it all together and make the ship run smoothly. Obviously Fisher would have to adjust his coaching beyond the triangle a little bit and get the Knicks out on the run more, but he will have to do so with Emmanuel as well. Rubio is also a better half court playmaker than Mudiay as far as I know.

Not a rumor, just an interestng scenario that I thought about when I saw the Rubio rumors today. Would yall do that deal?

great write up and insight! 8)

I would be down for a deal like this but only AFTER our pick comes up at 4. I hate when teams make trades before drafts (all sports) and basically tip their hand to the league that we wonʻt go PG thus making a trade back more tough.

Another thought: what if Russell dropped to 4? Could we somehow swing a three way deal where the Lakers get Towns (#1 pick) Wolves get Russell (#4 pick) and we get Okafor (#2 pick)? If that scenario did happen, could Rubio also be in the deal somehow?
I love Rubio but he makes way too much.

One of Russell or Mudiay will fall right into our laps. Lets just draft him and move onto FA.

I also think we can move Caldo and THJ to a veteran team without taking salary back.
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great write up and insight!

I would be down for a deal like this but only AFTER our pick comes up at 4. I hate when teams make trades before drafts (all sports) and basically tip their hand to the league that we wonʻt go PG thus making a trade back more tough.

Another thought: what if Russell dropped to 4? Could we somehow swing a three way deal where the Lakers get Towns (#1 pick) Wolves get Russell (#4 pick) and we get Okafor (#2 pick)? If that scenario did happen, could Rubio also be in the deal somehow?
Appreciate that. Tried to keep it short and sweet (for me) 

But if DLoading falls to 4... You ******* take him without thinking twice. Wont happen though 

Okafor in NY = accident waiting to happen.

Him and Melo would be ATROCIOUS together. It would force Melo to the 3 and basically rely on us to try and find a 4 to protect the rim since Okafor cant ******* do that. It would just be a giant blob of a front court that wouldnt be able to coexist, similar to how Melo and Amare were never able to coexist.

I would take a minimum of 5 draft prospects on the Knicks before I would take Jahil on this team. Id rather WCS for **** sake. At least he fulfills rim protecting duties for the foreseeable future and would allow us to shift Carmelo back to the 4. He would do what (healthy, DPOY) Tyson did. Or take a shot on Porzingis. No Okafor please.
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great write up and insight! 8)

I would be down for a deal like this but only AFTER our pick comes up at 4. I hate when teams make trades before drafts (all sports) and basically tip their hand to the league that we wonʻt go PG thus making a trade back more tough.

Another thought: what if Russell dropped to 4? Could we somehow swing a three way deal where the Lakers get Towns (#1 pick) Wolves get Russell (#4 pick) and we get Okafor (#2 pick)? If that scenario did happen, could Rubio also be in the deal somehow?
Appreciate that. Tried to keep it short and sweet (for me) :rofl:

But if DLoading falls to 4... You ******* take him without thinking twice. Wont happen though |I

Okafor in NY = accident waiting to happen.

Him and Melo would be ATROCIOUS together. It would force Melo to the 3 and basically rely on us to try and find a 4 to protect the rim since Okafor cant ******* do that. It would just be a giant blob of a front court that wouldnt be able to coexist, similar to how Melo and Amare were never able to coexist.

I would take a minimum of 5 draft prospects on the Knicks before I would take Jahil on this team. Id rather WCS for **** sake. At least he fulfills rim protecting duties for the foreseeable future and would allow us to shift Carmelo back to the 4. He would do what (healthy, DPOY) Tyson did. Or take a shot on Porzingis. No Okafor please.

had a good convo about this with my buddy who is a Laker Stan... he was talking about the possibility that the Wolves, Lakers AND Sixers could feel this way about Okafor and then what would happen???
^ Chad Ford reported today that Flip Saunders still has Okafor #1 on his BB over KAT according to people familiar. Flip also loves Russell, but hopefully Minnesota takes him even though I think it would be absolutely foolish to pass up on KAT.

I also think Okafor would be a solid fit for the Lakers. Him and Randle could work. They would be a beastly front court in terms of scoring and bounding and they are both young and compliment each other well offensively. Defensively, they would be a problem though (not in a good way). But Okafor would give them their franchise centerpiece post Kobe.

I doubt he falls out of the top 2 picks. I sure as **** hope he doesnt. I just hate centers in 2015 who dont play D/protect the rim. Reminds me of Eddy Curry. It is especially worse for us having Melo on board who should be at the 4 but obviously cant protect the rim or play great D. He needs a center to cover for him like Tyson did in his prime.

But just in general speaking, I honestly cant think of any good centers in the league right now who dont at the very least protect the rim. It is easy to cover up a weak defensive 4 (Melo, ZBo, Kevin Love, etc.) with a rim protecting center. Very hard to do the other way around and SOMEBODY needs to protect the hoop, especially in today's era of attacking PGs.
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