2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Okafor has 10 times the ceiling of WCS and 0 worries about whether or not he has a passion for the game. Be foolish to pass on Okafor for WCS.
i dont mind that at all IF muddy, russell, and towns are already gone. i DO NOT want okafor on this team. we need a defensive center or a PG. nothing else is as important.
Agreed 100%. Wouldnt mind WCS at all, but would be dumb to take him over Muddy with no fallback at the point besides Caldo. We need a rim protecting center and a new PG this summer.
Okafor has 10 times the ceiling of WCS and 0 worries about whether or not he has a passion for the game. Be foolish to pass on Okafor for WCS.
Respectfully disagree. 
tbh, okafor probably has the biggest bust potential. hes extremely unathletic and his defense is horrible. those are the 2 hardest (almost impossible) things to improve for a big man.
He's the second most skilled player on offense though. That kind of talent will translate and at worst, he's a guy that scores 15 points a night. He's basically already at his floor, he's not going to step in and shock you with how bad he is.

Okafor is gonna be a poor man's Duncan on offense, you guys watch.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the wolves recently give Pecovic a sizeable deal? He missed a good chunk of games last year but he's a tough guy. Do you think they move away from him and still draft a big? I can't see him sliding over to the PF And their frontcourt is pretty full.
Its the Wolves, the have the worst front office in the NBA.  There is no Rhyme or reason to the things they do. (Johnny Flynn and Ricky Rubio back to back, not offering Love max so the can save it for Rubio, sign vets to mentor the youngsters and then trade them at the deadline for other youngsters.
I am just happy if we go with Mudiay, Russell, Okafor, Winslow or WCS. As long as we get a long valuable player.

To be honest, I'd rather to draft a franchise player who can take the burden off Melo. Mudiay is the only player I want the mostly.
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You have to go with Mudiay if he's the best player available. Only concern is that he's a 6'5" PG that can't shoot a fish in a barrel. Something tells me he has combo guard written all over him.
He's the second most skilled player on offense though. That kind of talent will translate and at worst, he's a guy that scores 15 points a night. He's basically already at his floor, he's not going to step in and shock you with how bad he is.

Okafor is gonna be a poor man's Duncan on offense, you guys watch.
I think WCS is as good or better defensively than Okafor is offensively. Okafor is a beast in the post, no doubt, but he has little diversity in the rest of his offensive game. WCS is one of the best big man defenders I have ever seen on the collegiate level. He is as good as a rim protector as it gets, and can basically switch on pick and roll situations and guard players at any position. His lateral quickness is unreal for his size. WCS will be a dominant defender in this league from day 1 and will have an extremely successful NBA career no matter where he ends up going. Teams need what he brings to the table, simple as that. I would almost be surprised if WCS doesnt win a DPOY at least once. He is truly that gifted.

However, his offensive game likely wont be anymore than average at best, even though it is slightly underrated at this point by many. But regardless, on the Knicks especially (next to Melo), and in 2015 NBA in general (attacking PG era), give me a dominant defensive center who is average offensively than the other way around any day of the week. Melo and Okafor would just be so bad together.

WCS doesnt have the ceiling of some of the other prospects that might be available, which is why I think it would be dumb to draft him ahead of Mudiay without a fallback option at the point besides Calderon, but IMO WCS could be the safest pick in the draft this year. There is just no possible way he isnt a starting center in this league for the next decade +.

I agree that Okafor has a lot more bust potential. Seriously, try and name one good center in the NBA today that doesnt at least protect the rim defensively. I honestly cant think of one. Even Brook Lopez blocks shots. It is hard to fit a one dimensional offensive minded center who needs the ball to be effective and doesnt play good defense in today's NBA. It is easy to cover a poor defensive 4 with a rim protecting center, but it is much more difficult to do the other way around. Especially because Okafor isnt versatile/aathletic enough to consider moving him to the 4 because of his lack of rim protection.

And this is just generally speaking. I do think Okafor can find a place in the NBA, but it needs to be in the right situation. That situation is NOT on the Knicks. Pairing him with Melo would be an accident waiting to happen. It would combine 2 ball dominant scorers in the front court together, neither of which play good defense, or protect the rim even remotely. It would also mean we would be passing up on a PG so offensively, it would likely be disastrous as well with those 2 guys up front and no good PG to facilitate and make it work.

But defensively it would just be ugly. It would push Melo back to the full-time 3 and basically force us to look for a 4 to make up for Melo/Okafor's defensive limitations and lack of rim protection. Basically, it would be Melo/Amare all over again, just with a different name attached. Probably even worse actually, because with Jahil at the 5, we couldnt even add a Tyson like rim protector. Knicks need to find a rim protecting center badly, along with a combo-forward who can play alongside Melo and switch between the 3/4 with him IMO. Someone who could ideally allow Melo to play the 4 offensively, but guard the 3 spot. That is something I like about both Trey Lyles and Justice Winslow. Okafor does not fit that bill whatsoever.

It would not work. It would force Melo out of NY without even attempting to build a serviceable team around him basically. The argument that we should draft Okafor in spite of Melo is absolutely ******ed to me also. We didnt trade for Melo and sign him to that deal just to push him to the side. That is ******* lazy as it is stupid. Melo can still be the go to guy on a contender, it is on us to build a team around him that provides him with ample help, allows him to focus on his strengths, and limits his weaknesses. Basically the Knicks need to do for Melo what the Celtics did for Paul Pierce. And never at any point in his career was Pierce a better player than Melo.

I could just imagine the Frank Isola articles for the next 10+ if we draft Okafor. Just nonstop going on and on about how short sighted Dolan/Phil was for drafting him. Literally, I could predict the Knicks next decade + with Okafor on this team. Really, really not pretty IMO. It would not work out, and like I said before there are a minimum of 5 draft prospects I would prefer on the Knicks ahead of Jahil. I honestly believe that.
Its the Wolves, the have the worst front office in the NBA.  There is no Rhyme or reason to the things they do. (Johnny Flynn and Ricky Rubio back to back, not offering Love max so the can save it for Rubio, sign vets to mentor the youngsters and then trade them at the deadline for other youngsters.
Yeah but that was McHale/Kahn, not Flip. McHale and Kahn were ******* terrible. Flip has done a really decent job so far actually, even though he has had a lot of things fall into his place like the Cavs winning the lotto and wanting to trade Wiggins for Love as well as winning the lottery. But even drafting dudes like Lavine and Shabazz are looking like really smart moves by Flip.
Something tells me he has combo guard written all over him.
Not true. Mudiay is as true of a PG as it gets. He is more like John Wall than Westbrook even, but closer to Westbrook's body. Basically, dude is a ******* stud prospect.
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my friend actually played pickup basketball with towns and said WCS is better and knicks should pick him up instead... i dont trust his opinion though because hes not a professional basketball scout so who knows
Everybody saying Jahlil extremely unathletic is crazy. Roy Hibbert is extremely unathletic not Jahlil. If he falls to the Knicks at 4 you take him
this would make me Samuel L Jackson levels of angry...

1) Wolves - Russell (trade away Rubio in a blockbuster deal to land more pieces they like)
2) Lakers - KAT (Lakers get their premier big of the future)
3) Sixers - Muddiay
4) Knicks - WCS
5) Magic - Okafor
6) Kings - Winslow

it could happen too...
View media item 1564223
Im resigned to the fact Towns and Okafor will be gone. I like Mudiay And I hope he falls to us, but knowing Philly :lol:
this would make me Samuel L Jackson levels of angry...

1) Wolves - Russell (trade away Rubio in a blockbuster deal to land more pieces they like)
2) Lakers - KAT (Lakers get their premier big of the future)
3) Sixers - Muddiay
4) Knicks - WCS
5) Magic - Okafor
6) Kings - Winslow

it could happen too...
View media item 1564223
Would be so p.o. if this happened :smh:
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If they trade Rubio it's to open up a spot for LaVine not to draft Russell. They need a 4 and that's where they're going.

I can see WCS developing int a solid player, better offensively than Tyson and Jordan, but I'm not taking him over Okafor or Mudiay. You're talking about 2 19 year olds who love the game with higher ceilings versus a 21 year old whose passion is questionable (although probably overblown). Okafor is going to be a special scorer, you don't pass that up.
this would make me Samuel L Jackson levels of angry...

1) Wolves - Russell (trade away Rubio in a blockbuster deal to land more pieces they like)
2) Lakers - KAT (Lakers get their premier big of the future)
3) Sixers - Muddiay
4) Knicks - WCS
5) Magic - Okafor
6) Kings - Winslow

it could happen too...
As I said before, Rubio could very well still be dealt even if Wolves go big, which I think they will. I dont think that Rubio rumors necessarily means they draft DLoading. Could all be a play to make the 6'6 Lavine their PG of the future. That is why I brought up the Caldern/THJR trade for Rubio yesterday, THJR would fit what they are trying to build, Calderon would give them a veteran presence at PG who would gladly take a reduced bench/leadership role, kind of like KG.
Everybody saying Jahlil extremely unathletic is crazy. Roy Hibbert is extremely unathletic not Jahlil. If he falls to the Knicks at 4 you take him
Didnt once call Jahil "extremely" unathletic or use any acronym of the word. Just pointed out that he isnt the most athletic dude, which hurts him as a shot blocker, and would keep us from being able to move him to the 4 alongside a rim protector at center. Jahil isnt athletic or versatile enough to play the 4, especially nowadays.
I honestly can't remember the last time a big man prospect panned out to their "potential". Asides from Anthony Davis, who has really been a franchise caliber big man to go in the lottery? Cousins is up there, but he went 5th I think.

This is a point guard driven league. I'm more comfortable with Russell or Mudiay to be honest. I have a feeling KAT is going to be a bust and Okafor is going to have a hard time staying in front of the bigger centers in the league. But what do I know? I'm not a professional scout.
I honestly can't remember the last time a big man prospect panned out to their "potential". Asides from Anthony Davis, who has really been a franchise caliber big man to go in the lottery? Cousins is up there, but he went 5th I think.

This is a point guard driven league. I'm more comfortable with Russell or Mudiay to be honest. I have a feeling KAT is going to be a bust and Okafor is going to have a hard time staying in front of the bigger centers in the league. But what do I know? I'm not a professional scout.
Gr8 goes missing for 2 weeks and people come in to recognize when he posts again

we just gunna ignore the fact that @nycknicks105  hasn't been here in like a year 

welcome back
To be honest, I think Towns and Okafor will be fine in the NBA. We are in a different era. Now young players can learn or train with best players during off-season.

Blake Griffin, Anthony Davis and Cousins became much stronger after they got an invitation from USA Basketball where they can learn from best players. No doubt that Towns and Okafor will get an invitation from USA Basketball one day. Andre Drummond became a better player after getting involved with USA Basketball.

I'd pick Okafor over WCS as well. Flip Saunders is very high on Okafor. Lakers even consider taking Okafor. That says a lot about Okafor.
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Everybody saying Jahlil extremely unathletic is crazy. Roy Hibbert is extremely unathletic not Jahlil. If he falls to the Knicks at 4 you take him


dont bring his name into this thread. hes also a scrub, so idk why you would even compare them.
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